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Seven Takeaways About the Future of Family Involvement

HFRP summarizes key observations raised in this issue of The Evaluation Exchange. Based on findings from research and evaluation, these themes highlight what the field needs to know and do to move family involvement forward in policy and practice.

(Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building Family Involvement Through a Targeted District Approach

Marianne Kirner and Matt Storeygard explain how the Connecticut State PIRC is implementing and evaluating an effort to promote family involvement at the school district level.

Marianne Kirner, Ph.D. , Matt Storeygard (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

Reaching More Parents Through a Complementary Learning Approach

Lisa St. Clair and Barbara Jackson describe how the Nebraska State PIRC connects with 21st Century Community Learning Centers to foster family involvement.

Lisa St. Clair, Ed.D. , Barbara Jackson, Ph.D. (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

Empowering Parents to Improve Education: Evidence from Rural Mexico

Paul Gertler, Harry Patrinos, and Marta Rubio-Codina summarize a study on the outcomes associated with a school-based management intervention in Mexico.

Paul J. Gertler , Harry Anthony Patrinos, Marta Rubio-Codina (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building the Field

HFRP talks with five leaders in the family involvement arena about the current state of the field and promising areas for its future.

Margaret Caspe, Ph.D. (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

A Conversation With Rudy Crew

Rudy Crew, Superintendent of the Miami-Dade County Public Schools, talks about his book, Only Connect, and his efforts to close the achievement gap in Miami-Dade County.

Suzanne Bouffard, Ph.D. (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

Parents as Educational Leaders

Bruce Wilson and Dick Corbett describe an evaluation of Kentucky’s Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leadership.

Bruce Wilson , Dick Corbett (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

Supporting Family Engagement Through District-Level Partnerships

Mavis Sanders from Johns Hopkins University looks at how school districts can promote family–school partnerships by collaborating with community based organizations.

Mavis G. Sanders, Ph.D. (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

Upcoming Evaluations

HFRP takes a look at upcoming family involvement and complementary learning evaluations.

Steven LaFrance , Gaylon Parsons, Jenny Ocon, M.S.W., Carol Welsh Gray, Karen A. Guskin, Ph.D., Mark Warren, Ph.D. (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

After School Programs as an Oasis of Hope for Black Parents

Gerard Robinson discusses how and why low-income and working-class Black parents are involved in enrolling their children in after school programs.

Gerard Robinson (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building the Future of Family Involvement

This double issue of The Evaluation Exchange examines the current state of and future directions for the family involvement field in research, policy, and practice. Featuring innovative initiatives, new evaluation approaches and findings, and interviews with field leaders, the issue is designed to spark conversation about where the field is today and where it needs to go in the future.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

A City-Wide Effort to Support and Involve Families

Brenda Miller and Ginger Peacock Preston from the Jacksonville Children’s Commission describe how the city of Jacksonville, Florida, is integrating family involvement into a system of care for children and families.

Brenda Miller , Ginger Peacock Preston (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

Strengthening Family Ties

Sharon Hemphill and Holly Kreider describe how the Boys & Girls Clubs of America is implementing and evaluating an initiative that goes “beyond the walls” to support families in order to promote children’s success.

Sharon Hemphill , Holly Kreider, Ed.D. (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

Promoting Parent–School Relationships During the Transition to Kindergarten

Amy Schulting from Duke University explores the role of teacher outreach to families during the transition to kindergarten.

Amy B. Schulting, M.Ed., M.A. (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building Villages to Raise Our Children: Six Volume Set

This set of six volumes offers practical advice for establishing and managing a family support program.

Harvard Family Research Project (1993) Research Report

Family Involvement Interventions: Shining the Spotlight on Evaluation (Symposium)

This panel symposium, held at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) in Chicago on April 10, 2007, followed up on HFRP's family involvement sessions at previous AERA meetings in 2005 and 2006. The 2007 symposium featured discussion regarding the evaluation of family involvement interventions

Heather Weiss , Pat Davenport, Chad Nye , Dana Petersen, Margaret Caspe, James Rodriguez (April 10, 2007) Conferences and Presentations

Lessons From Family-Strengthening Interventions: Learning From Evidence-Based Practice

Examine how effective family-strengthening interventions can positively impact families and children in this practitioner-friendly brief from Harvard Family Research Project. Lessons From Family-Strengthening Interventions: Learning From Evidence-Based Practice is based on our review of interventions that have been rigorously evaluated through experimental and quasi-experimental studies. We offer educators, service providers, and evaluators recommendations for creating successful programs and evaluations.

Margaret Caspe , M. Elena Lopez (October 2006) Research Report

Discovery Youth: A Museum-Based Program Connecting Youth With Community

Jessica Intrator from the Children's Discovery Museum describes a program that connects youth with a community institution to promote technology skills, health awareness, and positive social and academic outcomes.

Jessica Intrator (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Connecting Latino Families With Out-of-School Time Opportunities

Nathaniel Riggs describes the implementation and evaluation of the Generación Diez program, which connects Latino families with after school programming, social services, and the school community.

Nathaniel Riggs (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating BEST Fit: A Program to Promote Child and Family Health After School

Jim Sass and Craig Blumenthal from LA's BEST describe how the BEST Fit initiative links with multiple organizations to support child and family health.

Jim Sass , Craig Blumenthal (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Linking School and After School: Strategies for Success

Julie Bott reviews the strategies she and her colleagues use to link the Gardner Extended Services School's after school program with the school day.

Julie Bott (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Parenting Behaviors and Adolescent OST Participation

Harvard Family Research Project discusses the connection between parents' behavior and adolescents' participation in out-of-school time activities.

Suzanne Bouffard , Sandra Simpkins-Chaput, Carrie-Anne DeDeo (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Family Strengthening Interventions: Evidence-Based Practices

The purpose of this class is to provide professional skills that will help students to select, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of evidence-based family strengthening interventions. Students will increase their knowledge, skills, and expertise in the most up-to-date information on effective family strengthening interventions in their area of primary interest.

Karol Kumpfer (Spring 2006) Syllabus

Focus on Families! How to Build and Support Family-Centered Practices in After School

This comprehensive, easy-to-read guide to understanding how to engage families in after school programs is a critical resource for after school providers looking to create or expand an existing family engagement program. It offers a research base for why family engagement matters, concrete program strategies for engaging families, case studies of promising family engagement efforts, and an evaluation tool for improving family engagement practices.

Zenub Kakli , Holly Kreider, Priscilla Little, Tania Buck, Maryellen Coffrey (February 2006) Research Report

New & Noteworthy

The New & Noteworthy section features an annotated list of papers, organizations, initiatives, and other resources related to the issue's theme of Evaluating Family Involvement Programs.

Harvard Family Research Project (Winter 2004/2005) Evaluation Exchange Article

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Published by Harvard Family Research Project