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From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the issue on Building and Evaluating Out-of-School-Time Connections by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Theory & Practice

Building and Evaluating Out-of-School Time Connections

Suzanne Bouffard, Priscilla Little, and Heather Weiss build a research-based case that a network of supports, with out-of-school time programs as a key component, are critical to positive learning and developmental outcomes for children and youth.

Promising Practices

It's Never Too Early: Promoting College Prep in Middle School After School Programs

Lucy Friedman describes how a collaborative after school initiative links with universities and families to promote college and career preparation among middle school youth.

Promising Practices

The Posse Foundation: Moving Beyond Test Scores to Identify High-Potential Youth

Rassan Salandy of the Posse Foundation explains how one after school program works with universities and businesses to prepare high school students for success in college and beyond.

Promising Practices

Connecting Latino Families With Out-of-School Time Opportunities

Nathaniel Riggs describes the implementation and evaluation of the Generación Diez program, which connects Latino families with after school programming, social services, and the school community.

Promising Practices

Evaluating BEST Fit: A Program to Promote Child and Family Health After School

Jim Sass and Craig Blumenthal from LA's BEST describe how the BEST Fit initiative links with multiple organizations to support child and family health.

Promising Practices

Discovery Youth: A Museum-Based Program Connecting Youth With Community

Jessica Intrator from the Children's Discovery Museum describes a program that connects youth with a community institution to promote technology skills, health awareness, and positive social and academic outcomes.

Promising Practices

Mayor's Time in Detroit: A Citywide System for After School

Linda Lee explains how foundations, local and state governments, schools, and other entities have formed a multimember collaboration to support the Mayor's Time after school initiative.

Promising Practices

Community Service by and for Youth: Supporting OST Programs in Seattle

City Year staff member Erika Rasmussen describes how City Year Seattle/King County works with the local school district and with community organizations to offer high-quality OST programming.

Promising Practices

The Peace Drum Project: Intergenerational Connections Through the Arts

Susan Porter, Project Director at Cooperative Artists Institute, describes how the Peace Drum Project makes connections with community members through the arts.

Ask the Expert

Building Connections Between After School Programs and the Business Community

Andy Muñoz of City Year and Glenn Zaccara of T-Mobile talk about how their organizations link OST programs, businesses, and communities to support quality programming for youth.

Ask the Expert

Linking School and After School: Strategies for Success

Julie Bott reviews the strategies she and her colleagues use to link the Gardner Extended Services School's after school program with the school day.

Ask the Expert

The C. S. Mott Statewide Afterschool Networks: Statewide Collaboration to Further After School Policies

An-Me Chung of the C. S. Mott Foundation describes the Statewide Afterschool Networks, and three Statewide Afterschool Network coordinators—Jennifer Becker Mouhcine from Illinois, Zelda Waymer from South Carolina, and Janet Frieling from Washington—discuss how their Networks support and promote systems of after school program quality.

Beyond Basic Training

Promising Strategies for Connecting Out-of-School Time Programs to Schools: Learning What Works

Priscilla Little reviews promising strategies to promote OST–school connections, culling lessons from a review of out-of-school time evaluations.

Beyond Basic Training

Building Complementary Learning: School and 4-H Linkages

Tena St. Pierre and Claudia Mincemoyer from the Pennsylvania State University's Cooperative Extension Service1 describe lessons learned from implementation and evaluation of a complementary learning pilot program.

Questions & Answers

A Conversation With Audrey Hutchinson

Audrey Hutchinson of National League of Cities Institute for Youth, Education, and Families discusses the evaluation of linked after school services by cities.


Using a Data Management Tool to Better Serve Middle School Youth Across a Variety of Settings

Elizabeth Devaney and Hillary Salmons from the Providence After School Alliance describe how a citywide data collection system helps track and improve after school services and strengthen linkages with community organizations, schools, and families.


Using Quality Assessment Tools to Evaluate OST Linkages

Helen Westmoreland from HFRP discusses how OST programs are using quality assessment tools to evaluate and promote linkages with families, schools, and communities.


Building a Road Map for OST Collaborations

Dishon Mills from the Boston Public Schools describes a new quality assessment tool that is designed to engage and facilitate collaboration among OST programs, schools, and families.

Evaluations to Watch

After School Programs for High School Students: Launching the Evaluation of After School Matters

Barton Hirsch and Larry Hedges present their innovative design for evaluating After School Matters, a Chicago initiative that draws on connections with community members, businesses, and schools.

Evaluations to Watch

An Impact Evaluation of Academic Instruction for After School Programs

Alison Black and Fred Doolittle from MDRC describe the evaluation of an enhanced academic instruction approach for after school programs.

Evaluations to Watch

Evaluating Partners for Student Success

Jennifer Maltby from Boston After School & Beyond describes the evaluation design and goals of the Partners for Student Success initiative.

Evaluations to Watch

Parenting Behaviors and Adolescent OST Participation

Harvard Family Research Project discusses the connection between parents' behavior and adolescents' participation in out-of-school time activities.

Evaluations to Watch

Measuring Change: Out-of-School Time Programs and School Culture

Holly Morehouse describes how out-of-school time programs connected to the school day transformed one district's school culture.

Evaluations to Watch

An Emerging Assessment of College Preparation, Media, and Arts Programs

Karen Walking Eagle, Sebastian Castrechini, and Monica Mielke from Policy Studies Associates preview a new assessment of programs that connect youth with multiple out-of-school supports to promote future success.

Evaluations to Watch

Efficacy Trials of Promising After School Programs: Supporting Experimental Studies Through a Research Consortium

Michael Vaden-Kiernan and Debra Hughes Jones from SEDL describe a U.S. Department of Education initiative to support rigorous research on the potential of after school programs to affect academic performance.

New & Noteworthy

The New & Noteworthy section features an annotated list of papers, organizations, initiatives, and other resources related to the issue's theme of Building and Evaluating Out-of-School Time Connections.

New & Noteworthy: Expanded Web Only Version

This web only version of the New & Noteworthy section features an expanded annotated list of papers, organizations, initiatives, and other resources related to the issue's theme of Building and Evaluating Out-of-School Time Connections.

Special Feature

Professional Development Revisited

In our last issue, we examined the evaluation of professional development in OST and other human service fields. Here, we highlight new resources that have come to our attention since the publication of that issue.

This issue of The Evaluation Exchange was published by Harvard Family Research Project. The managing editor for the issue was Suzanne Bouffard, Ph.D., research analyst. It was produced by Marcella Michaud, publications and communications manager, and Carrie-Anne DeDeo, publications editor. All rights reserved. This periodical may not be reproduced whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. To request reprint permission or multiple hard copies of the issue email

Harvard Family Research Project gratefully acknowledges the support of the C. S. Mott Foundation, Time Warner Inc., City Year, the Marguerite Casey Foundation, the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, and the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. The contents of this publication are solely the responsibility of Harvard Family Research Project and do not necessarily reflect the views of our funders.

Free. 40 Pages.

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project