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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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New & Noteworthy

The New & Noteworthy section features an annotated list of papers, organizations, initiatives, and other resources related to this issue's theme of Out-of School Time.

Harvard Family Research Project (Spring 2001) Evaluation Exchange Article

Beyond Basic Training

Harvard Family Research Project provides information on initiatives in Texas, California, and Massachusetts.

Harvard Family Research Project (Spring 2001) Evaluation Exchange Article

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the second issue on Out-of-School Time by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D. (Spring 2001) Evaluation Exchange Article

Supporting Effective After School Programs: The Contribution of Developmental Research

Jacquelynne Eccles, Professor at the University of Michigan, shares her thoughts about the contribution of developmental research to the after school conversation and the need for an infrastructure to support this.

Jacqueline Eccles (Spring 2001) Evaluation Exchange Article

CORAL: A Multi-Site Initiative to Improve Academic Achievement and Build Community Capacity

Kathleen Hebbeler of SRI International describes the evaluation of CORAL, which seeks to help communities view academic achievement as the shared responsibility of multiple sectors of the community.

Kathleen Hebbeler (Spring 2001) Evaluation Exchange Article

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the issue on Strategic Communications by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D. (Winter 2001) Evaluation Exchange Article

Pitching Policy Change

Marielle Bohan-Baker, from Harvard Family Research Project, presents some of the challenges voiced by communications experts in interviews about the use and evaluation of mass media initiatives.

Marielle Bohan-Baker (Winter 2001) Evaluation Exchange Article

Coming of Age in the Information Age

Jacqueline Dugery of the Pew Partnership for Civic Change offers some innovative ways to build on organizational learning to engage in strategic communications campaigns.

Jacqueline Dugery (Winter 2001) Evaluation Exchange Article

Engaging the Media as Partners in Teen Pregnancy Prevention

Sarah Brown, Director of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, describes the unique way in which the Campaign has enlisted the support of “unusual suspects” in its efforts to improve child well-being and reduce child poverty.

Sarah Brown (Winter 2001) Evaluation Exchange Article

KIDS COUNT Self-Assessment: Bridging Evaluation With Strategic Communication of Data on Children & Families

Deborah Morgan of KIDS COUNT describes how the initiative used an integrated self-assessment evaluation design to incorporate strategic communications into its long-term vision to improve child well-being.

Deborah L. Morgan (Winter 2001) Evaluation Exchange Article

Covering Kids: Outcome Evaluation Proves Campaign Value

HFRP offers the Covering Kids strategic communications campaign as an example of how a strategic communications campaign can be strengthened by using a research and evaluation framework.

Harvard Family Research Project (Winter 2001) Evaluation Exchange Article

Strategic Communications

The Winter 2001 issue focuses on the increasing importance of strategic communications in nonprofits, examining how to best create, produce, and evaluate communications strategies. The issue features communications campaigns and their evaluations, a conversation with a top communications professional, and information and resources for designing and evaluating strategic communications initiatives.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

A Conversation With Susan Nall Bales

Susan Bales, President of the FrameWorks Institute, explains strategic frame analysis, a new approach to communications research and practice that she and her colleagues at the Institute were instrumental in developing.

Marielle Bohan-Baker (Winter 2001) Evaluation Exchange Article

The Media: A Tool for Change?

Taj James gives examples of how, through the activities of Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth, young people were empowered to use the media to achieve their organizing goals.

Taj James (Winter 2001) Evaluation Exchange Article

Challenging the Norm in Welfare Reform Reporting

Danielle Hollar and Julia Coffman of HFRP reveals the results of HFRP's review of the ethnic media's coverage of welfare reform and how it suggests the messages can be framed for a greater effect.

Danielle Hollar , Julia Coffman (Winter 2001) Evaluation Exchange Article

The ABCs of Strategic Communications

This article details the process of designing a plan for strategic communications as discussed in The Jossey-Bass Guide to Strategic Communications for Nonprofits, written by Kathy Bonk, Henry Griggs and Emily Tynes, 1999.

Harvard Family Research Project (Winter 2001) Evaluation Exchange Article

Ask the Expert

HFRP asked two experts, Karen Lake, Director of Communications for the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and Grant Oliphant, Director of Planning and Communications for the Heinz Endowments, to address the role of strategic communications in philanthropy today.

Harvard Family Research Project (Winter 2001) Evaluation Exchange Article

New & Noteworthy

The New & Noteworthy section features an annotated list of papers, organizations, initiatives, and other resources related to the issue's theme of Strategic Communications.

Harvard Family Research Project (Winter 2001) Evaluation Exchange Article

New & Noteworthy

The New & Noteworthy section features an annotated list of papers, organizations, initiatives, and other resources related to the issue's theme of Out-of-School Time.

Harvard Family Research Project (Fall 2000) Evaluation Exchange Article

Out-of-School Time Issue #1

The Fall 2000 issue, the first of a series of two dedicated to the field of out-of-school time and after school, addresses the challenges and possibilities for evaluating after school programs in the new era of accountability. The issue includes an interview with National Institute on Out-of-School Time founder Michelle Seligson, articles relating on-the-ground experiences with evaluation, and our new column, “Ask the Expert.”

Evaluation Exchange Issue

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the first issue on Out-of-School Time by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather Weiss, Ed.D. (Fall 2000) Evaluation Exchange Article

Investing in Those Who Invest in our Youth

Linda Lausell Bryant, Director of Training at Partnership for After School Education, describes their New York City-based coalition committed to quality after school programs.

Linda Lausell Bryant (Fall 2000) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluations to Watch

HFRP provides a quick run-down of 12 current out-of-school time program evaluations.

Harvard Family Research Project (Fall 2000) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building the After School Field: A Conversation With Evaluators, Policymakers, and Practitioners

Karen Horsch and Kathleen Hart of HFRP summarize HFRP's conversations with after school evaluators, researchers, and stakeholders to map the out-of-school time field.

Karen Horsch , Kathleen Hart (Fall 2000) Evaluation Exchange Article

Reflections on Access and Equity Implications for After School Program Evaluations

Laurie Olsen, Executive Director California Tomorrow, highlights the importance of addressing issues of access and equity in the evaluation of after school programs.

Laurie Olsen (Fall 2000) Evaluation Exchange Article

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project