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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.
The FINE Newsletter shares the newest and best family involvement research and resources from HFRP and other field leaders. Visit our subscription center to receive the FINE Newsletter via email.
Click on a year to access additional issues; select a title to view the full newsletter.
This month's FINE Newsletter shares an article about how teachers can use family involvement storybooks to connect with families. The newsletter also includes links to additional information about family involvement storybooks and complementary learning, as well as to the Harvard Graduate School of Education's Usable Knowledge website. In addition, the newsletter provides information about other family involvement resources, including models and approaches, articles, conferences, and a professional development opportunity.
November 2006This month's FINE Newsletter announces a new research digest on parent involvement in elementary school and shares conference presentations on family involvement research and practice. The newsletter also includes links to other HFRP resources, including a new issue of The Evaluation Exchange and an Issues and Opportunities in Out-of-School Time Evaluation brief. In addition, the newsletter provides links to other family involvement resources, including testimony from Congressional hearings about early childhood education, a tool kit, books, reports, news clips, a workshop, and an upcoming webcast.
October 2006
This month's FINE Newsletter announces a new practitioner-friendly research brief that examines how family-strengthening interventions can positively impact families and children. The newsletter links to other resources, including a professional development opportunity at Harvard Graduate School of Education, as well as there research briefs, two toolkits, articles, reports, and information about upcoming conferences.
September 2006This month's FINE Newsletter welcomes you back to school with a professional development opportunity at Harvard Graduate School of Education called Closing the Achievement Gap: Linking Families, Schools, and Communities. The newsletter links to other HFRP resources, including research about the impact of family involvement on early childhood education, materials from three recent symposia and findings from a study on out-of-school time participation. Also included in this month's newsletter are links to reports, conferences, policy documents, audio resources, and a tool kit.
June 2006This month's FINE Newsletter announces the first in its series of evidence-based research briefs on family involvement in education and issues two calls to FINE members for participation. The newsletter also includes links to other HFRP resources, including an Out-of-School Time Evaluation Snapshot and a summit on middle school after school programs, and information about the Harvard Graduate School of Education's Programs in Professional Development. In addition, the newsletter provides links to other family involvement resources, including several reports and a tool kit.
May 2006This month's FINE Newsletter offers a roundup of resources relating to early childhood education, including a biography of early childhood education research from 1999–2005. In addition, FINE announces HFRP's Out-of-School Time Bibliography updates and research brief on youth participation in out-of-school time. The newsletter also includes links to recent reports on early childhood education, a workshop on family involvement in early childhood education, and a conference.
April 2006This month's FINE Newsletter announces a Parental Information Resource Center (PIRC) grant opportunity and shares tips for applicants. Also included in the newsletter are several new HFRP resources, including a FINE research digest about the links between parental involvement and student achievement, a FINE member insight regarding the question of teachers “grading” parents, and a new research brief on the connection between family involvement and school success. As usual, the newsletter also includes Web links to many family involvement resources, including three reports, two websites, and two upcoming conferences.
March 2006This month's FINE Newsletter shares a bibliography of family involvement research published in 2005. Also included in the newsletter are several new HFRP resources, including a new issue of The Evaluation Exchange, the Focus on Families! guide to engaging families in out-of-school time, and a Snapshot on technology in out-of-school time programs. As usual, the newsletter also includes Web links to many family involvement resources, including two new books, several reports and articles, a summary of parent involvement legislation, and upcoming events.
February 2006This month's FINE Newsletter has added two new research digests, Family Support Services Promote School Readiness and Mothering the Mind and Soul: African American Mothers' Beliefs and Practices to Ensure Academic and Social Success for Their Daughters in High School. The newsletter also includes links to reports on the role of parents in Head Start and other early childhood programs and a tool kit on supporting children's school readiness, as well as research about school–community partnerships and family involvement in comprehensive school reform models.
January 2006This month's FINE Newsletter offers a roundup of resources relating to leadership, advocacy, and community organizing. In addition, FINE introduces HFRP's new complementary learning concept and shares a new section in the Resource area of the FINE website, the Family Involvement Storybook Corner. The newsletter also includes links to many other family involvement resources on the Web, such as reports and articles, a policy platform, syllabi, and upcoming events.
© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project