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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.
Number 2, August 2003 A Review of Activity Implementation in Out-of-School Time ProgramsSuzanne Bouffard, Priscilla M. D. Little Download a PDF of this publication (28 kb) | View all publications in this series |
This Snapshot examines the range and scope of activities being implemented in current out-of-school time programs to set a context for understanding the links between program activities and positive outcomes for youth.
About This Series
Harvard Family Research Project’s series of Out-of-School Time Evaluation Snapshots distills the wealth of information compiled in our Out-of-School Time Program Evaluation Database and Bibliography into a single report. Each Snapshot examines a specific aspect of out-of-school time evaluation.
Free. 4 Pages.