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Assessing the How of Outcomes in Out-of-School Time: Learning From MARS

John Zuman and Beth Miller present an overview of the Massachusetts Afterschool Research Study, a statewide investigation into how after school programs constitute quality contexts for youth.

John Zuman, Ph.D. , Beth M. Miller, Ph.D. (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Promoting Quality Out-of-School Time Programs Through Professional Development

Suzanne Bouffard from HFRP discusses how staff development initiatives and evaluations contribute to quality youth programming.

Suzanne Bouffard (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

New & Noteworthy

An annotated list of organizations and initiatives related to the issue's theme of Evaluating Out-of-School Time Program Quality.

Suzanne Bouffard (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Youth Civic Engagement: Emerging Theory and Practice

Margaret Post from HFRP examines the emerging practice of youth civic engagement and describes current efforts to promote quality in this area.

Margaret Post (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

New & Noteworthy: Expanded Web Only Version

This web only version of the New & Noteworthy section features an expanded annotated list of organizations and initiatives related to the issue's theme of Evaluating Out-of-School Time Program Quality.

Suzanne Bouffard (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Out-of-School Time Opportunities for Immigrant Youth

Erin Harris from HFRP discusses the importance of out-of-school time programs for immigrant youth.

Erin Harris (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Designing Quality Assessment Tools in Early Childhood Education and Youth Development

Ted Jurkiewicz and Charles Hohmann from the High/Scope Educational Research Foundation describe the design of High/Scope's new Youth Program Quality Assessment tool.

Ted Jurkiewicz , Charles Hohmann (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Learning From Organizations That Learn

Four experts in the out-of-school time field discuss their experiences using evaluation for program improvement.

Priscilla M. D. Little (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

A Recipe for Quality Out-of-School Time Programs

Priscilla Little from HFRP asks eight after school experts to identity the single ingredient essential to ensuring high quality OST programs.

Priscilla M. D. Little (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Extracting Evaluation Lessons From Four Recent Out-of-School Time Program Evaluations

Thomas J. Kane from the University of California, Los Angeles, distills lessons for future research from his review of four recent after school program evaluations.

Thomas J. Kane (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Promising Approaches to Evaluating Out-of-School Time Program Quality

Christopher Wimer from HFRP describes three promising methodological approaches to studying program quality in the OST arena.

Christopher Wimer (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Meaningful Assessment and Continuous Improvement: Using the Foundations Quality Assurance System

Claudia Weisburd and Rhe McLaughlin of Foundations, Inc., describe their Quality Assurance System for program improvement.

Claudia Weisburd, Ph.D. , Rhe McLaughlin (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Using Technology to Link Evaluation and Funding: San Francisco’s Contract Management System

Tajel Shah and Nani Coloretti of the San Francisco Department of Children, Youth and Their Families describe a web-based contract management system for youth programs.

Tajel Shah , Nani Coloretti (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Performance Measures in Out-of-School Time Evaluation

This Snapshot outlines the academic, youth development, and prevention performance measures currently being used by out-of-school time programs to assess their progress, and the corresponding data sources for these measures.

Priscilla M. D. Little , Erin Harris, Suzanne Bouffard (March 2004) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

New & Noteworthy

A list of organizations and initiatives related to the issue's theme of Reflecting on the Past and Future of Evaluation.

Tezeta Tulloch (Winter 2003/2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

A Review of Activity Implementation in Out-of-School Time Programs

This Snapshot examines the range and scope of activities being implemented in current out-of-school time programs to set a context for understanding the links between program activities and positive outcomes for youth.

Suzanne Bouffard , Priscilla M. D. Little (August 2003) Research Report

Free. 4 Pages.

A Review of Out-of-School Time Program Quasi-Experimental and Experimental Evaluation Results

This Snapshot provides an overview of what the quasi-experimental and experimental evaluations in the HFRP's OST Database reveal about the impact of out-of-school time programs on an array of academic, prevention, and youth development outcomes. It also includes a resource list of other out-of-school time evaluation reviews and related evaluation information.

Priscilla M. D. Little , Erin Harris (July 2003) Research Report

Hard copy out of stock. Available online only.

Why, When, and How to Use Evaluation: Experts Speak Out

This brief offers expert commentary on the implications of the first-year report of the national evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program for future evaluation and research. It includes a methodological critique of that study, written by Deborah Vandell.

Heather B. Weiss , Priscilla M.D. Little (June 2003) Research Report

Free. 8 Pages.

Improve Family Involvement in After School Programs

Growing evidence tells us that parent involvement in after school programs can make a difference in children's lives, as well as benefit families, schools, and after school programs themselves. This article by Ellen Mayer and Holly M. Kreider draws from research conducted by HFRP in partnership with Build the Out-of-School Time Network and the United Way of Massachusetts Bay. It describes four strategies for engaging elementary school families in after school programs and provides examples of promising practices from family-focused programs serving ethnically diverse families. The article also offers implications for parents and parent leaders as they select and design after school programs.

Ellen Mayer , Holly M. Kreider (October/November 2006) Research Report

New & Noteworthy

This section features an annotated list of resources related to the issue's theme of Evaluating Out-of-School Time.

Harvard Family Research Project (Spring 2003) Evaluation Exchange Article

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the issue on Evaluating Out-of-School Time by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D. (Spring 2003) Evaluation Exchange Article

Does Youth Participation in Out-of-School Time Activities Make a Difference?

Sandra Simpkins of HFRP integrates findings from academic research and program evaluation to provide a comprehensive look at the relationship between participation in out-of-school time (OST) activities and positive youth outcomes, and points to new directions for OST research and evaluation.

Sandra Simpkins (Spring 2003) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating Out-of-School Time

This is the third issue of The Evaluation Exchange (Harvard Family Research Project's quarterly evaluation periodical) devoted to exploring the challenges and solutions associated with evaluating out-of-school (OST) programs. This issue includes articles on what we know from existing research and evaluation about the results that are possible from OST programming, expert commentary on what the future OST research and evaluation agenda should look like, and information about hands-on research and evaluation tools and resources. It is also includes a special report with expert commentary on the implications of the first year findings in Mathematica's evaluation of the national 21st Century Community Learning Centers program. To read the previous issues on out-of-school time, go to our issue archive.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

Free. 24 Pages.

How can research and evaluation improve practice regarding access and equity in out-of-school time programs?

Five experts in the field of youth development and OST programming address the question of how research and evaluation can improve practice regarding access and equity in out-of-school time programs.

Priscilla Little , Hayley Yaffe (Spring 2003) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program—A View From the States

Erin Harris and Priscilla Little, from Harvard Family Research Project, describe the implementation of the new 21st Century Community Learning Centers program’s evaluation requirements in the context of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.

Priscilla Little , Erin Harris (Spring 2003) Evaluation Exchange Article

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project