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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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What Is a Learning Approach to Evaluation?

Rosalie T. Torres, Ph.D. is Director of Research, Evaluation, and Organizational Learning at the Developmental Studies Center in Oakland, California. Her 24-year career in evaluation has focused on researching, teaching, writing about, and practicing a learning approach to evaluation.

Rosalie Torres, Ph.D. (Fall 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating Citizen Schools

Charlie Schlegel of Citizen Schools explains how their evaluation strategy successfully balances the need to determine program impact with the need for continuous improvement.

Charlie Schlegel (Fall 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the issue on Continuous Improvement by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D. (Fall 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

Beyond the Head Count: Evaluating Family Involvement in Out-of-School Time

This brief offers an overview of how out-of-school time programs can evaluate their family involvement strategies and practices. It draws on findings from our OST Evaluation Database, interviews, and email correspondence.

Margaret Caspe , Flora Traub, Priscilla M.D. Little (August 2002) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Evaluating Municipal Out-of-School Time Initiatives

To inform municipal leaders who are developing out-of-school time evaluations, HFRP scanned the city-level initiatives in its evaluation profiles database and prepared this short brief that describes the evaluation approaches, methods, and performance measures that some cities are using for evaluation.

Priscilla M. D. Little , Flora Traub (2002) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Culture Clash at Intermediate School #91

Disciplinary problems at an intermediate school in the Bronx are compounded by the lack of experienced teachers whose race and class backgrounds differ from their students'. When two students get into a fight, the new teachers seek solutions that sharply contrast with the norms of the students and their families. How can teachers come to understand the families and communities in which they teach?

Mary Katherine Moss (2002) Teaching Case

Free. Available online only.

Foundations and Multicultural Aspects of Parenting

This course focuses on developing competency in a variety of areas surrounding parenting education including the following: understanding of parental issues and concerns within diverse family systems, understanding the dimensions of parenting from birth to adolescence, family literacy, and knowledge of multicultural perspectives in parenting.

Leo Sandy (Summer 2002) Syllabus

Free. Available online only.

Teaching for the Commonwealth: Linking Schools With Communities

This course is taught at the Jane Addams School of Democracy as a summer institute for teachers. This field-based course will examine broad strategies to link schools with communities to improve access, expand the learning resources, and strengthen or create structures that make formal and informal learning contiguous. An attentiveness to neighborhood as “place” will include the history of St. Paul's West Side in Minnesota, discussion of the public work initiatives underway, and interaction with neighborhood resource people. Participants in the course will have opportunity to reflect on their teaching as vocation and the civic dimensions of teacher.

John Wallace , Nan Kari, Sara Carpenter (June 17, 2002) Syllabus

Free. Available online only.

Public Communication Campaign Evaluation: An Environmental Scan of Challenges, Criticisms, Practice, and Opportunities

This report presents what has been happening in the field of public communication campaign evaluation in recent years. It examines evaluation challenges, criticisms, and practice and includes sections on relevant theory, outcomes, and useful methods for designing evaluations. It ends with opportunities for the road ahead.

Julia Coffman (May 2002) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Concepts and Models of Family Involvement

This report identifies four conceptual dimensions of family involvement

Harvard Family Research Project (May 2002) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

School Community Leadership

This course will address the identification and utilization of community resources and the creation of family engagement partnerships, community linkages, and collaborative efforts to provide for the educational, cultural, health, lifelong learning, vocational, and out-of-school needs of students and citizens in a community.

Larry Decker (Spring 2002) Syllabus

Free. Available online only.

The Transition to Kindergarten: A Review of Current Research and Promising Practices to Involve Families

This brief offers a synthesis of findings based on a review of current research on the transition to kindergarten, especially the important role that families play in the transition. It focuses on promising transition practices and how schools can get involved in their implementation.

Marielle Bohan-Baker , Priscilla M.D. Little (April 2002) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Early Childhood Education

As we celebrate the Week of the Young Child, the FINE Forum presents some innovative ideas and practices in family involvement in early childhood education.

Harvard Family Research Project (Spring 2002) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Evaluation of 21st Century Community Learning Center Programs: A Guide for State Education Agencies

This brief offers an in-depth look at the 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) evaluation requirements (both performance measurement for accountability and program evaluation) and provides practical suggestions about how to implement 21st CCLC evaluation at the state and local level. It includes a checklist of issues to consider when designing state and local 21st CCLC evaluations.

Priscilla M. D. Little , Flora Traub, Karen Horsch (April 2002) Research Report

Hard copy out of stock. Available online only.

Evaluating Effect Sizes in the Policy Arena

Kathleen McCartney and Eric Dearing from the Harvard Graduate School of Education provide an overview on effect size and what it reveals about the effectiveness of family support programs.

Kathleen McCartney , Eric Dearing (Spring 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

How Can We Strengthen Family Support Research and Evaluation?

Carl Dunst, Co-Director of the Orelena Hawks Puckett Institute, urges getting beyond the question of “what works” toward a more detailed scrutiny of the relationship among family support principles, program practice, and family outcomes.

Carl J. Dunst, Ph.D. (Spring 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

Connecting Good Research and Ideas with Policymaking

Three experts in conducting Family Impact Seminars share their techniques for bringing research about families to legislators in a way that not only grabs their attention, but also supports policy change.

Karen Bogenschneider , Bettina Friese, Ph.D., Karla Balling (Spring 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

A Conversation with Michael Quinn Patton

Director of an organizational development consulting practice, professor, and author, Michael Quinn Patton reveals historical and emerging trends in evaluation practice.

Julia Coffman (Spring 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

Boston Parent Organizing Network (BPON)

The Boston Parent Organizing Network (BPON) mobilizes parents, local organizations, and communities to improve the quality of education in the Boston Public Schools.

Harvard Family Research Project (Spring 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

Family Support America: Supporting “Family Supportive” Evaluation

David Diehl of Family Support America outlines their top evaluation projects: compiling an online national database of family support programs and developing new ways to measure the effectiveness of family support programs.

David Diehl, Ph.D. (Spring 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

Strengthening Programs and Summative Evaluations Through Formative Evaluations

Two evaluators from SRI describe the benefits realized by the Parent Institute for Quality Education when they prefaced their summative evaluation with a formative evaluation.

Shari Golan, Ph.D. , Dana Petersen, M.A., M.P.H. (Spring 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

When Parents Assess Schools

M. Elena Lopez, from Harvard Family Research Project, discusses the role that data plays in helping parents assess, and then work to change, the performance of their children’s schools.

M. Elena Lopez (Spring 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

Participatory Action Research: Building Community Capacity Through Collaboration, Education, and Action

Priscilla Little, from Harvard Family Research Project, describes the implementation of the Milwaukee Participatory Action Research project and how it improved the evaluation and advocacy skills of all its participants.

Priscilla Little (Spring 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

Family Support

The Spring 2002 issue looks at family support evaluations and their role in moving the field forward. This issue features a conversation with Michael Quinn Patton about historical and emerging trends in evaluation practice, descriptions of national and local evaluations that are underway, a discussion of using “effect size” to measure program effectiveness, advice on how to bring family research to legislators' attention, a look at how data can help parents assess schools, and much more.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

Lessons From a Partnership Model Project

Kathe Johnson shares her experience from her work with the Women and Poverty Public Education Initiative, outlining four lessons she learned from this project, which connects professional academic and low-income women.

Kathe Johnson (Spring 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project