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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Empowerment Evaluation in Theory

David Fetterman of Stanford University and the California Institute of Integral Studies describes empowerment evaluation.

David Fetterman (Fall 1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the issue on Results-Based Accountability by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather Weiss, Ed.D. (Winter 1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Results-Based Accountability Systems: Opportunities and Challenges

Karen Horsch of Harvard Family Research Project provides an overview of accountability systems, including their opportunities and challenges.

Karen Horsch (Winter 1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Indicators of Child and Family Well-Being

Kristen Moore and Brett Brown of Child Trends outline the field of child indicators in the 1990s.

Kristin A. Moore, Ph.D. , Brett V. Brown, Ph.D. (Winter 1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the issue on Participatory Evaluation by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather Weiss, Ed.D. (Fall 1995) Evaluation Exchange Article

Participatory Evaluation: Enhancing Evaluation Use and Organizational Learning Capacity

J. Bradley Cousins of the University of Ottawa and Lorna Earl of the Scarborough Board of Education share lessons learned in testing their utilization-focused participatory evaluation approach.

J. Bradley Cousins , Lorna M. Earl (Fall 1995) Evaluation Exchange Article

The Roofless Women's Action Research Mobilization (RWARM)

Elaine Replogle from Harvard Family Research Project describes RWARM's participatory action research approach.

Elaine Replogle (Fall 1995) Evaluation Exchange Article

Participatory Evaluators' Roundtable, 1995

Jennifer Schumaker of Heifer Project International reviews the outcomes of a roundtable on participatory evaluation attended by 19 professionals that took place April 1995.

Jennifer Shumaker (Fall 1995) Evaluation Exchange Article

What Is Participatory Evaluation (PE)? What Are Its Roots?

HFRP posed this question to Carole Upshur and Esterla Barreto-Cortez, researchers at the Mauricio Gastón Institute at the University of Massachusetts, Boston.

Carole C. Upshur , Esterla Barreto-Cortez (Fall 1995) Evaluation Exchange Article

Participatory Evaluation Research as Catalyst for Reform: An Example From an Urban Middle School

Jennifer Pastor and Rosemarie Roberts of the City University of New York describe the outcome of their use of participatory evaluation for their school reform project.

Jennifer Pastor , Rosemarie Roberts (Fall 1995) Evaluation Exchange Article

Participatory Evaluation

This issue of The Evaluation Exchange, Harvard Family Research Project's quarterly evaluation periodical, explores participatory evaluation strategies. The issue introduces and examines the key ideas behind participatory approaches through the work of its practitioners and to indicate the wide range of fields where these approaches are being applied and tested.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

New & Noteworthy

A list of new resources on participatory evaluation.

Harvard Family Research Project (Fall 1995) Evaluation Exchange Article

Mixed Methods: Practical Possibilities for Evaluation

Lori Rutter from Harvard Family Research Project summarizes Professor Jennifer Greene's presentation on using mixed methods to evaluate human service programs, which she made at HFRP's Evaluation Seminar Series.

Lori Rutter (Spring 1995) Evaluation Exchange Article

New Jersey's School-Based Youth Services Program (SBYSP)

This evaluation report from Academy for Education Development (AED) examined a range of services to children and adolescents at 29 secondary schools and 16 primary schools in the New Jersey's School-Based Youth Services Program (SBYSP).

Sandy Weinbaum (Spring 1995) Evaluation Exchange Article

The Washington Heights Community Schools Project

The Washington Heights Community Schools Project conducts an evaluation to support educational and health outcomes.

Rosa Agosto (Spring 1995) Evaluation Exchange Article

New & Noteworthy

An annotated list of organizations and initiatives related to the evaluation themes in this issue.

Harvard Family Research Project (Winter 1995) Evaluation Exchange Article

Challenges in Evaluating Systems Reform

Kathleen Shaw, Senior Researcher at Harvard Family Research Project, summarizes a new HFRP work in progress, Systems Reform: Challenges for Evaluation Research.

Kathleen Shaw (Winter 1995) Evaluation Exchange Article

The Dr. Seuss Approach to Evaluation

Elaine Replogle, Research Assistant at Harvard Family Research Project, summarizes Michael Patton's talk at the Evaluation Seminar Series, “Sneeches, Zax, and Empty Pants: Processes in Developmental Evaluation.”

Elaine Replogle M.T.S. (Winter 1995) Evaluation Exchange Article

Maryland Shares Lessons in Self-Evaluation

Betsy Martin of Harvard Family Research Project reveals the lessons Maryland has learned after becoming the first state in the U.S. to pursue a self-evaluation strategy for systems reform.

Betsy Martin M.P.A. (Winter 1995) Evaluation Exchange Article

Georgia Breaks New Ground

After coordinating the work of several separate statewide programs for families and children into one initiative, Georgia is now tackling evaluating the reform of its systems. Betsy Martin of Harvard Family Research Project shares their approach.

Betsy Martin M.P.A. (Winter 1995) Evaluation Exchange Article

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project