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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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A list of useful resources on the Internet.

CYFERNet: Evaluation Tools

The CYFERNet Evaluation Tools Web page, maintained by the Children, Youth and Families Education and Research Network, offers information on topics such as health, youth development, and welfare reform. The site also offers technology tools and several evaluation instruments, such as a community-level baseline survey and an organizational change survey.

Multimedia Development Tools

Developed to help the producers of software and other media assess the performance of their products, this site provides evaluation tools general enough for other purposes, including an evaluation matrix, an anecdotal record form, focus group protocol, interview protocol, and an evaluation report sample.

Hospital Council of Western Pennsylvania

This site offers evaluation resource pages with an evaluation primer that provides guidelines for evaluations. Sections are devoted to discussing the types of programs which benefit from evaluation, the stages of evaluation, and the audiences for a completed evaluation. An online bibliography and directory provide site users with additional resources.

The Center for Health Promotion, University of Toronto

The Health Communications Unit, part of The Center of Health Promotion at the University of Toronto, offers the Evaluating Health Promotions Programs workbook on this site. The guide is useful, providing a simple, step-by-step approach to evaluation. Other relevant workbooks and publications, as well as links, are also available.

National Network for Family Resiliency

This site provides abstracts of evaluation tools and a bibliography of evaluation resources. Other resources available include an interactive evaluation site, which is a program that allows the user to work through the evaluation process.

The Grantmakers Evaluation Network

The Grantmakers Evaluation Network (GEN), an affinity group of the Council on Foundations, provides a list of recently published books on evaluation, and downloadable versions of the GEN newsletter focusing on evaluation issues relevant to the philanthropic community.

Jessica Chapel, Editorial Assistant, HFRP

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© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project