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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Consider joining one of the following LISTSERVs, or electronic discussion groups, as a way to contribute to the dialogue surrounding your research and evaluation interests.

EVALTALK: An American Evaluation Association (AEA) Listserv

EVALTALK is a medium for open discussions about evaluation issues. Subscribers include a diverse and renowned range of evaluation professionals. Although sponsored by the AEA, the list is open to anyone. To subscribe, send an email to with the message SUBSCRIBE EVALTALK YourFirstName YourLastName.

AERA, ERL-L, etc.: American Educational Research Association (AERA) Listservs

The AERA offers several listservs, including two general lists (AERA and ERL-L), twelve division lists, one graduate student list, and several Special Interest Group lists. To choose one that interests you, see the AERA website at To subscribe, send an email to with the message SUBSCRIBE LISTSERV NAME YourFirstName YourLastName.

APPSOC: A Society for Applied Sociology Listserv

The Society for Applied Sociology is an international organization of professionals that apply sociological knowledge in a wide variety of settings. To subscribe, send an email to with the message SUBSCRIBE APPSOC YourFirstName YourLastName.

EMPOWERMENT-EVALUATION: A Collaborative, Participative, and Empowerment Evaluation Listserv

This listserv grew out of the American Evaluation Association's Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment Evaluation (CPEE) Topical Interest Group (TIG). It is an excellent opportunity to share experiences in this new evaluation domain. To subscribe, send an email to with the message

GOVTEVAL: A Public Sector Evaluation Listserv

This list is for evaluators of government programs, as well as others interested in public sector evaluation. It is based at the National Institute of Public Administration, Malaysia, on a joint basis and in close cooperation with the Program for Public Sector Evaluation, Royal Melbourne Institute of Public Administration, Australia. To subscribe, send an email to with the message SUBSCRIBE GOVTEVAL YourFirstName YourLastName.

Julia Coffman, Research Specialist, HFRP

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© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project