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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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New & Noteworthy

The New & Noteworthy section features an annotated list of papers, organizations, initiatives, and other resources related to the issue's theme of Out-of-School Time.

Harvard Family Research Project (Fall 2000) Evaluation Exchange Article

Out-of-School Time Issue #1

The Fall 2000 issue, the first of a series of two dedicated to the field of out-of-school time and after school, addresses the challenges and possibilities for evaluating after school programs in the new era of accountability. The issue includes an interview with National Institute on Out-of-School Time founder Michelle Seligson, articles relating on-the-ground experiences with evaluation, and our new column, “Ask the Expert.”

Evaluation Exchange Issue

Building the After School Field: A Conversation With Evaluators, Policymakers, and Practitioners

Karen Horsch and Kathleen Hart of HFRP summarize HFRP's conversations with after school evaluators, researchers, and stakeholders to map the out-of-school time field.

Karen Horsch , Kathleen Hart (Fall 2000) Evaluation Exchange Article

Reflections on Access and Equity Implications for After School Program Evaluations

Laurie Olsen, Executive Director California Tomorrow, highlights the importance of addressing issues of access and equity in the evaluation of after school programs.

Laurie Olsen (Fall 2000) Evaluation Exchange Article

Strengthening Local Evaluation Capacity in Rural Communities

Using a participatory/empowerment evaluation approach with Save the Children, Linda Morrell and Kenneth Terao from the Aguirre Group offer reflections and lessons learned from their experience.

Linda C. Morrell , Kenneth L. Terrao (Fall 2000) Evaluation Exchange Article

Interview With Michelle Seligson

HFRP asked Michelle Seligson, founder of the National Institute on Out-of-School Time, about the history of the out-of-school time field, the challenges it currently faces, and the role evaluation and research play.

Kathleen Hart (Fall 2000) Evaluation Exchange Article

Ask the Expert

Karen Walker, director of community studies at Public/Private Ventures (P/PV), reveals what evaluation approaches can be used to understand the connection between academic outcomes and program activities.

Harvard Family Research Project (Fall 2000) Evaluation Exchange Article

Federal Funding in Out-of School Time With Accountability Requirements and Evaluations

These Web documents were produced by HFRP as part of its initial efforts to “map” the out-of-school time field, and detail federal funding streams for out-of-school time programs and related programming alongside their accountability requirements and evaluations. A summary section offers a narrative description of each funding stream. Funding streams are classified as major or minor depending on the amount of money they make available for out-of-school time efforts.

Harvard Family Research Project (2000) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Organizations in Out-of-School Time: An Introduction

The out-of-school time field has grown rapidly over the past decade, with a constant influx of new voices and approaches. This publication is a summary, but far from a complete review, of organizations active in out-of-school time, grouped by topical area.

Harvard Family Research Project (2000) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the first issue on Methodology by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather Weiss, Ed.D. (1999) Evaluation Exchange Article

Simplifying Complex Initiative Evaluation

Julia Coffman of Harvard Family Research Project writes about using a logic model approach to evaluate a large and diverse foundation initiative.

Julia Coffman (1999) Evaluation Exchange Article

At What Price? Benefit-Cost Analysis and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Program Evaluation

James Edwin Kee, professor at George Washington University, discusses the purposes, strengths, and limitations of benefit-cost and cost-effectiveness analyses to determine the relative costs and benefits of the programs.

James Edwin Kee (1999) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating Collaboratives: Challenges and Practice

Ellen Taylor-Powell from the University of Wisconsin-Cooperative Extension examines the challenges of collaboratives, and how they stretch us to think about evaluation in new ways.

Ellen Taylor-Powell (1999) Evaluation Exchange Article

Interview With Michael Scriven

Michael Scriven, past president of the American Evaluation Association, shares some of his insights about the challenges facing evaluation, evaluation as a distinct discipline, and links between evaluation and practice, including organizational learning.

Karen Horsch (1999) Evaluation Exchange Article

Cooperative Extension’s Capacity to Support Programs For Children,Youth, and Families At Risk: The Organizational Change Survey

Donna Peterson, Mary Marczak, Sherry Betts, and Erik Earthman, The University of Arizona Institute for Children, Youth and Families, write about their evaluation of the Children, Youth and Families At Risk (CYFAR) National Initiative.

Donna Peterson , Mary Marczak, Sherry Betts, Erik Earthman (1999) Evaluation Exchange Article

Community-Based Research: Research for Action

Jill Chopyak, Executive Director of the Loka Institute, details her organization's work on community action research.

Jill Chopyak (1999) Evaluation Exchange Article

The Evaluation Exchange Readers' Survey

JuNelle Harris of Harvard Family Research Project reveals the results of the recent satisfaction survey of The Evaluation Exchange readers.

JuNelle Harris (1999) Evaluation Exchange Article

Methodology (#15)

This issue of The Evaluation Exchange includes several articles on methodological topics, particularly those involving complex initiatives or problems. Topics inlcude the logic model approach to evaluate large and diverse foundation initiatives, the difference between cost-benefit analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis, the challenges to evaluation in the coming years, and community action research.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

Quality of Life: A Framework for Examining the Impact of Welfare Reform

Danielle Hollar of Harvard Family Research Project writes about the possibility of using an approach that provides a more comprehensive picture of the quality of people’s lives to examine the impact of welfare reform on individuals.

Danielle Hollar (1999) Evaluation Exchange Article

New and Noteworthy

The New and Noteworthy section features an annotated list of papers, organizations, initiatives, and other resources related to the issue's theme of Methodology.

Karen Horsch (1999) Evaluation Exchange Article

Electronic Mailbox

The Electronic Mailbox section features a list of useful resources on the Internet relating to the issue's theme of Methodology.

Karen Horsch (1999) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating the National Replication of a Prevention Program for Youth and Their Families: Middle School Families and Schools Together

Laura Pinsoneault and James Sass from Alliance for Children and Families on their organization's replication and evaluation of the middle school adaptation of the Families and Schools Together (FAST) program.

Laura Pinsoneault , James S. Sass (1999) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building Local Capacity for Evaluation: The Michigan Abstinence Partnership Evaluation

Stacy Constantineau Meade of Michigan Public Health Institute writes about the increasingly important role of evaluation in enabling communities to promote and sustain change.

Stacy Constantineau Meade (1999) Evaluation Exchange Article

New Strategies in Foundation Grantmaking for Children and Youth

Heather Weiss and M. Elena Lopez of Harvard Family Research Project reveal the results of their W. K. Kellogg Foundation commission to examine trends in foundation grantmaking for children and youth.

Heather Weiss , M. Elena Lopez (1999) Evaluation Exchange Article

New & Noteworthy

The New and Noteworthy section features an annotated list of papers, organizations, initiatives, and other resources related to the issue's theme of Children and Youth.

Karen Horsch (1999) Evaluation Exchange Article

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project