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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Mixed Methods and Moving to Opportunity

Elisabeth Jacobs discusses mixed-methods research in a policy context, highlighting the demonstration program Moving to Opportunity.

Elisabeth Jacobs (Fall 2003) Evaluation Exchange Article

Alternative Designs for Community-Based Research: Pittsburgh’s Early Childhood Initiative

Stephen Bagnato, Robert Grom, and Leon Haynes describe an evaluation design that provides scientific rigor in a community setting.

Stephen Bagnato, Ed.D. , Robert Grom, Leon Haynes (Fall 2003) Evaluation Exchange Article

Community Collaboration 90806: A Partnership to Increase School Readiness in Long Beach

Marielle Bohan-Baker describes the instructive and collaborative approach to planning and evaluation of six community partners in Long Beach, California.

Marielle Bohan-Baker (Fall 2003) Evaluation Exchange Article

A Review of Activity Implementation in Out-of-School Time Programs

This Snapshot examines the range and scope of activities being implemented in current out-of-school time programs to set a context for understanding the links between program activities and positive outcomes for youth.

Suzanne Bouffard , Priscilla M. D. Little (August 2003) Research Report

Lessons in Evaluating Communications Campaigns: Five Case Studies

This paper examines how communication campaigns with different purposes (individual behavior change and policy change) have been evaluated. It offers a discussion of theories of change that can guide evaluation planning, along with five case studies of completed campaign evaluations. Each case study includes lessons from the evaluation and the paper finishes with a set of cross-case-study lessons gleaned from these evaluations and others.

Julia Coffman (June 2003) Research Report

Why, When, and How to Use Evaluation: Experts Speak Out

This brief offers expert commentary on the implications of the first-year report of the national evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program for future evaluation and research. It includes a methodological critique of that study, written by Deborah Vandell.

Heather B. Weiss , Priscilla M.D. Little (June 2003) Research Report

Flexibility and Feedback in a Formative Evaluation

Marjorie Weschler of SRI and Jane David of the Bay Area Research Group describe the importance of flexibility and feedback in conducting formative evaluation.

Marjorie Wechsler , Jane David (Summer 2003) Evaluation Exchange Article

New & Noteworthy

This section features an annotated list of papers, organizations, initiatives, and other resources related to the issue's theme of Evaluating Education Reform.

Margaret Caspe , Emily Shepard (Summer 2003) Evaluation Exchange Article

Youth Reframe Questions of Educational Justice Through Participatory Action Research

María Elena Torre and Michelle Fine describe the process and potential of participatory action research with youth researchers to investigate race, ethnicity, class, and opportunity gaps in education.

Maria Elena Torre , Michelle Fine (Summer 2003) Evaluation Exchange Article

Using a Framework Approach to Improve Youth Participation in Informal Learning

Megan Beckett, Sandy Berry, and Kristin Leuschner of RAND Corporation describe a framework approach for transforming research findings into a practical tool for policymakers, parents, and practitioners.

Megan Beckett , Sandy Berry, Kristin Leuschner (Summer 2003) Evaluation Exchange Article

The Evaluation Exchange Special Report on Scientifically Based Research

This special report offers commentaries from experts on the challenges and opportunities presented by the current federal policy’s emphasis on scientifically based research for the practice and evaluation of education reform.

Holly Kreider (Summer 2003) Evaluation Exchange Article

Logic Models in Out-of-School Time

Julia Coffman of HFRP describes one approach OST programs can take to develop a logic model.

Julia Coffman (Spring 2003) Evaluation Exchange Article

International Communication Research and Evaluation at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Maria Elena Figueroa from the Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs reveals the Center’s methods for evaluating communication campaigns and offers five examples of their evaluations in progress.

Maria Elena Figueroa (Winter 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

Selected Evaluation Terms

This resource provides definitions of evaluation terminology frequently used in the out-of-school time field. It also provides answers to frequently asked evaluation questions.

Priscilla M. D. Little (2002) Research Report

Evaluation's Role in Supporting Initiative Sustainability

This paper offers ideas for the roles that evaluation can play in helping ensure a discussion about sustainability is started early enough and maintained throughout an initiative. The ideas in this paper are based on Harvard Family Research Project's broad spectrum of experience in the past two decades with large-scale initiatives.

Heather B. Weiss (December 2002) Research Report

Documenting Progress and Demonstrating Results: Evaluating Local Out-of-School Time Programs

A collaboration with the Finance Project, this brief provides practitioners of local out-of-school time programs with techniques, tools, and strategies for improving their program and tracking their effectiveness over time.

Priscilla M. D. Little , Sharon DuPree, Sharon Deich (September 2002) Research Report

Evaluation for Continuous Improvement

This issue of The Evaluation Exchange examines the use of evaluation for continuous improvement. It incorporates advice from well-known experts, such as Paul Light, Rosalie Torres, and Joe Wholey, outlines innovative evaluation practices, and provides insights into the evaluations of a wide range of initiatives.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

What Is a Learning Approach to Evaluation?

Rosalie T. Torres, Ph.D. is Director of Research, Evaluation, and Organizational Learning at the Developmental Studies Center in Oakland, California. Her 24-year career in evaluation has focused on researching, teaching, writing about, and practicing a learning approach to evaluation.

Rosalie Torres, Ph.D. (Fall 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

Helping Nonprofits Strive for High Performance

Amy Coates Madsen describes how, by setting best practices for nonprofits, the Standards for Excellence program both helps nonprofits to improve and increases public confidence in them.

Amy Coates Madsen (Fall 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

Reflective Assessments: A Tool for Learning

Sharon Edwards and Ira Cutler of Cornerstone Consulting Group explain how organizations can use reflective assessments to assess their progress and consider the choices ahead.

Sharon Edwards , Ira Cutler (Fall 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

Participatory Evaluation for Continuous Improvement

Kim Sabo of Sabo Consulting and Dana Fusco from York College, CUNY illustrate how they conducted a participatory evaluation of an after school literacy initiative to support its continuous improvement.

Kim Sabo, Ph.D. , Dana Fusco, Ph.D. (Fall 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

ProDES: A Continuous Improvement System for Juvenile Justice

Philip Harris and Lori Grubstein of the Crime and Justice Research Center describe the “bottom-up” development of ProDES, an outcome-based information system that tracks youth in the juvenile justice system.

Philip W. Harris (Fall 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

Advice From the Experts on Nurturing Strong Full Service Schools

The following are excerpts from an evaluation panel at the conference, “Nurturing Strong Full Service Schools: Building Bridges with Communities,” that took place on May 20, 2002. It was the fifth in a series of national conferences about full service schools organized by Margot Welch and the Collaborative for Integrated School Services at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Panelists shared their evaluation findings and lessons learned.

Harvard Family Research Project (Fall 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the issue on Continuous Improvement by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D. (Fall 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating Citizen Schools

Charlie Schlegel of Citizen Schools explains how their evaluation strategy successfully balances the need to determine program impact with the need for continuous improvement.

Charlie Schlegel (Fall 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project