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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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The FINE Newsletter shares the newest and best family involvement research and resources from HFRP and other field leaders. Visit our subscription center to receive the FINE Newsletter via email.

Click on a year to access additional issues; select a title to view the full newsletter.

December 2004
December FINE Newsletter: New Family Involvement Research and More

This month's FINE Newsletter announces both new and updated resources: a new digest of current research on engaging parents in a public urban high school, an update of research on an after school and summer literacy program, a member insight on whether schools are doing enough to learn about families, and a case study of Families and School Together has been updated with an appendix about evaluation of the program. As usual, this month's newsletter also has links to many other new family involvement resources on the Web, including books, reports, an evaluation on parent intervention, and upcoming events.

November 2004
November FINE Newsletter: New Family Involvement Research and Syllabi

This month's FINE Newsletter releases five new resources: a research report on the effects of parent engagement on student outcomes, a research report on preparing teachers to engage parents, a digest of current research on the effect of educational programs on Latino parent involvement, a course syllabus on families, schools, and community resources, and a syllabus on family and school partnerships for academic success. As usual, this month's newsletter also has links to many other new family involvement resources on the Web, including reports, toolkits, policy information, websites, and upcoming events.

October 2004
October FINE Newsletter: New Family Involvement Research and Bibliography

This month's FINE Newsletter releases a new research review, Parental Involvement in Homework: A Review of Current Research and Its Implications for Teachers, After School Program Staff, and Parent Leaders, as well as a new bibliography of research published in 2004 pertaining to family involvement in education. FINE also announces two new research digests: Math Teachers' Use of Class Websites to Support Parent Involvement and Parent Involvement and the Social and Academic Competencies of Urban Kindergarten Children. As usual, this month's newsletter also has links to many other new family involvement resources on the Web, including reports, books, papers, journal articles, websites, evaluation and training resources, and upcoming events.

September 2004
Sept FINE Newsletter: New Bibliography and Family Involvement Research

The month's FINE Newsletter announcements resume after a summer hiatus with a new bibliography of family involvement publications related to adolescence and two digests of current research: The Role of the Family in the Educational Experiences of Second-Generation Chinese Americans and Adolescence: Are Parents Relevant to Students' High School Achievement and Post-Secondary Attainment? As usual, this month's newsletter also has links to many other new family involvement resources on the Web, including reports, books, papers, journal articles, websites, public opinion and evaluation resources, toolkits, upcoming events, and a funding source.

June 2004
June FINE Newsletter: New Edition of FINE Forum on Social Capital

This month's FINE Newsletter releases the Spring 2004 issue of the FINE Forum e-newsletter. This issue explores social capital, featuring several examples of how connections among family, school, and community can enrich children's learning and social development opportunities. As usual, this month's FINE newsletter also has links to many other new family involvement resources on the Web, including reports, journal articles, resources on policy, public opinion, and evaluation, toolkits, and an upcoming event.

May 2004
May FINE Newsletter: Digests of Current Research and Course Syllabus

This month's FINE Newsletter announces three new family involvement resources: digests of current research on African-American and Chinese-American parent involvement and on a school-based writing workshop for parents, and the syllabus from a graduate course on social, economic, and political organizing. As usual, this month's FINE newsletter also has links to many other new family involvement resources on the Web, including recent reports and articles, journal articles, evaluation resources, and a toolkit.

April 2004
April FINE Newsletter: Bibliography, Member Insight, and Teaching Case

This month's FINE Newsletter announces three new resources: the early childhood education bibliography has been updated to cover the past two years, a new member insight by early childhood education experts, and a new teaching case on parents helping their children with math homework. As usual, this month's FINE newsletter also has links to many other new family involvement resources on the Web, including early childhood education resources, an evaluation publication, recent books, journal articles, surveys, toolkits, a website, and upcoming events.

March 2004
March FINE Newsletter: 2003 Family Involvement Research Bibliography

This month's FINE Newsletter has updated its midyear 2003 family involvement research bibliography to cover all of 2003. As usual, this month's FINE newsletter also has links to many other new family involvement resources on the Web, including recent books, reports, articles, surveys, and resources.

February 2004
February FINE Newsletter: New Research, Member Insight and More

This month's FINE Newsletter offers a digest of current research comparing Japan versus U.S. mother-child reading practices. Also new is a Member Insight about an evaluation of a school-family-community partnership program. As usual, this month's FINE newsletter also has links to many other new family involvement resources on the Web, including recent reports, program models, a policy update, and upcoming events.

January 2004
January FINE Newsletter: New Publication, Research Digest and More

This month's FINE Newsletter has added a few new resources to its website: a publication that describes a model for increasing opportunities for minority youth, a research digest that summarizes three studies that explore how university-school research partnerships can strengthen parent-teacher relations, and a member insight on ways to empower Latino parents to advocate for their children in schools. As usual, this month's FINE newsletter also has links to many other new family involvement resources on the Web, including recent reports, program models, a policy update, and upcoming events.

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project