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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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National Performance Review

National Performance Review homepage provides a useful entry into the Reinventing Government arena via the Internet. Includes highlights and reports on the NPR initiative, relevant newsletters, press releases, and speeches, agency agreements and executive orders, and Web links to NPR related initiatives and other resources.


Kennedy School of Government: Innovations in American Government Program

Provides information on the awards program sponsored by the Ford Foundation and the JFK School of Government at Harvard University. Provides ready access to other Internet sites containing sources for information on additional public sector innovations.


Alliance for Redesigning Government

The Public Innovator Learning Network provides access to The Public Innovator, an online magazine published by the Alliance. The Alliance also operates a Reinventing Government Database that connects to federal, state, and local outcomes and performances case studies and related information.


Oregon Government Resources

Provides an entry into numerous Oregon state government resources, including the webpage for the Oregon Progress Board, an updated report to the legislation regarding the Oregon Benchmarks, and additional resources related to Core Benchmarks. Direct access to the Oregon Option webpage is available from the OPB page as well.


Minnesota Planning Website

Provides Minnesota Milestones information and relevant publications on Minnesota's 30-year plan. Either the actual documents or free software needed for viewing or downloading the documents from the website can be ordered from the state.

Helpful Hint: Homepages for individual states can be accessed via the Internet. The formula for the website address is http://www.state.**.us. (Replace the ** with the two-letter postal abbreviation for the particular state, e.g. Ohio=oh).


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© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project