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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Federal Funding in Out-of School Time With Accountability Requirements and Evaluations

These Web documents were produced by HFRP as part of its initial efforts to “map” the out-of-school time field, and detail federal funding streams for out-of-school time programs and related programming alongside their accountability requirements and evaluations. A summary section offers a narrative description of each funding stream. Funding streams are classified as major or minor depending on the amount of money they make available for out-of-school time efforts.

Harvard Family Research Project (2000) Research Report

Innovative States: Emerging Family Support and Education Programs

This volume examines partnerships between state governments and grass-roots programs that work to lower school dropout rates, reduce teen pregnancy, increase adult literacy, and reduce long-term welfare dependency. Programs in Arkansas, Iowa, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington are covered.

Harvard Family Research Project (1992) Research Report

Community Partnerships to Support High School Success

Recognizing the need for a comprehensive approach to keeping teens in school and successfully completing high school, AT&T Foundation and United Way Worldwide (UWW) started a new initiative—Family Engagement for High School Success. The goal of this grant was to identify promising family engagement strategies with a strong likelihood of raising high school graduation rates, and to share that information with communities around the country. Together with HFRP, UWW worked with communities to develop plans for high school success. This report highlights the innovative approaches developed and the early outcomes at eight of the UWW grantee sites

Harvard Family Research Project (February 2011) Research Report

Bridging Worlds Interactive Case: Meet Maya Warren, Kindergartner

We begin the Bridging Worlds Interactive Case by meeting Maya Warren. Maya is a fun-loving 5-year-old girl who, despite success in preschool, is having a difficult transition to kindergarten.

Harvard Family Research Project () Research Report

Family Involvement News: May 2009

We at Harvard Family Research Project are committed to keeping you up-to-date on what's new in family involvement.  View our list of links to current reports, articles, events, and opportunities in the family involvement field.

Harvard Family Research Project (May 2009) Research Report

Family Engagement Policy Resources

We've added a section to our website to inform stakeholders of our policy-related work in family engagement. This work seeks to promote the broader definition of family engagement that stresses shared responsibility and cross-context learning within a cradle-to-career approach to education. Visit our new policy page for more details, including our  comments in the Federal Register regarding the U.S. Department of Education’s $4.35 billion Race to the Top Fund competitive grants program.

Harvard Family Research Project (November 2009) Research Report

Bibliography of Family Involvement Research Published in 2009

Harvard Family Research Project (March 2011) Research Report

Bridging Worlds Interactive Case: Meet Nicole Warren, Maya’s Mother

In this section of the Bridging Worlds Interactive Case, we meet Nicole Warren, Maya’s mother. Nicole reflects on her daughter’s difficult transition to kindergarten and thinks about what she might do to improve the situation.

Harvard Family Research Project () Research Report

Featured Teaching Case: Suspension at Aurora Middle School

Harvard Family Research Project’s Teaching Cases support teacher training and professional development by highlighting challenges that schools, families, and communities may encounter in supporting children’s learning. In this month’s newsletter, we feature Suspension at Aurora Middle School, which highlights the shared responsibility of community groups to resolve home-school difficulties.

Harvard Family Research Project (November 2009) Research Report

Bridging Worlds Interactive Case: Meet Teresa Guzman, Preschool Teacher

In this section of the Bridging Worlds Interactive Case, we meet Maya’s former preschool teacher, Teresa Guzman. Teresa considers the role of early childhood programs in preparing children and families for kindergarten.

Harvard Family Research Project () Research Report

Perspectives: Guiding Families on Children’s Media Use

Three experts reflect on their work in engaging families in a digital learning environment. We asked them to address the question, How can institutions offer relevant and useful guidance to parents and families about scaffolding their children’s digital media use?

Harvard Family Research Project (April 24, 2014) Research Report

Family Involvement News: February 2013

We are committed to keeping you up to date on what's new in family engagement. View our list of links to current reports, articles, resources, and events in the field.

Harvard Family Research Project (February 7, 2013) Research Report

Bridging Worlds Interactive Case: Meet Tanya Robinson, Kindergarten Teacher

In this section of the Bridging Worlds Interactive Case, we meet Tanya Robinson, Maya’s kindergarten teacher. Tanya is concerned that children and families are not kindergarten ready.

Harvard Family Research Project () Research Report

Family Involvement News: April 2014

We are committed to keeping you up to date on family engagement news. The resources in this section highlight the latest tools and discussions from HFRP and review recent findings in the areas of family engagement policy, strategies, and research, along with family engagement and digital learning.

Harvard Family Research Project (April 24, 2014) Research Report

Family Involvement News: November 2009

We at Harvard Family Research Project are committed to keeping you up-to-date on what's new in family involvement.  View our list of links to upcoming and current reports, articles, events, and funding opportunities in the family involvement field.

Harvard Family Research Project (November 2009) Research Report

Bridging Worlds Interactive Case: Meet Esther Lasher, Head Start Educational Director

In this section of the Bridging Worlds Interactive Case, we meet Esther Lasher, the educational director of the Grant Head Start Program. Esther works to smooth the transition to kindergarten by planning with multiple community and school representatives.

Harvard Family Research Project () Research Report

Social Media—Engaging Families in Children's Learning and Use of Digital Media 

Are you interested in using social media to find out how families can navigate digital media to enhance children’s learning? Start here—we guide you to organizations and individuals that bring the latest DML research into public focus!

Harvard Family Research Project (April 24, 2014) Research Report

Family Involvement News: December 2011

We at Harvard Family Research Project are committed to keeping you up to date on what's new in family involvement. This list of links to current reports, articles, events, and opportunities will help you stay on top of research and resources from HFRP and other field leaders.

Harvard Family Research Project (December 5, 2011) Research Report

Bridging Worlds Interactive Case: Supporting Data 

In this section of the Bridging Worlds Interactive Case, we examine some school-level data to develop a better understanding of the factors influencing Maya’s difficult transition to school.

Harvard Family Research Project () Research Report

Redefining Family Engagement for Student Success

This paper offers an expanded definition of family engagement based on research about children’s learning and the relationships among families, schools, and communities in support of such learning. The topics presented in this paper were originally introduced as commentaries in the August 2009, November 2009, and April 2010 issues of the FINE Newsletter.

Harvard Family Research Project (May 2014) Research Report

Overcoming Practical Obstacles to Meaningful Program Evaluation: The Booklet Approach

Steven Harvey and Gregory Wood describe how they created a methodology to capture data across a series of parenting workshops.

Steven J. Harvey, Ph.D. , Gregory R. Wood, Ph.D. (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

Counseling and Intervention in Multicultural Settings

This course focuses upon the unique challenges diversity brings to the provision of counseling and psychological services to children, youth, and parents. Students will learn the history, culture, and expectations of various ethnic and cultural groups and develop the cross-cultural communication skills necessary to effectively work with families of varying cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. Students will also explore how issues such as immigration, poverty, sexism, and racism affect counseling practices and the development of effective interventions.

Michael Hass (Fall 2001) Syllabus

Reimagining the Parent-Teacher Conference

Starting meaningful conversations before the school year, focusing on student data throughout the school year, leveraging technology, and engaging families outside of school are four new trends we see transforming the traditional parent-teacher conference.

Heather B. Weiss (October 2015) Research Report

Preparing Educators to Engage Families: Case Studies Using an Ecological Systems Framework, Third Edition

Incorporating the use of HFRP research-based teaching cases and theoretical perspectives, this revised book looks at family engagement issues from the early years through pre-adolescence.

Heather B. Weiss, M. Elena Lopez, Holly Kreider, Celina Chatman-Nelson (October 31, 2013) Research Report

Strengthening Family Ties

Sharon Hemphill and Holly Kreider describe how the Boys & Girls Clubs of America is implementing and evaluating an initiative that goes “beyond the walls” to support families in order to promote children’s success.

Sharon Hemphill , Holly Kreider, Ed.D. (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project