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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Learning for All: The Value of Field Experience in Training a New Generation of Program Evaluators

Field experience in evaluation inquiry is a promising approach to preparing the next generation of evaluators. Learn what one group of student consultants and organizations did to make a field experience in evaluative inquiry a positive one.

Carolina Buitrago with Sunindiya Bhalla, Nomi Davidson, Sarah Davila, Anairis Hinojosa, Babe Liberman, and Katie Tosh (December 3, 2015) Research Report

Explore: Resources to Strengthen Program Evaluation

Interested in developing a logic model, learning more about improvement science, or advancing your program evaluation? This guide offers valuable resources practitioners can utilize to strengthen their evaluative work and develop more productive relationships with evaluators.

Harvard Family Research Project (November 19, 2015) Research Report

Framing Program Evaluation: Why We Should Tinker With Theories of Change and Logic Models

While evaluation needs may vary, all organizations can benefit from utilizing theory-based evaluation tools to frame evaluation efforts. This article explores how three organizations developed their program’s theory of change and logic model.

Carolina Buitrago (November 19, 2015) Research Report

Course Syllabus for Learning From Practice: Evaluation and Improvement Science

Learn how this course explores a variety of approaches to program evaluation through the readings and assignments outlined in this course syllabus designed by Candice Bocala, adjunct lecturer at Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Harvard Family Research Project (November 12, 2015) Research Report

Why We Need to Slow Down When It Comes to Evaluation

Read about lessons HFRP has learned from supporting evaluation efforts in the field. This commentary highlights the value of investing time to carefully consider the theory behind a program for evaluation to yield usable and actionable information.

Carolina Buitrago (November 12, 2015) Research Report

Insights From Teaching a Graduate Evaluation and Improvement Science Course

In teaching Learning From Practice: Evaluation and Improvement Science at Harvard Graduate School of Education, Candice Bocala creates ample opportunities for students and partner organizations to work together as they explore the complexities of program evaluation. Discover the three insights Bocala has learned about program evaluation along the way.

Candice Bocala (November 12, 2015) Research Report

Building Villages to Raise Our Children: Six Volume Set

This set of six volumes offers practical advice for establishing and managing a family support program.

Harvard Family Research Project (1993) Research Report

Discovery Youth: A Museum-Based Program Connecting Youth With Community

Jessica Intrator from the Children's Discovery Museum describes a program that connects youth with a community institution to promote technology skills, health awareness, and positive social and academic outcomes.

Jessica Intrator (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building Connections Between After School Programs and the Business Community

Andy Muñoz of City Year and Glenn Zaccara of T-Mobile talk about how their organizations link OST programs, businesses, and communities to support quality programming for youth.

Andy Munoz (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the issue on Building and Evaluating Out-of-School-Time Connections by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D. (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Using Quality Assessment Tools to Evaluate OST Linkages

Helen Westmoreland from HFRP discusses how OST programs are using quality assessment tools to evaluate and promote linkages with families, schools, and communities.

Helen Westmoreland (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building and Evaluating Out-of-School Time Connections

Suzanne Bouffard, Priscilla Little, and Heather Weiss build a research-based case that a network of supports, with out-of-school time programs as a key component, are critical to positive learning and developmental outcomes for children and youth.

Suzanne Bouffard , Priscilla Little, Heather Weiss (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building a Road Map for OST Collaborations

Dishon Mills from the Boston Public Schools describes a new quality assessment tool that is designed to engage and facilitate collaboration among OST programs, schools, and families.

Dishon Mills (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

It's Never Too Early: Promoting College Prep in Middle School After School Programs

Lucy Friedman describes how a collaborative after school initiative links with universities and families to promote college and career preparation among middle school youth.

Lucy Friedman (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

After School Programs for High School Students: Launching the Evaluation of After School Matters

Barton Hirsch and Larry Hedges present their innovative design for evaluating After School Matters, a Chicago initiative that draws on connections with community members, businesses, and schools.

Barton Hirsch , Larry Hedges (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

The Posse Foundation: Moving Beyond Test Scores to Identify High-Potential Youth

Rassan Salandy of the Posse Foundation explains how one after school program works with universities and businesses to prepare high school students for success in college and beyond.

Rassan Salandy (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

An Impact Evaluation of Academic Instruction for After School Programs

Alison Black and Fred Doolittle from MDRC describe the evaluation of an enhanced academic instruction approach for after school programs.

Alison Black , Fred Doolittle (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Connecting Latino Families With Out-of-School Time Opportunities

Nathaniel Riggs describes the implementation and evaluation of the Generación Diez program, which connects Latino families with after school programming, social services, and the school community.

Nathaniel Riggs (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating Partners for Student Success

Jennifer Maltby from Boston After School & Beyond describes the evaluation design and goals of the Partners for Student Success initiative.

Jennifer Maltby (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating BEST Fit: A Program to Promote Child and Family Health After School

Jim Sass and Craig Blumenthal from LA's BEST describe how the BEST Fit initiative links with multiple organizations to support child and family health.

Jim Sass , Craig Blumenthal (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Parenting Behaviors and Adolescent OST Participation

Harvard Family Research Project discusses the connection between parents' behavior and adolescents' participation in out-of-school time activities.

Suzanne Bouffard , Sandra Simpkins-Chaput, Carrie-Anne DeDeo (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Measuring Change: Out-of-School Time Programs and School Culture

Holly Morehouse describes how out-of-school time programs connected to the school day transformed one district's school culture.

Holly Morehouse (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Mayor's Time in Detroit: A Citywide System for After School

Linda Lee explains how foundations, local and state governments, schools, and other entities have formed a multimember collaboration to support the Mayor's Time after school initiative.

Linda Lee (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

An Emerging Assessment of College Preparation, Media, and Arts Programs

Karen Walking Eagle, Sebastian Castrechini, and Monica Mielke from Policy Studies Associates preview a new assessment of programs that connect youth with multiple out-of-school supports to promote future success.

Karen Walking Eagle , Sebastian Castrechini, Monica Mielke (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Community Service by and for Youth: Supporting OST Programs in Seattle

City Year staff member Erika Rasmussen describes how City Year Seattle/King County works with the local school district and with community organizations to offer high-quality OST programming.

Erika Rasmussen (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project