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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.
2006 Bibliography on Family Involvement Among Working FamiliesHarvard Family Research Project |
To compile these bibliographies we searched the electronic databases ERIC, Education Abstracts, PsychINFO, SocioFILE, Current Contents, and Dissertation Abstracts using combinations of the keywords “parent,” “family,” “home,” “teacher,” and “school.” We further revised our searches using specific terms such as “family school relationships,” “parent teacher cooperation,” “teacher training,” and “family involvement.” We read abstracts from this initial list of publications, selecting empirical studies relating to family involvement that were conducted primarily within the United States.
Please note that this compilation is not reviewed, nor does it represent the universe of recent family involvement research. We therefore invite member suggestions for additions to our listing. To make suggestions, please contact FINE at fine@gse.harvard.edu.
Acs, G., & Phillips, K. R. (2000, October). On the bottom rung: A profile of Americans in low-income working families. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute. [Available at www.urban.org/publications/309710.html.]
Allen, J., & Butler, K. A. (1999/2000). Do schools take parent involvement seriously? American Teacher, 84(4), 4.
Aronson, J. Z. (1996). How schools can recruit hard-to-reach parents. Educational Leadership, 53(1), 58–60.
Benin, M. H., & Chong, Y. (1993). Child care concerns of employed mothers. In J. Frankel (Ed.), The employed mother and the family context (pp. 229–244). New York: Springer.
Brayfield, A. (1992). Childcare costs as a barrier to women's employment. Washington, DC: US Department of Labor.
Brett, J. M., & Yogev, S. (1988). Restructuring work and family: How dual earner couples with children manage. In E. B. Goldsmith (Ed.), Work and family: Theory, research, and applications. New York: Sage Press.
Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Chavkin, N., & Williams, D. L. (1989). Low-income parents' attitudes toward parent involvement and education. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 16, 17–28.
Chavkin, N., & Williams, D. L. (1990). Working parents and schools: Implications for parents. Education, 111(2), 242–248.
Coleman, J. S. (1991). Parental involvement in education. Washington, DC: Office of Educational Research, U.S. Department of Education.
Coleman, M., & Churchill, S. (1997). Challenges to family involvement. Childhood Education, 73, 144–148.
Daniels, D., & Moos, R. (1988). Exosystem influences on family and child functioning. In E. B. Goldsmith (Ed.), Work and family: Theory, research, and applications. New York: Sage Press.
Downey, D. B. (1994). The school performance of children from single-mother and single-father families: Economic or interpersonal deprivation? Journal of Family Issues, 15, 129–147.
Dunlap, C. Z., & Alva, S. A. (1999). Redefining school and community relations: Teachers' perceptions of parents as participants and stakeholders. Education Quarterly, 26(4), 123–133.
Eccles, J. S., & Harrold, R. D. (1993). Parent-school involvement during the early adolescent years. Teacher's College Record, 94, 568–587.
Evans, J. E., & Hines, P. L. (1997). Lunch with school counselors: Reaching parents through their workplace. Professional School Counseling, 1(2), 45–47.
Ferguson, S., & Towsend-Butterworth, D. (1996). A new understanding of parental involvement: Family-work-school conference proceedings. New York: Columbia University Teachers College.
Fernandez, J. (1986). Child care and corporate productivity: Resolving family/work conflicts. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
Flaxman, E., & Inger, M. (1992). Parents and schooling in the 1990's. Principal, 16–18.
Fredrikson-Goldsen, K. I. & Scharlach, A. E. (2001). Families and work: New directions in the twenty-first century. New York: Oxford University Press.
Fricke, T. (1998). Changing cultures of family and work: Background document for the center for the ethnography of everyday life. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Center for the Ethnography of Everyday Life. [Available at ceel.psc.isr.umich.edu/pubs/papers/ceel001-98.pdf.]
Galinksy, E. (1999). Ask the children: What America's children really think about working parents. New York: William Morrow and Company.
Galinsky, E., & Hughes, D. (1987). Fortune Magazine child care study. New York: Bank Street College of Education.
Goldberg, W. A., Strauss, R., & East, A. (1998, July). Family, school, and work: A look at parental involvement during the transition to kindergarten. Poster session presented at the Head Start Fourth National Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Goldberg, W. A., Strauss, R., & Gray, K. (1999, April). School, home, and work: Links among contexts in the lives of parents children. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Albequerque, NM.
Goldsmith, E. (2001). Resource management for individuals and families (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Gottfried, A. E., Gottfried, A. W., & Bathurst, K. (1989). Maternal employment, family environment, and children's development: Infancy through the school years. In A. E. Gottfried & A. W. Gottfried (Eds.), Maternal employment and children's development: Longitudinal research (pp. 11–56). New York: Plenum Press.
Grossman, S., Osterman, K., & Scmelkin, L. P. (April 1999). Parent involvement: The relationship between beliefs and practices. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
Gutman, L. M., & McLoyd, V. C. (2000). Parent's management of their children's education within the home, at school, and in the community: An examination of African-American families living in poverty. The Urban Review, 32(1), 1–24.
Heymann, S. J., & Earle, A. (2000). Low-income parents: How do working conditions affect their opportunity to help school-age children at risk? American Educational Research Journal, 37, 833–848.
Hanson-Harding, B. (2000, September). Building bridges. Working Mother, 56–63.
Hoffman, L. W., & Youngblade, L. M. (1999). Mothers at work: Effects on children's well-being. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Hoover-Dempsey, K. V. & Sandler, H. M. (1997). Why do parents become involved in their children's education? Review of Educational Research, 67(1), 3–42.
Horwood, & Ferguson. (1999). A longitudinal study of maternal labour force participation and child academic achievement. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 40(7), 1013–1024.
Hughes, D., & Galinsky, E. (1989). Balancing work and family lives: Research and corporate applications. In A. E. Gottfried & A. W. Gottfried (Eds.), Maternal employment and children's development: Longitudinal research (pp. 233–268). New York: Plenum Press.
Huston, A,. Duncan, G. J., Granger, R., Johannes, B., McLoyd, V., Mistry, R., Crosby, D., Gibson, C., Magnuson, K., Romich, J., & Ventura, A. (2001). Work-based anti-poverty programs for parents can enhance the school performance and social behavior of children. Child Development, 72, 318–336.
Kalmijn, M. (1994). Mothers' occupational status and children's schooling. American Sociological Review, 59, 257–275.
Kamerman, S. B. (2000). Parental leave policies: An essential ingredient in early childhood education and care policies. Social Policy Report, 14(2), 3–6.
Kinnuen, U., Gerris, J., Vermulst, A. (1996). Work experiences and family functioning among employed fathers with children of school age. Family Relations, 45, 449–455.
Lamphere, L. (1999). Let's set the agenda.
Lynch, E. W., & Stein, R. C. (1987). Parent participation by ethnicity: A comparison of Hispanic, Black, and Anglo families. Exceptional Children, 54(2), 105–111.
Mapp, K. (1997). Making family-school connections work. Education Digest, 63(36), 9.
Milne, A. M., Myers, D. E., Rosenthal, A. S., & Ginsburg, A. (1986). Single parents, working mothers, and the educational achievement of school children. Sociology of Education, 59, 125–139.
Nakagawa, K. (2000). Unthreading the ties that bind: Questioning the discourse of parent involvement. Educational Policy, 14(4), 443–472.
Nord, C., Brimhall, D., & West, J. (1997). Fathers' involvement in their children's schools. Washington DC: US Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement.
Pelco, L., Jacobson, L., Ries, R., & Melka, S. (2000). Perspectives and practices in family-school partnerships: A national survey of school psychologists. School Psychology Review, 29(2), 235–250.
Pitton, D. E. (1996). Parental involvement in the schools: A new role for government and business. New Schools, New Communities, 12(3), 68–71.
Public Education Network and Education Week. (2001). Action for all: The public's responsibility for public education. Washington, DC and Bethesda, MD: Authors.
Scott, E. K., Edin, K., London, A. S., & Mazelis, J. M. (in press). My children come first: Welfare-reliant women's post TANF views of work-family trade-offs and marriage. In G. J. Duncan & P. L. Chase (Eds.), For better or for worse: Welfare reform and the well-being of children and families. New York: Sage Press.
Seligson, M. (1997). Before and after school child care comes of age. The Wellesley Centers for Women Research Report, 1(2), 1–2.
Smrekar, C. (2000, April). New models of social capital development: Workplace schools and the social integration of family, school, and work. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Sprang, G., Secret, M., & Bradford, J. (1999). Blending work and family: A case study. AFFILIA, 14(1), 98–116.
Swick, K. J., Grafwallner, R., Cockey, M., & Barton, P. (1998). Parents as leaders in nurturing family-school involvement. Contemporary Education, 70, 47–50.
Tapia, J. (2000). Schooling and learning in U.S.-Mexican families: A case study of households. The Urban Review, 32(1), 25–44.
Thorne, B. (1999). Pick up time at Oakdale Elementary School: Work and family from the vantage points of children. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Toch, T. ( 2001, January 7). The plight of the PTA. The New York Times: Education Life, 37–39.
U.S. Census Bureau. (1995). Who's minding the kids?: Child care arrangements. Washington, DC: Author. [Available at www.census.gov/population/www/socdemo/child/ppl-138.html.]
U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. (1999, May 27). Both husband and wife work for pay in the majority of married-couple families. Washington, DC: Author. [Available at www.bls.gov/opub/ted/1999/may/wk4/art03.htm.]
VandenHeuvel, A. (1997). Absence because of family responsibilities: An examination of explanatory factors. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 18(3), 273–297.
Voyandoff. (1988). Work and family: A review and expanded conceptualization. In E. B. Goldsmith (Ed.), Work and family: Theory, research, and applications (pp. 1–22). London: Sage Press.
Weiss, M. G., & Liss, M. B. (1988). Night shift work: Job and family concerns. In E. B. Goldsmith (Ed.), Work and family: Theory, research, and applications (pp. 1–22). London: Sage Press.
Weiss, H., Kreider, H., Hencke, R., Vaughan, P., & Mayer, E. (2000, October). Negotiating work to enable parent involvement in children's learning. Paper presented at the UK Economic and Social Research Council, London, England.
Wirth, E. (1991). Working parents work for schools. Education Digest, 21–22.