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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Building the Future of Family Involvement

This double issue of The Evaluation Exchange examines the current state of and future directions for the family involvement field in research, policy, and practice. Featuring innovative initiatives, new evaluation approaches and findings, and interviews with field leaders, the issue is designed to spark conversation about where the field is today and where it needs to go in the future.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

Free. 40 Pages.

New & Noteworthy

This section features an annotated list of papers, organizations, initiatives, and other resources related to the issue’s theme.

(Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

Strengthening Family Ties

Sharon Hemphill and Holly Kreider describe how the Boys & Girls Clubs of America is implementing and evaluating an initiative that goes “beyond the walls” to support families in order to promote children’s success.

Sharon Hemphill , Holly Kreider, Ed.D. (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

After School Programs as an Oasis of Hope for Black Parents

Gerard Robinson discusses how and why low-income and working-class Black parents are involved in enrolling their children in after school programs.

Gerard Robinson (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

A City-Wide Effort to Support and Involve Families

Brenda Miller and Ginger Peacock Preston from the Jacksonville Children’s Commission describe how the city of Jacksonville, Florida, is integrating family involvement into a system of care for children and families.

Brenda Miller , Ginger Peacock Preston (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

Promoting Parent–School Relationships During the Transition to Kindergarten

Amy Schulting from Duke University explores the role of teacher outreach to families during the transition to kindergarten.

Amy B. Schulting, M.Ed., M.A. (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

After School Programs in the 21st Century: Their Potential and What it Takes to Achieve It

This research brief draws on seminal research and evaluation studies to address two primary questions: (a) Does participation in after school programs make a difference, and, if so (b) what conditions appear to be necessary to achieve positive results? The brief concludes with a set of questions to spur conversation about the evolving role of after school in efforts to expand time and opportunities for children and youth in the 21st century.

Priscilla M.D. Little , Christopher Wimer, Heather B. Weiss, Harvard Family Research Project (February 2008) Research Report

Free. 12 Pages.

Case Study of the First Year of Sports4Kids at the Ohrenberger Elementary School in Boston, Massachusetts: 2006-2007 School Year

Harvard Family Research Project completed a a case study evaluation of Sports4Kids, a school-based program that that provides opportunities for physical activity and safe, meaningful play at elementary schools. This study examined one program site in Boston, to provide data to test whether Sports4Kids was implemented as planned and achieved its intended outcomes. Data were collected through a variety of instruments, including observations, interviews, and surveys and from a variety of sources, including from teachers, the principal, students, and the program site coordinator.

Harvard Family Research Project (October 2007) Research Report

Research Update 2: Highlights from the OST Database

Synthesizes findings from the profiles of 13 research and evaluation reports added to the OST Program Research and Evaluation Database in August 2007.

Chris Wimer (August 2007) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Building Villages to Raise Our Children: Six Volume Set

This set of six volumes offers practical advice for establishing and managing a family support program.

Harvard Family Research Project (1993) Research Report

Hard copy out of stock.

Research Update 1: Highlights from the OST Database

This Research Update synthesizes findings from the profiles of 15 research and evaluation reports added to the Out-of-School Time Program Research and Evaluation Database in December 2006. It highlights strategies for assessing program processes as well as key outcomes and features of programs that promote positive outcomes.

Chris Wimer (April 2007) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Family Involvement Interventions: Shining the Spotlight on Evaluation (Symposium)

This panel symposium, held at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) in Chicago on April 10, 2007, followed up on HFRP's family involvement sessions at previous AERA meetings in 2005 and 2006. The 2007 symposium featured discussion regarding the evaluation of family involvement interventions

Heather Weiss , Pat Davenport, Chad Nye , Dana Petersen, Margaret Caspe, James Rodriguez (April 10, 2007) Conferences and Presentations

Pioneers in the Field: Four Foundations on Advocacy Evaluation

Representatives from four foundations discuss their expectations and approaches for assessing their advocacy and public policy grantmaking.

Astrid Hendricks-Smith , Barbara Masters, Jackie Williams Kaye, Thomas Kelly, Sheri Brady (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluation and InterAction

Ken Giunta and Todd Shelton of InterAction answer HFRP's questions about their approaches and ideas on evaluating advocacy.

Ken Giunta , Todd Shelton (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

Advocacy and Policy Change

This 32-page issue of The Evaluation Exchange describes new developments in evaluating advocacy and policy change efforts that attempt to inform or influence public policy at the local, state, or federal levels.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

Free. 32 Pages.

What does monitoring and evaluation look like for real-life advocates?

Stephanie Schaefer, codirector of research at Fight Crime: Invest in Kids—a national nonprofit, bipartisan organization of law enforcement leaders and violence survivors—describes how they use evaluation to inform their advocacy and demonstrate their impact.

Stephanie Schaefer (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating Nonprofit Advocacy Simply: An Oxymoron?

Marcia Egbert and Susan Hoechstetter offer nine principles to guide advocacy evaluation, based on a recent and groundbreaking Alliance for Justice tool on this topic.

Marcia Egbert , Susan Hoechstetter (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

Continuous Progress: Better Advocacy Through Evaluation

Edith Asibey and David Devlin-Foltz describe the new Continuous Progress website, which helps advocates and grantmakers collaboratively plan and evaluate advocacy efforts.

Edith Asibey , David Devlin-Foltz (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

A Guide to Measuring Advocacy and Policy

Organizational Research Services identifies outcomes associated with advocacy and policy work based on its new resource, A Guide to Measuring Advocacy and Policy.

Jane Reisman, Ph.D. , Anne Gienapp, Sarah Stachowiak (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

Using and Evaluating Social Media for Social Change

Allison H. Fine is a senior fellow at Demos, a network of action and ideas based in New York City. She writes and speaks on increasing civic participation by harnessing the power of digital technology. In 2006, she published her latest book, Momentum: Igniting Social Change in the Connected Age.

Allison H. Fine (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

The eNonprofit Benchmarks Study: Diving Into Email Metrics

Karen Matheson from M+R Strategic Services describes a recent study that helps nonprofits measure and interpret their online advocacy and fundraising success.

Karen Matheson (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

Constituency Building and Policy Work: Three Paradigms

Janice Hirota and Robin Jacobowitz describe three paradigms that show how constituency building and policy change efforts can work together to achieve sustainable and systemic reform.

Janice Hirota , Robin Jacobowitz (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the issue on Advocacy and Policy Change by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D. (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

An Emerging Framework for Assessing Nonprofit Networks

Based on their new handbook Net Gains, Madeleine Taylor and Peter Pastrik offer guidelines on how to evaluate nonprofit networks that are used to achieve social change goals.

Madeleine Taylor , Peter Pastrik (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

What's Different About Evaluating Advocacy and Policy Change?

Julia Coffman of HFRP describes four ways evaluators may need to adjust their approaches when evaluating advocacy and policy change.

Julia Coffman (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project