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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Following up With the Evaluation Work of Asian Neighborhood Design

Maurice Lim Miller follows up a previous article on an evaluation tool used by the Asian Neighborhood Design, which is now being used to examine welfare reform efforts in San Francisco.

Maurice Lim Miller (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Welfare, Information, and the New Federalism

Thomas Gais of the Rockefeller Institute of Government discusses the use of information technology in welfare reform.

Thomas Gais (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Credentialing Caregivers

This paper describes why family support is essential, given current social and economic trends, and stresses the need to bridge child care and family support. The author underscores the need for accessible family support training curricula that can be adapted to audiences of child care providers.

Christiana Dean (1998) Research Report

$7.00 . 25 Pages.

Families and Teachers as Partners

This digest provides suggestions on how families and teachers can work together in schools to provide enriching experiences for children.

Holly Kreider (March 1998) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Aiming for Accountability: Vermont

Efforts include the State Team for Children and Families, Success by Six, and the Department of Education.

Karen Horsch , Priscilla M. D. Little, and Diane Schilder (1998) Research Report

$5.00 . 40 Pages.

Home/School/Community Partnerships

Class sessions address system-level issues in working with children and their families. Attention is given to strategies and tactics used by school districts, community groups, and private sector organizations to support academic, health, and social goals for children and their families.

Stewart Ehly (Spring 1998) Syllabus

Free. Available online only.

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the issue on Performance Measurement by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather Weiss, Ed.D. (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Aiming for Accountability: Lessons Learned From Eight States

Diane Schilder of Harvard Family Research Project draws on case studies of eight states to provide a frank assessment of the potential and limitations of RBA systems.

Diane Schilder (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Interview With Harry Hatry and Joe Wholey

Harry Hatry and Joe Wholey, who have been influential in the movement toward accountability at the federal level, discuss lessons learned and next steps for performance measurement.

Karen Horsch (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building Support for Statewide Outcomes: Lessons From Florida

Karen Stanford of the Commission on Government Accountability to the People in Florida reveals techniques to engage important stakeholders in the discussion about public outcomes.

Karen Stanford (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Do You Really Want to Be Accountable for Results? Musings on Georgia’s Learnings

Janet Bitner of the Carl Vinson Institute of Government at the University of Georgia, draws on the experiences of Georgia to share some insights about engaging assistance in the development of RBA systems.

Janet S. Bittner (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

National Learning Project Evaluation

Jay Bell of James Bell Associates describes the National Learning Project Evaluation of the United Way.

Jay Bell (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Ensuring Quality in Head Start: The FACES Study

Ruth Hubbell McKey of Ellswood Associates and Louisa Tarullo of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services discuss the FACES study of Head Start.

Ruth Hubbell McKey , Louisa B. Tarullo (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

New & Noteworthy

An annotated list of organizations and initiatives related to performance measurement.

Jessica Chapel (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Electronic Mailbox

A list of useful resources on the Internet.

Jessica Chapel (1998) Evaluation Exchange Article

Performance Measurement

This issue of The Evaluation Exchange, Harvard Family Research Project's quarterly evaluation periodical, investigates performance measurement. It presents articles on results-based accountability (RBA) that are both retrospective, looking at what we have learned about accountability over the years, as well as prospective, looking to the future of RBA.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

Aiming for Accountability: Oregon

Efforts include Oregon Benchmarks, the Oregon Commission on Children and Families, the Oregon Option, and the Community Partnership Team.

Karen Horsch , Priscilla M. D. Little, and Diane Schilder (1998) Research Report

$5.00 . 50 Pages.

Aiming for Accountability: Lessons Learned From Eight States

This report highlights some of the important lessons in designing and developing results-based accountability (RBA) systems, based on the insights gained from studies of eight states: Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, and Vermont. The report includes information on how these states overcame challenges in developing effective RBA systems and what the characteristics of promising RBA efforts are.

Harvard Family Research Project (1998) Research Report

$7.00 . 54 Pages.

Aiming for Accountability: Ohio

Efforts include Ohio Family and Children First, Early Start, the Wellness Block Grant, and the Family Stability Incentive Fund.

Karen Horsch , Priscilla M. D. Little, and Diane Schilder (1998) Research Report

$5.00 . 46 Pages.

Aiming for Accountability: Lessons Learned From Eight States (digest)

This condensed report highlights some of the important lessons in designing and developing results-based accountability (RBA) systems, based on the insights gained from studies of eight states: Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, and Vermont. The report includes information on how these states overcame challenges in developing effective RBA systems and what the characteristics of promising RBA efforts are.

Diane Schilder (1998) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Resource Guide of Results-Based Accountability Efforts: Profiles of Selected States

This guide includes profiles of different state models of results-based accountability systems, which were developed through document reviews and key informant interviews. Included in the guide is a list of key contacts and bibliographic information on publications each state has developed.

Diane Schilder , Anne Brady, Karen Horsch (November 1997) Research Report

$9.95 . 98 Pages.

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the issue on Community-Based Initiatives by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D. (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating CBIs: Facing the Challenges and Improving Practice

Karen Horsch from Harvard Family Research Project reveals the practices that nine evaluators of community-based initiatives have used and lessons they have learned addressing challenges.

Karen Horsch (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Interview With Mercer Sullivan

Mercer Sullivan, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University and Senior Research Fellow at the Vera Institute of Justice, talks about using ethnography to study community-based initiatives.

Karen Horsch (1997) Evaluation Exchange Article

Community-Based Initiatives

This issue of The Evaluation Exchange, Harvard Family Research Project's quarterly evaluation periodical, investigates community-based initiatives (CBIs). It offer a variety of viewpoints, perspectives, and practices on how to document and examine CBIs in a way that enables us to learn all we can about them.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project