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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Aiming for Accountability: Minnesota

Efforts include Minnesota Milestones, Children's Services Report Card, Performance Reporting, and Family Services and Children's Mental Health Collaboratives.

Karen Horsch , Priscilla M. D. Little, and Diane Schilder (1998) Research Report

Aiming for Accountability: North Carolina

Efforts include the state's performance/program budgeting system, the Department of Health and Human Services, and Smart Start.

Karen Horsch , Priscilla M. D. Little, and Diane Schilder (1998) Research Report

Aiming for Accountability: Ohio

Efforts include Ohio Family and Children First, Early Start, the Wellness Block Grant, and the Family Stability Incentive Fund.

Karen Horsch , Priscilla M. D. Little, and Diane Schilder (1998) Research Report

Aiming for Accountability: Oregon

Efforts include Oregon Benchmarks, the Oregon Commission on Children and Families, the Oregon Option, and the Community Partnership Team.

Karen Horsch , Priscilla M. D. Little, and Diane Schilder (1998) Research Report

Aiming for Accountability: Vermont

Efforts include the State Team for Children and Families, Success by Six, and the Department of Education.

Karen Horsch , Priscilla M. D. Little, and Diane Schilder (1998) Research Report

Evaluation Options for Family Resource Centers

This report examines different evaluation designs and their respective strengths and limitations. Using a realistic prototype of a child and family resource center, the authors present three alternative plans for evaluation.

Karen Horsch , Heather B. Weiss (1998) Research Report

Family, School, and Community Connections Symposium: New Directions for Research, Practice, and Evaluation

We teamed up with the National Center for Family and Community Connections with Schools at the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL) to present this 1-day Family, School, and Community Connections Symposium: New Directions for Research, Practice, and Evaluation.

Cathy Jordan , Mary Grassa O'Neill, Heather Weiss (December 2, 2004) Conferences and Presentations

Focus on Families! How to Build and Support Family-Centered Practices in After School

This comprehensive, easy-to-read guide to understanding how to engage families in after school programs is a critical resource for after school providers looking to create or expand an existing family engagement program. It offers a research base for why family engagement matters, concrete program strategies for engaging families, case studies of promising family engagement efforts, and an evaluation tool for improving family engagement practices.

Zenub Kakli , Holly Kreider, Priscilla Little, Tania Buck, Maryellen Coffrey (February 2006) Research Report

Family Strengthening Interventions: Evidence-Based Practices

The purpose of this class is to provide professional skills that will help students to select, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of evidence-based family strengthening interventions. Students will increase their knowledge, skills, and expertise in the most up-to-date information on effective family strengthening interventions in their area of primary interest.

Karol Kumpfer (Spring 2006) Syllabus

Moving Beyond the Barriers: Attracting and Sustaining Youth Participation in Out-of-School Time Programs

This brief culls information from several implementation and impact evaluations of out-of-school time programs to develop a set of promising strategies to attract and sustain youth participation in the programs.

Sherri Lauver , Priscilla M.D. Little, Heather B. Weiss (July 2004) Research Report

Evaluation of 21st Century Community Learning Center Programs: A Guide for State Education Agencies

This brief offers an in-depth look at the 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) evaluation requirements (both performance measurement for accountability and program evaluation) and provides practical suggestions about how to implement 21st CCLC evaluation at the state and local level. It includes a checklist of issues to consider when designing state and local 21st CCLC evaluations.

Priscilla M. D. Little , Flora Traub, Karen Horsch (April 2002) Research Report

Documenting Progress and Demonstrating Results: Evaluating Local Out-of-School Time Programs

A collaboration with the Finance Project, this brief provides practitioners of local out-of-school time programs with techniques, tools, and strategies for improving their program and tracking their effectiveness over time.

Priscilla M. D. Little , Sharon DuPree, Sharon Deich (September 2002) Research Report

Beyond School Hours VIII Annual Conference

Priscilla Little presented the workshop Learning What Works: An Evaluation Overview, providing an overview of what we know about after school evaluation. It examines how programs are collecting meaningful data for accountability and program improvement and what they are finding.

Priscilla M. D. Little (February 16, 2005) Conferences and Presentations

A Review of Out-of-School Time Program Quasi-Experimental and Experimental Evaluation Results

This Snapshot provides an overview of what the quasi-experimental and experimental evaluations in the HFRP's OST Database reveal about the impact of out-of-school time programs on an array of academic, prevention, and youth development outcomes. It also includes a resource list of other out-of-school time evaluation reviews and related evaluation information.

Priscilla M. D. Little , Erin Harris (July 2003) Research Report

21st Century Community Learning Centers Summer Institute

This workshop, Redefining After School Programs to Support Student Achievement, provides an overview of current evaluation research, describes elements of effective after school programs, and discusses a theory of change approach to designing and implementing effective after school programs.

Priscilla M. D. Little (July 27, 2004) Conferences and Presentations

After School Programs in the 21st Century: Their Potential and What it Takes to Achieve It

This research brief draws on seminal research and evaluation studies to address two primary questions: (a) Does participation in after school programs make a difference, and, if so (b) what conditions appear to be necessary to achieve positive results? The brief concludes with a set of questions to spur conversation about the evolving role of after school in efforts to expand time and opportunities for children and youth in the 21st century.

Priscilla M.D. Little , Christopher Wimer, Heather B. Weiss, Harvard Family Research Project (February 2008) Research Report

Performance Measures in Out-of-School Time Evaluation

This Snapshot outlines the academic, youth development, and prevention performance measures currently being used by out-of-school time programs to assess their progress, and the corresponding data sources for these measures.

Priscilla M. D. Little , Erin Harris, Suzanne Bouffard (March 2004) Research Report

Engaging Adolescents in Out-of-School Time Programs: Learning What Works

This article examines both the incentives and barriers that affect adolescents' participation in out-of-school time programs.

Priscilla M. D. Little , Sherri Lauver (2005) Research Report

Selected Evaluation Terms

This resource provides definitions of evaluation terminology frequently used in the out-of-school time field. It also provides answers to frequently asked evaluation questions.

Priscilla M. D. Little (2002) Research Report

Evaluating Municipal Out-of-School Time Initiatives

To inform municipal leaders who are developing out-of-school time evaluations, HFRP scanned the city-level initiatives in its evaluation profiles database and prepared this short brief that describes the evaluation approaches, methods, and performance measures that some cities are using for evaluation.

Priscilla M. D. Little , Flora Traub (2002) Research Report

Four Important Things Research Tells Us About the Transition to School

The transition to school is a process—not just a one-time event—and begins during children’s preschool years and continues into and on through the early elementary grades. Find out four important things research tells us about the transition.

Margaret Caspe, M. Elena Lopez, and Chalatwan Chattrabhuti (March 19, 2015) Research Report

Evaluating Education Reform: Early Childhood Education

Over the past three decades, an enormous body of research literature has been amassed on early childhood education, parent education, and family support programs. This review summarizes these three areas of research and reports on relevant research in progress.

Anne Mitchell , Heather Weiss, Tom Schultz (1992) Research Report

A Strong Start for Family Engagement in Massachusetts

Through its Race to the Top–Early Learning Challenge funds, Massachusetts has created strategic partnerships with museums and libraries, public television, family and community programs, community nonprofits, and public transportation to build a robust and growing statewide family engagement system.

Nathan Driskell (December 11, 2014) Research Report

Embracing the Use of Data for Continuous Program Improvement

In this Commentary, Harvard Family Research Project’s Heidi Rosenberg discusses how continuous improvement processes can strengthen family engagement strategies, and outlines the mindset and key practices that organizations need to adopt in order to use data to understand and improve upon their work.

Heidi Rosenberg (September 17, 2013) Research Report

Strategic Planning Process: Steps in Developing Strategic Plans

This brief provides an overview of the strategic planning process, an essential first step in the development of a results-based accountability system.

Diane Schilder (1997) Research Report

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project