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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.
Volume l, Number 2, Spring 1995
Issue Topic: Evaluating School-Linked Services
Heather Weiss |
Thanks to all of you who sent copies of evaluations and articles, topic suggestions, names of people to add to our mailing list, and address corrections. Your feedback and contributions to The Evaluation Exchange are helping make it into what we envisioned: a collaborative, interactive forum for creative thinking about evaluating child and family service initiatives.
We enjoyed putting together our first issue on systems reform, and think that this issue's focus on evaluating school-linked services offers helpful insights into how to assess these increasingly common endeavors. We hope that the thinking and “real world” work presented here provide useful advice about how to evaluate these initiatives, which often face political and bureaucratic obstacles to both their operation and their evaluation.
We especially want to thank evaluators Mary Wagner at SRI International and James Davis at the University of Delaware for their contributions to our new section, “Questions & Answers.”
Thanks also to our own Scott Balderson and Elaine Replogle for their work on The Evaluation Exchange. Though we currently have no formal positions to produce this newsletter, Scott essentially serves as our “production editor” and Elaine as our “managing editor.” Scott has handled the design and production, while Elaine has coordinated the submission of articles and the editing process.
In response to our first issue, some of you called us and requested that we send you resources that were listed under the “New and Noteworthy” and “Further Reading” sections. We do not provide copies of these materials. We list these citations so that readers can know where to find helpful information. We apologize for any misunderstanding about our role as the distributor of these works.
We look forward to your continued feedback on, and support of, this exciting venture.
Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.
Founder & Director
Harvard Family Research Project