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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Evaluating Communications Strategies: Learning From the Communications for Child Protection Project

Richard Brandon and Andrew Gordon from the University of Washington describe how they are evaluating the effectiveness of communications strategies aimed at strengthening the linkage between public opinion and public policy.

Richard N. Brandon , Andrew Gordon (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Reaching Results in Different Ways

Diane Schilder of Harvard Family Research Project identifies key issues in the successful design of RBA systems.

Diane Schilder (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

HFRP's Research Results: Teacher Preparation in Family Involvement

Karen Horsch of Harvard Family Research Project lists recommendations for teacher development from an HFRP study.

Karen Horsch (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

New & Noteworthy

An annotated list of organizations and initiatives related to the issue's theme of School-Linked Services.

Caroline Schaefer (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Electronic Mailbox

A list of useful resources on the Internet.

Julia Coffman (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Overview of Results-Based Accountability: Components of RBA

This brief defines results-based accountability (RBA) as a management tool that can facilitate collaboration among human service agencies, as a method of decentralizing services, and as an innovative regulatory process and explores the components of RBA systems. The brief also shows how RBA can be developed and used at different levels: state, community, agency, or program.

Diane Schilder (1997) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Strategic Planning Process: Steps in Developing Strategic Plans

This brief provides an overview of the strategic planning process, an essential first step in the development of a results-based accountability system.

Diane Schilder (1997) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

New & Noteworthy

An annotated list of organizations and initiatives related to the issue's theme of Methodology.

Caroline Schaefer , Karen Horsch (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article


This issue of The Evaluation Exchange, Harvard Family Research Project's quarterly evaluation periodical, investigates evaluation methodologies.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

Electronic Mailbox

A list of useful resources on the Internet.

Julia Coffman (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the issue on Methodology by HFRP's founder & director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D. (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Advancing Mixed-Method Evaluation

Jennifer Greene, Associate Professor at Cornell University, discusses a framework for planning and implementing mixed-method evaluations.

Jennifer C. Greene (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Interview With Robert K. Yin

Robert Yin, author and President of an evaluation research firm, talks about the use of case study methodologies in evaluating community-based collaborative initiatives.

Karen Horsch , Cami Anderson (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building the Capacity to Build Capacity

Juila Coffman of Harvard Family Research Project describes common qualities shared among “learning organizations,” examining them in the context of service programs.

Julia Coffman (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Canadian Social Services Senior Managers Forum

Diane Schilder of Harvard Family Research Project reports on findings from the recent Social Services Senior Managers Forum, held in Alberta, Canada.

Diane Schilder (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Asian Neighborhood Design: A Practice-Based Anti-Poverty Analysis

Maurice Lim Miller, Executive Director of Asian Neighborhood Design, discusses an evaluation instrument for self-sufficiency that he developed and is using in San Francisco.

Maurice Lim Miller (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Making the Transition to Automation: Observations From Six Community-Based Agencies

Susan Blank, Program Officer of the Foundation for Child Development, presents some of her observations from a recent study she conducted of MIS development and use in community-based agencies.

Susan Blank (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Achieving and Measuring Results: Lessons From HFRP's Parenting Study

Anne Brady and Julia Coffman of Harvard Family Research Project share results and lessons from HFRP's Parenting Study.

Anne Brady , Julia Coffman (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Indicators: Definition and Use in a Results-Based Accountability System

This brief defines and explores the role of indicators as an integral part of a results-based accountability system. The brief shows how indicators enable decision makers to assess progress toward the achievement of intended outputs, outcomes, goals, and objectives.

Karen Horsch (1997) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Community-Based Initiatives

This issue provides a broad overview of the status of evaluations of community-based initiatives (CBI) and begins an ongoing dialogue among practitioners, evaluators, and funders about how to address the challenges involved in evaluating them.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the issue on Community-Based Initiatives by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather Weiss, Ed.D. (1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Parenting Programs and Poverty: What's Our Evidence?

Anne Brady and Julia Coffman of Harvard Family Research Project summarize the long-term evidence about two-generational interventions aimed at improving child development, parenting, and family economics.

Anne Brady , Julia Coffman (1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating Community-Based Initiatives

M. Elena Lopez and Cami Anderson of Harvard Family Research Project conduct a focus group of Executive Directors of five complex CBIs to learn about the evaluation and self-assessment efforts.

M. Elena Lopez (1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Interview With Dr. Gary Orfield

Dr. Gary Orfield, Professor of Education and Social Policy at Harvard University, shares his research on poverty to situate CBIs in the context of the larger social and economic factors that may affect their success.

Cami Anderson (1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluation Strategies of Selected Community-Based Initiatives

Harvard Family Research Project provides a chart of 20 major ongoing evaluations of CBIs.

Harvard Family Research Project (1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project