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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Lessons From Family-Strengthening Interventions: Learning From Evidence-Based Practice

Examine how effective family-strengthening interventions can positively impact families and children in this practitioner-friendly brief from Harvard Family Research Project. Lessons From Family-Strengthening Interventions: Learning From Evidence-Based Practice is based on our review of interventions that have been rigorously evaluated through experimental and quasi-experimental studies. We offer educators, service providers, and evaluators recommendations for creating successful programs and evaluations.

Margaret Caspe , M. Elena Lopez (October 2006) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Discovery Youth: A Museum-Based Program Connecting Youth With Community

Jessica Intrator from the Children's Discovery Museum describes a program that connects youth with a community institution to promote technology skills, health awareness, and positive social and academic outcomes.

Jessica Intrator (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building and Evaluating Out-of-School Time Connections

Suzanne Bouffard, Priscilla Little, and Heather Weiss build a research-based case that a network of supports, with out-of-school time programs as a key component, are critical to positive learning and developmental outcomes for children and youth.

Suzanne Bouffard , Priscilla Little, Heather Weiss (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

It's Never Too Early: Promoting College Prep in Middle School After School Programs

Lucy Friedman describes how a collaborative after school initiative links with universities and families to promote college and career preparation among middle school youth.

Lucy Friedman (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Connecting Latino Families With Out-of-School Time Opportunities

Nathaniel Riggs describes the implementation and evaluation of the Generación Diez program, which connects Latino families with after school programming, social services, and the school community.

Nathaniel Riggs (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating BEST Fit: A Program to Promote Child and Family Health After School

Jim Sass and Craig Blumenthal from LA's BEST describe how the BEST Fit initiative links with multiple organizations to support child and family health.

Jim Sass , Craig Blumenthal (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Linking School and After School: Strategies for Success

Julie Bott reviews the strategies she and her colleagues use to link the Gardner Extended Services School's after school program with the school day.

Julie Bott (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Parenting Behaviors and Adolescent OST Participation

Harvard Family Research Project discusses the connection between parents' behavior and adolescents' participation in out-of-school time activities.

Suzanne Bouffard , Sandra Simpkins-Chaput, Carrie-Anne DeDeo (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

How Does Parenting Matter in Adolescence? Insights From Variable- and Person-Centered Approaches

This paper examines relations between a variety of parenting behaviors and indicators of adolescent adjustment. Variable-centered analyses suggest that parents establish rules in the face of poor adolescent adjustment. Parenting behaviors focused on cognitive stimulation in the home and through school involvement were associated with positive adolescent adjustment. Person-centered analyses identified five distinct clusters based on the pattern of parenting behaviors and confirmed results found in the variable-centered analyses.

Sandra Simpkins , S. Bouffard, E. Dearing, C. Wimer, P. Caronongan, H. Weiss (2006) Research Report

Youth Out-of-School Time Participation: Multiple Risks and Developmental Differences

This paper examines whether youth who are at risk, according to child-, family-, school-, and neighborhood-level factors, are less likely to participate in out-of-school time activities, and whether the predictors depend on youth's age or socioeconomic status. Findings reveal that child- and family-level risks are most consistently related to youth's OST participation. However, these relationships emerge only in early and late adolescence, when youth have more autonomy in their decisions about non-school time use. For certain types of activities, namely those that require fees and financial commitments, contextual risks are more strongly associated with OST participation for higher SES families than for lower SES families.

Christopher Wimer , S. Simpkins, E. Dearing, S. Bouffard, P. Caronongan, H. Weiss (2006) Research Report

Challenges and Opportunities in Moving Family Involvement Research Into Practice (Presentation)

This presentation by HFRP staff was part of a conference entitled “Family–School Relations During Adolescence: Linking Interdisciplinary Research and Practice.” The conference was held July 20–21 and was hosted by the Sanford Institute of Public Policy at Duke University, sponsored by the American Psychological Association. The goal of the conference was to establish better links among research, practice, and policy related to family educational involvement during adolescence, particularly for families from ethnically and socioeconomically diverse backgrounds.

Harvard Family Research Project (July 20, 2006) Conferences and Presentations

Free. Available online only.

Demographic Differences in Patterns of Youth Out-of-School Time Activity Participation

This paper examines whether demographic differences exist in getting youth “in the door” of OST activities, as well as in the number of activities and the amount of time youth spend in activities. Results from two nationally representative datasets show that disadvantaged youth were less likely to participate in a variety of activities than their peers and that they participated in fewer activities. 

Suzanne Bouffard , C. Wimer, P. Caronongan, P. Little, E. Dearing, S. Simpkins (2006) Research Report

Relations Between Parenting and Positive Youth Development

This paper examines the bidirectional relationship between (a) parental involvement in education and out-of-school time (OST) activities and (b) youth participation in OST activities. Using longitudinal data from the National Education Longitudinal Study, the paper examines the direction of the parent involvement-youth participation relationship and whether youth OST participation mediates the relationship between parental involvement and youth academic and social outcomes.

Suzanne Bouffard , S.Simpkins, H. Kreider (July 2006) Research Report

Family Involvement Makes a Difference in School Success

Family involvement helps children get ready to enter school, promotes their school success, and prepares youth for college. This Research Brief presents findings from HFRP's ongoing, in-depth review of research and evaluated programs that link family involvement in children's education to student outcomes.

Harvard Family Research Project (2006) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

New Research on Family Involvement and Academic Achievement (Symposium)

This multiple paper symposium at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association followed up on our panel session in 2005. It featured four research studies that used nuanced definitions of family involvement and cutting-edge methodologies to address processes of family involvement and academic outcomes for disadvantaged children across the developmental continuum.

Heather Weiss , Kathleen Hoover-Dempsey, Wendy Barnard, Suzanne Bouffard, Eric Dearing, and Christine McWayne (April 11, 2006) Conferences and Presentations

Free. Available online only.

Family Strengthening Interventions: Evidence-Based Practices

The purpose of this class is to provide professional skills that will help students to select, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of evidence-based family strengthening interventions. Students will increase their knowledge, skills, and expertise in the most up-to-date information on effective family strengthening interventions in their area of primary interest.

Karol Kumpfer (Spring 2006) Syllabus

Free. Available online only.

Family Involvement in Early Childhood Education

This research brief synthesizes the latest research that demonstrates how family involvement contributes to young children's learning and development. The brief summarizes the latest evidence base on effective involvement—specifically, the research studies that link family involvement in early childhood to outcomes and programs that have been evaluated to show what works.

Heather B. Weiss , Margaret Caspe and M. Elena Lopez (Spring 2006) Research Report

Free. 8 Pages.

Focus on Families! How to Build and Support Family-Centered Practices in After School

This comprehensive, easy-to-read guide to understanding how to engage families in after school programs is a critical resource for after school providers looking to create or expand an existing family engagement program. It offers a research base for why family engagement matters, concrete program strategies for engaging families, case studies of promising family engagement efforts, and an evaluation tool for improving family engagement practices.

Zenub Kakli , Holly Kreider, Priscilla Little, Tania Buck, Maryellen Coffrey (February 2006) Research Report

Free. 48 Pages.

Bibliography on Family Involvement and Student Achievement

Harvard Family Research Project (2006) Bibliography

Mothering the Mind and Soul: African American Mothers' Beliefs and Practices to Ensure Academic and Social Success for Their Daughters in High School

Interviews with African American mothers of successful high school daughters show that mothers maintain intense interest and direct involvement in multiple aspects of their daughters' educational lives but keep little contact with school officials.

Barbara M. Williams (February 2006) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Bibliography on Family Involvement Among Culturally Diverse Populations

Harvard Family Research Project (2006) Bibliography

Bibliography on Family Involvement and Adolescence 1999-2003

Harvard Family Research Project (2006) Bibliography

New & Noteworthy

The New & Noteworthy section features an annotated list of papers, organizations, initiatives, and other resources related to the issue's theme of Evaluating Family Involvement Programs.

Harvard Family Research Project (Winter 2004/2005) Evaluation Exchange Article

Family Involvement Storybook Corner

A unique source for information on using children's storybooks with family involvement themes to engage families in their children's education and encourage family–school–community partnerships, all while supporting literacy.

Harvard Family Research Project (January 2006) Tool for Practice

Free. Available online only.

Parental Involvement and Student Achievement: A Meta-Analysis

This meta-analysis of parent involvement research brings together the results of 77 recent studies. Jeynes shows that parent involvement has an overall positive effect on student achievement and that the largest effects are associated with parental expectations.

William H. Jeynes (December 2005) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project