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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.
Volume XII, Number 1 & 2, Fall 2006
Issue Topic: Building and Evaluating Out-of-School Time Connections
Ask the Expert
An-Me Chung of the C. S. Mott Foundation describes the Statewide Afterschool Networks, and three Statewide Afterschool Network coordinators—Jennifer Becker Mouhcine from Illinois, Zelda Waymer from South Carolina, and Janet Frieling from Washington—discuss how their Networks support and promote systems of after school program quality.
What are the C. S. Mott Statewide Afterschool Networks, and how are they taking steps to build statewide after school systems?
An-Me Chung: In 2002, the C. S. Mott Foundation began supporting Statewide Afterschool Networks and providing technical assistance to these Networks through the Afterschool Technical Assistance Collaborative, which is comprised of representatives from Afterschool Alliance, Council of Chief State School Officers, The Finance Project, National Conference of State Legislatures, National Governors Association, National League of Cities, Inc., and the University of South Carolina Education Foundation, with support from Learning Point Associates and Collaborative Communications Group.
The Networks provide a structure for bringing together key decision makers interested in improving outcomes for children and youth through school-based and school-linked after school programs. The Mott Foundation's long-term goal in supporting the Networks is to provide intentional and meaningful bridges between leaders of schools, communities, and families in order to better support student learning, youth development, and lifelong learning opportunities.
Currently, 31 Statewide Afterschool Networks encourage local and state policymakers to invest resources wisely to expand quality after school opportunities focused on improving outcomes for children and families. The Networks also provide the means for joint planning, sharing of resources and best practices, building bridges to and between federal, state, and local after school initiatives, and forging partnerships necessary for comprehensive statewide after school policies.
The goals of the Statewide Afterschool Networks are:
Each Network functions through common vision, collective thinking, and shared responsibility. In small and large ways, the Statewide Afterschool Networks are taking concrete steps and building systems to affect policy at the local, state, and national levels. For example, Networks are:
The Networks are supported by a variety of organizations—for example, state departments of education, universities, community-based organizations, nonprofit organizations, school age care alliances, youth development organizations—who contribute their expertise and knowledge. This organizational support is contributing to the development of a national network that is increasingly well positioned to influence national policy priorities to better serve children and families.
After School Evaluation SymposiumIn September 2005, HFRP, with support from the C. S. Mott Foundation, convened the After School Evaluation Symposium to integrate after school researchers, practitioners, and policymakers into a “community of practice” and to discuss how to turn research into action. The C. S. Mott Statewide Afterschool Networks not only served as a model for connecting various stakeholders to expand and improve after school programs, but also sent representatives to participate and share lessons learned with others in the field. A webpage featuring the Symposium is part of HFRP's newly redesigned conferences website. It includes summaries of key themes from each of the plenary sessions and audio recordings from the Symposium speakers, including Deborah Vandell from the University of California at Irvine, Fred Doolittle from MDRC, and Jennifer Reinhart from the Afterschool Alliance. The website highlights the dynamic contributions of both speakers and participants to discussions about professional development, research and policy, and after school systems. |
Why is creating a statewide system of after school program quality so important?
Jennifer Becker Mouhcine, Zelda Waymer, & Janet Frieling: First, a statewide after school system can ensure that families across a state can count on receiving the same level of services, thus creating greater equity in services and funding. A statewide system enables a consistent approach to services at the local level, while at the same time enabling individual regions to get the training and services they may need that are specific to their particular region within the state. For example, a region that has a large Hispanic population may need bilingual training opportunities for after school program staff that programs in other state regions may not need.
Second, in many states, the after school field lacks education and training opportunities and access to resources. The presence of a skilled and stable workforce plays a significant role in the quality and continuity of programs for children and youth. The absence of a statewide quality system, then, is an obvious impediment to developing and maintaining such a workforce. Without a registry of after school practitioners and core competencies at the state level, it is difficult to design, offer, and fund training or professional development programs for staff.
Thirdly, a statewide quality system can provide guidance in establishing funding priorities and can direct funding to programs that are effective. Bringing various definitions of quality, measurement tools, and expectations into one system clears up confusion about what constitutes “quality” in after school programs. Developing a consensus about quality can provide clear guidance—both for programs, to assess where they are and where they need to be, and for funders, to make decisions about investments in quality programs.
Finally, having agreement across different types of after school programs about how to measure quality also helps create a common message—that quality matters—when working to build public support for funding quality after school programs.
What are some best practices from your states in creating a statewide system for quality?
JBM, ZW, & JF: The experiences in Illinois, South Carolina, and Washington have revealed a number of promising practices from these states, including:
Based on your experiences, what advice do you have for other states who want to implement systems to monitor program quality?
JBM, ZW, & JF: Attaining quality statewide takes time. Recognize this and approach the development of statewide system of quality incrementally and patiently. Taking the time to convene stakeholders and take stock of where you are and what you already have can save you time in the long run. Many entities in your state may be using a system for their specific programming that could be broadened to include additional programs. Allocating time for consensus-building across program and stakeholder types helps uncover what is already underway, as does utilizing an advisory group that includes after school program staff and experts in the field. Initiatives that span more than a year need to take into account shifts in leadership positions. Have a plan in place for when old leaders move on and new leaders come on board.
Tool development is a critical component of the development of a statewide system for quality. Provide tools that connect quality measurement and monitoring systems to program evaluation and improvement, so these activities are viewed along the same continuum. Make sure any quality assessment tools developed are based on research and include connections to youth outcomes. But don't start from scratch. There are a lot of good quality assessment tools already in the field from which you can draw aspects most relevant to your state context.
Finally, develop a sound marketing plan to “sell” the idea of quality to parents, practitioners, and policy makers. Develop a mindset in your state that quality matters and that participation in programs, without related quality initiatives, is selling the young people in your state short. Use this marketing plan to advocate for funding dedicated for quality initiatives alongside program grant dollars.
For more information about these and other statewide systems for after school program quality, see www.statewideafterschoolnetworks.net.
For more information about the C. S. Mott Foundations's after school efforts, contact An-Me Chung, Program Officer, or Eugene Hillsman, Associate Program Officer, at the Foundation's Headquarters in Flint, Michigan, or visit www.mott.org.
Priscilla Little, Associate Director, HFRP