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New & Noteworthy

This section features an annotated list of papers, organizations, initiatives, and other resources related to this issue’s theme of scaling impact.

(Spring 2010) Evaluation Exchange Article

White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation

HFRP describes the functions of the White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation, created by President Obama last year in response to the perceived lack of innovation and use of rigorous approaches to identifying “what works” in the nonprofit sector. The new office seeks to address the need to identify and scale up successful nonprofit initiatives.

Harvard Family Research Project (Spring 2010) Evaluation Exchange Article

Why Facebook Matters for Nonprofits

Katie Chun of HFRP discusses the growing momentum and collateral challenges of Facebook as the next major vehicle for nonprofits.

Katie Chun (Spring 2010) Evaluation Exchange Article

Current Issue - Scaling Impact

This issue of The Evaluation Exchange explores the promising practices and challenges associated with taking an enterprise to scale, along with the role that evaluation can and should play in that process. It is the second in our “hard-to-measure” series, which we inaugurated with our Spring 2007 issue on evaluating advocacy.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

Free. 24 Pages.

Six Steps to Successfully Scale Impact in the Nonprofit Sector

Erin Harris of HFRP reviews the literature on this topic and discusses how nonprofits can successfully scale up an intervention, thus expanding impact to reach larger populations.

Erin Harris (Spring 2010) Evaluation Exchange Article

Applying a Broader Concept of Scale to Evaluate a Funding Strategy

Erin Harris and Priscilla Little discuss how Harvard Family Research Project used a multidimensional concept of scale to evaluate The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Integrated Learning Cluster strategy.

Erin Harris , Priscilla Little (Spring 2010) Evaluation Exchange Article

Early Evaluation to Inform Expansion of a Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program

Roblyn Anderson Brigham and Jennifer Nahas discuss the implications of Brigham Nahas Research Associates’ evaluation of the Children’s Aid Society/Carrera Integrated School Model for expansion of the model to new school settings.

Roblyn Anderson Brigham , Jennifer Nahas (Spring 2010) Evaluation Exchange Article

The RALLY Program: Scaling an Inclusive Approach to Intervention and Prevention

Helen Janc Malone of HFRP describes an afterschool program’s strategy for scaling its services and the role of evaluation in the scaling process.

Helen Janc Malone (Spring 2010) Evaluation Exchange Article

Developmental Stages for Evaluating Scale

Sarah-Kathryn McDonald of the University of Chicago describes a conceptual model designed to demonstrate the role of evaluation in the scale-up process.

Sarah-Kathryn McDonald (Spring 2010) Evaluation Exchange Article

Save the Children’s Literacy Programs in Rural America: Evaluation That Informs Scale-Up

Elizabeth Reisner of Policy Studies Associates discusses how the learning gains of STC’s children’s literacy program relate to the program’s scaling process: evidence of participant learning influenced the growth and further development of the program positively and powerfully.

Elizabeth Reisner (Spring 2010) Evaluation Exchange Article

A Conversation with Mike Smith

Marshall “Mike” Smith, senior counselor to the Secretary and director of international affairs at the U.S. Department of Education, discusses why the idea of scale entered the education policy conversation, the challenges involved in taking an intervention to scale in new settings, and what evaluation strategies should accompany the process of going to scale.

Heather Weiss, Ed.D. , Helen Janc Malone (Spring 2010) Evaluation Exchange Article

Lessons from Evaluators’ Experiences with Scale

Heidi Rosenberg of HFRP and Helen Westmoreland of the Flamboyan Foundation spoke with three evaluators, who share lessons from their experiences in evaluating programs as they went to scale, to discover how evaluation can inform and assess scaling efforts.

Heidi Rosenberg , Helen Westmoreland (Spring 2010) Evaluation Exchange Article

The Five Meanings of Scale in Philanthropy

Peter Frumkin of the University of Texas at Austin describes the five primary ways in which funders define scale as it relates to nonprofits’ efforts to create a lasting and significant impact, and warns that strategic giving requires a nuanced stance grounded in a clear understanding of the many meanings—and limits—of scale.

Peter Frumkin (Spring 2010) Evaluation Exchange Article

Scaling Social Entrepreneurial Impact: The SCALERS Model

Paul Bloom and Aaron Chatterji of Duke University discuss their model for conceptualizing scaling impact for social entrepreneurs—individuals who start up and lead new organizations or programs to address social problems using change strategies that differ from those used in the past.

Paul N. Bloom , Aaron K. Chatterji (Spring 2010) Evaluation Exchange Article

New Releases on Benchmarking Electronic Communications

In 2007, The Evaluation Exchange (XIII, 1) featured the eNonprofit Benchmarks Study, a research effort that developed metrics to measure the effectiveness of nonprofit online advocacy and fundraising efforts. Katie Chun of HFRP describes recent releases from this effort and others that help nonprofits assess the success of their online and text-messaging strategies.

Katie Chun (Spring 2010) Evaluation Exchange Article

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to this issue's topic of Scaling Impact by Harvard Family Research Project Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D. (Spring 2010) Evaluation Exchange Article

Broadening the Perspective on Scale

Julia Coffman of HFRP and the Center for Evaluation Innovation describes four approaches to scale that differ on both what is scaled and how it is scaled.

Julia Coffman (Spring 2010) Evaluation Exchange Article

Spreading Our WINGS: Using Performance Data to Prepare for Scale-Up

Many nonprofits collect data to measure their impact. But as Ginny Deerin, CEO of WINGS for kids, describes, they can also mine a treasure trove of performance data to improve their program models even before they undergo the scaling process.

Ginny Deerin (Spring 2010) Evaluation Exchange Article

How to Develop a Logic Model for Districtwide Family Engagement Strategies

How to Develop a Logic Model for Districtwide Family Engagement Strategies, a tool from Harvard Family Research Project, guides school districts to create a logic model that can aid in planning, implementing, assessing, and communicating about their systemic family engagement efforts.

Helen Westmoreland , M. Elena Lopez, Heidi Rosenberg (November 2009) Tool for Evaluation

Free. Available online only.

A User's Guide to Advocacy Evaluation Planning

A User's Guide to Advocacy Evaluation Planning was developed for advocates, evaluators, and funders who want guidance on how to evaluate advocacy and policy change efforts. This tool takes users through four basic steps that generate the core elements of an advocacy evaluation plan, including what will be measured and how.

Julia Coffman (Fall 2009) Tool for Evaluation

Free. Available online only.

Data Collection Instruments for Evaluating Family Involvement

As evidence mounts that family involvement can support children's learning, there is an increasing call in the field for common data collection instruments to measure home–school communication and other aspects of family involvement. This resource from Harvard Family Research Project compiles instruments developed for rigorous program impact evaluations and tested for reliability.


Helen Westmoreland , Suzanne Bouffard, Kelley O'Carroll, Heidi Rosenberg (May 2009) Research Report

Preschool for California’s Children: Summary of 2003-2008 Evaluation Findings

This brief summarizes Harvard Family Research Project's evaluation findings about the Preschool for California's Children grantmaking program at its 5-year midpoint.

Julia Coffman , Heather Weiss, Priscilla M.D. Little, Erin Harris, Katie Chun (March 2009) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Research Update 3: Highlights From the Out-of-School Time Database

This publication explores how out-of-school time programs use evaluation to inform their programming and serve older youth and their families.

Erin Harris (September 2008) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Measurement Tools for Evaluating Out-of-School Time Programs: An Evaluation Resource

This Snapshot describes instruments used by current out-of-school time programs to evaluate their implementation and outcomes.

Christopher Wimer , Suzanne Bouffard, Priscilla M.D. Little, Claire Brown Goss (November 2005, updated August 2008) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

The Indiana State PIRC’s Collaborative Evaluation Process

Jerrell Cassady and Jackie Garvey illustrate how an ongoing, collaborative process between director and evaluator has informed and im-proved the Indiana State PIRC’s programs to support family involvement.

Jerrell C. Cassady, Ph.D. , Jackie Garvey (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project