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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Pioneers in the Field: Four Foundations on Advocacy Evaluation

Representatives from four foundations discuss their expectations and approaches for assessing their advocacy and public policy grantmaking.

Astrid Hendricks-Smith , Barbara Masters, Jackie Williams Kaye, Thomas Kelly, Sheri Brady (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluation and InterAction

Ken Giunta and Todd Shelton of InterAction answer HFRP's questions about their approaches and ideas on evaluating advocacy.

Ken Giunta , Todd Shelton (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

Advocacy and Policy Change

This 32-page issue of The Evaluation Exchange describes new developments in evaluating advocacy and policy change efforts that attempt to inform or influence public policy at the local, state, or federal levels.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

Free. 32 Pages.

What does monitoring and evaluation look like for real-life advocates?

Stephanie Schaefer, codirector of research at Fight Crime: Invest in Kids—a national nonprofit, bipartisan organization of law enforcement leaders and violence survivors—describes how they use evaluation to inform their advocacy and demonstrate their impact.

Stephanie Schaefer (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating Nonprofit Advocacy Simply: An Oxymoron?

Marcia Egbert and Susan Hoechstetter offer nine principles to guide advocacy evaluation, based on a recent and groundbreaking Alliance for Justice tool on this topic.

Marcia Egbert , Susan Hoechstetter (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

Continuous Progress: Better Advocacy Through Evaluation

Edith Asibey and David Devlin-Foltz describe the new Continuous Progress website, which helps advocates and grantmakers collaboratively plan and evaluate advocacy efforts.

Edith Asibey , David Devlin-Foltz (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating an Issue's Position on the Policy Agenda: The Bellwether Methodology

Policy issues need both visibility and momentum to be transformed into political action. Harvard Family Research Project's bellwether methodology helps evaluators assess if both characteristics are emerging.

Elizabeth Blair (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluation Based on Theories of the Policy Process

Harvard Family Research Project explains how it helps to ground evaluation in theories of the policy process.

Julia Coffman (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

A Conversation With Kay Monaco

Kay Monaco, former executive director of New Mexico Voices for Children, discusses the role that evaluation plays in her organization's efforts to change public policy.

Kay Monaco (Spring 2007) Evaluation Exchange Article

Lessons From Family-Strengthening Interventions: Learning From Evidence-Based Practice

Examine how effective family-strengthening interventions can positively impact families and children in this practitioner-friendly brief from Harvard Family Research Project. Lessons From Family-Strengthening Interventions: Learning From Evidence-Based Practice is based on our review of interventions that have been rigorously evaluated through experimental and quasi-experimental studies. We offer educators, service providers, and evaluators recommendations for creating successful programs and evaluations.

Margaret Caspe , M. Elena Lopez (October 2006) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Summer Success: Challenges and Strategies in Creating Quality Academically Focused Summer Programs

This brief looks at evaluations of 34 academically focused summer programs in order to distill challenges and compile promising strategies for creating quality summer programs.

Christopher Wimer , Rachel Gunther (October 2006) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Building Connections Between After School Programs and the Business Community

Andy Muñoz of City Year and Glenn Zaccara of T-Mobile talk about how their organizations link OST programs, businesses, and communities to support quality programming for youth.

Andy Munoz (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Discovery Youth: A Museum-Based Program Connecting Youth With Community

Jessica Intrator from the Children's Discovery Museum describes a program that connects youth with a community institution to promote technology skills, health awareness, and positive social and academic outcomes.

Jessica Intrator (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Community Service by and for Youth: Supporting OST Programs in Seattle

City Year staff member Erika Rasmussen describes how City Year Seattle/King County works with the local school district and with community organizations to offer high-quality OST programming.

Erika Rasmussen (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Efficacy Trials of Promising After School Programs: Supporting Experimental Studies Through a Research Consortium

Michael Vaden-Kiernan and Debra Hughes Jones from SEDL describe a U.S. Department of Education initiative to support rigorous research on the potential of after school programs to affect academic performance.

Michael Vaden-Kiernan , Debra Hughes Jones (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

The Peace Drum Project: Intergenerational Connections Through the Arts

Susan Porter, Project Director at Cooperative Artists Institute, describes how the Peace Drum Project makes connections with community members through the arts.

Susan Porter (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

New & Noteworthy

The New & Noteworthy section features an annotated list of papers, organizations, initiatives, and other resources related to the issue's theme of Building and Evaluating Out-of-School Time Connections.

Harvard Family Research Project (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

New & Noteworthy: Expanded Web Only Version

This web only version of the New & Noteworthy section features an expanded annotated list of papers, organizations, initiatives, and other resources related to the issue's theme of Building and Evaluating Out-of-School Time Connections.

Harvard Family Research Project (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Linking School and After School: Strategies for Success

Julie Bott reviews the strategies she and her colleagues use to link the Gardner Extended Services School's after school program with the school day.

Julie Bott (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Professional Development Revisited

In our last issue, we examined the evaluation of professional development in OST and other human service fields. Here, we highlight new resources that have come to our attention since the publication of that issue.

Harvard Family Research Project (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

The C. S. Mott Statewide Afterschool Networks: Statewide Collaboration to Further After School Policies

An-Me Chung of the C. S. Mott Foundation describes the Statewide Afterschool Networks, and three Statewide Afterschool Network coordinators—Jennifer Becker Mouhcine from Illinois, Zelda Waymer from South Carolina, and Janet Frieling from Washington—discuss how their Networks support and promote systems of after school program quality.

An-Me Chung , Jennifer Becker Mouhcine, Zelda Waymer, Janet Frieling (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building Complementary Learning: School and 4-H Linkages

Tena St. Pierre and Claudia Mincemoyer from the Pennsylvania State University's Cooperative Extension Service1 describe lessons learned from implementation and evaluation of a complementary learning pilot program.

Tena St. Pierre , Claudia Mincemoyer (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

A Conversation With Audrey Hutchinson

Audrey Hutchinson of National League of Cities Institute for Youth, Education, and Families discusses the evaluation of linked after school services by cities.

Audrey Hutchinson (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Using a Data Management Tool to Better Serve Middle School Youth Across a Variety of Settings

Elizabeth Devaney and Hillary Salmons from the Providence After School Alliance describe how a citywide data collection system helps track and improve after school services and strengthen linkages with community organizations, schools, and families.

Elizabeth Devaney , Hillary Salmons (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the issue on Building and Evaluating Out-of-School-Time Connections by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D. (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project