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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Civic Participation and the Citizens Research Method

Serene Fang of Harvard Family Research Project explains the Citizen Research method to better inform and engage citizens in understanding and influencing policymaking.

Serene Fang (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building State and Local Evaluation Capacity: The U.S. Department of Justice's Evaluation Strategy

Robert Kirchner, Senior Advisor for Evaluation at the U.S. Department of Justice, writes about how the Department of Justice has worked to strengthen evaluation capacity at the state and local levels.

Robert A. Kirchner (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Studying Learning Initiatives: The Experience of the Empowerment Zones/Enterprise Communities National Learning Initiative

Andy Mott of Center for Community Change and Vicki Creed of Learning Partners discuss an approach they used to evaluate learning through the National Learning Initiative of the Empowerment Zones/Enterprise Communities Project.

Andy Mott , Vicki Creed (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

State Policy Documentation Project: Data Collection and Dissemination

Lisa Plimpton of the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) reports on the work that CLASP is doing to document state policies on welfare reform.

Lisa Plimpton (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Useful Learning for Public Action

Heather Weiss of Harvard Family Research Project and William Morrill of Mathtech discuss implementing knowledge development investments to solve the country's basic problems.

Heather B. Weiss (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluation Options for Family Resource Centers

This report examines different evaluation designs and their respective strengths and limitations. Using a realistic prototype of a child and family resource center, the authors present three alternative plans for evaluation.

Karen Horsch , Heather B. Weiss (1998) Research Report

Interview With Carol H. Weiss

Evaluator, educator, and author Carol Weiss shares her thoughts about what the next century might mean for the field of evaluation, the training of evaluators, and the connection between evaluation and policymaking.

Karen Horsch (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Cluster Evaluation

James Sanders of the Evaluation Institute discusses the utility of cluster evaluation as a way to examine multiple programs.

James Sanders (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Following up With the Evaluation Work of Asian Neighborhood Design

Maurice Lim Miller follows up a previous article on an evaluation tool used by the Asian Neighborhood Design, which is now being used to examine welfare reform efforts in San Francisco.

Maurice Lim Miller (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Electronic Mailbox

A list of useful resources on the Internet.

Jessica Chapel (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

National Learning Project Evaluation

Jay Bell of James Bell Associates describes the National Learning Project Evaluation of the United Way.

Jay Bell (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Ensuring Quality in Head Start: The FACES Study

Ruth Hubbell McKey of Ellswood Associates and Louisa Tarullo of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services discuss the FACES study of Head Start.

Ruth Hubbell McKey , Louisa B. Tarullo (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Performance Measurement

This issue of The Evaluation Exchange, Harvard Family Research Project's quarterly evaluation periodical, investigates performance measurement. It presents articles on results-based accountability (RBA) that are both retrospective, looking at what we have learned about accountability over the years, as well as prospective, looking to the future of RBA.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

New & Noteworthy

An annotated list of organizations and initiatives related to performance measurement.

Jessica Chapel (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Electronic Mailbox

A list of useful resources on the Internet.

Jessica Chapel (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating CBIs: Facing the Challenges and Improving Practice

Karen Horsch from Harvard Family Research Project reveals the practices that nine evaluators of community-based initiatives have used and lessons they have learned addressing challenges.

Karen Horsch (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Interview With Mercer Sullivan

Mercer Sullivan, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University and Senior Research Fellow at the Vera Institute of Justice, talks about using ethnography to study community-based initiatives.

Karen Horsch (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Implementing a Theories of Change Evaluation in the Cleveland Community-Building Initiative

Sharon Milligan, Claudia Coulton, and Peter York of the Center on Urban Poverty and Social Change and Ronald Register, Executive Director of the Cleveland Community-Building Initiative, explain how a theories of change approach can be used to address the constraints of traditional evaluation techniques.

Sharon Milligan , Claudia Coulton, Peter York, Ronald Register (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Neighborhood Indicators and Community Initiatives

G. Thomas Kingsley, Director of the Center for Public Finance and Housing at the Urban Institute, discusses the use of neighborhood indicators and their relevance to community initiatives.

G. Thomas Kingsley (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Learner-Centered Evaluation Practice: The Banana Kelly Experience

Joe Hall, President of Banana Kelly International, and Marianne Cocchini, Founder of AER/MAC Consulting, write about evaluation as a learning enterprise for a CBI.

Joe Hall , Marianne Cocchini (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

New & Noteworthy

An annotated list of organizations and initiatives related to the issue's theme of Community-Based Initiatives.

Lousia Lund , Karen Horsch (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Community-Based Initiatives

This issue of The Evaluation Exchange, Harvard Family Research Project's quarterly evaluation periodical, investigates community-based initiatives (CBIs). It offer a variety of viewpoints, perspectives, and practices on how to document and examine CBIs in a way that enables us to learn all we can about them.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

Reaching Results in Different Ways

Diane Schilder of Harvard Family Research Project identifies key issues in the successful design of RBA systems.

Diane Schilder (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

School-Linked Services

This issue of The Evaluation Exchange investigates evaluating the school-linked services that attempt to address and find preventive solutions for the array of problems facing children and families.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

Evaluating School-Linked Services: Considerations and Best Practices

Karen Horsch of Harvard Family Research Project discusses forthcoming research on the evaluation of school-linked services based on the insights of nine evaluators.

Karen Horsch (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project