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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Below are some examples of how to cite the different types of publications we publish.

Article in FINE Newsletter
Lopez, M. Elena, & Caspe, Margaret. (2014). Family engagement in anywhere, anytime learning. Family Involvement Network of Educators (FINE) Newsletter, 6(3). Retrieved from

Reports and Briefs (online)
Harris, E., Deschenes, S., & Wallace, A. (2011). Helping older youth succeed through expanded learning opportunities. (NCLS & Harvard Family Research Project Brief Series: ELO Research, Policy, and Practice No. 1). Retrieved from

Web Conferences
Harvard Family Research Project. (2013, November 12). Using leadership to promote strengths-based family engagement [Web Conference]. Retrieved from

Discussion Boards
Harvard Family Research Project. (2014) Let’s talk transition! Family engagement during the transition to school [Online Discussion Board]. Retrieved from

Message Posted to a Discussion Board
fineteam. (2014, February 19). Re: Introduction [Online forum comment]. Message posted to

KBFvideochannel (2014, March 6). The transatlantic forum on inclusive early years 3rd forum [Video File]. Retrieved from

Teaching Case (online)
Caspe, M. (2014). Bridging worlds: Family engagement in the transition to kindergarten. Retrieved from

Course Syllabus (online)
Weiss, H., Lopez, M. E., & Kreider, H. (2003). Family–school partnerships. Retrieved from

Presentation Slides
Weiss, H. B. (2014). Family engagement for the 21st century [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from,_documents_and_external_sites/13%29_Speech/2014_TFIEY_HWeis.pdf

Conference Presentation (online)
Weiss, H.B. (2014, January). Family engagement for the 21st century. Keynote presentation at the Transatlantic Forum on Inclusive Early Years, Lisbon, Portugal. Retrieved from,_documents_and_external_sites/13%29_Speech/2014_TFIEY_HWeis.pdf

Article in The Evaluation Exchange (hardcopy)
Harris, E. (2010). Six steps to successfully scale impact in the nonprofit sector. The Evaluation Exchange, 15(1 ), 4–6.

Article in The Evaluation Exchange (online)
Harris, E. (2010). Six steps to successfully scale impact in the nonprofit sector. The Evaluation Exchange, 15(1 ), 4–6. Retrieved from

Research Digest
HFRP's Family Involvement Research Digests and Early Childhood Digests summarize research written and published by non-HFRP authors and/or written by HFRP authors but published by organizations other than HFRP. Whenever possible, we encourage you to seek out these original research publications and cite directly from them. To help you to do this, we provide citations for the original research publications within the digests.

If you are unable to find the original research publication, please make sure to mention the original source in your writing. Please include the secondary source (that is, the profile) in your parenthetical citation, following the words "as cited in," and in your reference list. For example:

In a recent study, Barbara Starkie examined the motivation of parents to use SIS portals and how they used the information they were able to access (as cited in Starkie, 2013).

The citation in your reference list would appear as follows:

Starkie, B. (2013). Data sharing through parent portals: An exploration of parental motivation, data use, and the promise of prolonged parent involvement. Family Involvement Network of Educators (FINE) Newsletter, 5(2). Retrieved from

Out-of-School Time Program Research and Evaluation Profile
The profiles in the OST Database summarize research studies and evaluations written by non-HFRP authors. Whenever possible, we encourage you to seek out these original research studies and evaluations and cite directly from them. To help you to do this, we provide citations for the research studies and evaluations within the profiles.

If you are unable to find the original research study or evaluation, please make sure to mention the original source in your writing. Include the secondary source (that is, the profile) in your parenthetical citation, following the words "as cited in," and in your reference list. For example:

In their evaluation of 21st Century Community Learning Centers, Mark Dynarski and Mary Moore found that nine out of ten centers provided homework help (as cited in Harvard Family Research Project, n.d.).

The citation in your reference list would appear as follows:

Harvard Family Research Project. (n.d.). A profile of the evaluation of the 21st century community learning centers—national. Cambridge, MA: Author. Retrieved from

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project