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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Reference and Resource List for Family Engagement in Libraries: A Design Thinking Activity

Reference and Resource List for Family Engagement in Libraries: A Design Thinking Activity
Watertown Public Library, September 27, 2016

Harvard Family Research Project (September 27, 2016) Research Report

Family Involvement News: August 2016

Want to learn more about the role of libraries in transforming family engagement and children’s learning? Looking for family engagement research, resources, ideas, and conferences? Then check out the latest edition of our Family Involvement News..

Harvard Family Research Project (August 23, 2016) Research Report

Family Engagement in Public Libraries Is Valued, but There Is Work to Be Done

Ever wonder what libraries around the country are doing to engage families? Learn the answer to this question and others through HFRP and PLA’s national survey of family engagement in public libraries—– the results of which are presented here.

Harvard Family Research Project (August 16, 2016) Research Report

Public Libraries: A Vital Space for Family Engagement

Harvard Family Research Project and the Public Library Association call for libraries to join together with schools and community organizations to establish a system of family engagement that extends throughout a child’s life, supports children and families, and prepares children for success.

M. Elena Lopez, Margaret Caspe, Lorette McWilliams (August 9, 2016) Research Report

Libraries Engaging Families: Reflections From the Public Library Association’s President

Public Library Association (PLA) president Felton Thomas Jr. writes about the importance of public libraries in engaging families, and how PLA and Harvard Family Research Project have begun a journey together to support libraries in this work.

Felton Thomas, Jr. (August 9, 2016) Research Report

Three Lessons in Developing a Systemic Approach to Family Engagement

Learn how the second-largest school district in California worked collaboratively to develop a systemic family engagement framework while putting family voice front and center.


Allison Rowland (July 26, 2016) Research Report

How to Grow a Framework: Lessons From California

The California Department of Education’s Family Engagement Framework: A Tool for California School Districts is a synthesis of research, best practices, and the state and federal program requirements that include family engagement, intended to guide school districts.

Lorette McWilliams (June 22, 2016) Research Report

Transmedia Activities: Engaging Families to Improve Children's Early Mathematics Achievement

Make way for mathematics digital media! New research reveals that regular use of digital games and hands-on mathematics activities at home, along with parent training around digital media for learning, can improve mathematics outcomes for young children.

Betsy McCarthy (June 7, 2016) Research Report

Family Involvement News: June 2016

Looking for innovative stories of family engagement from around the world? Need new tools to support family engagement workshops? Discover all this, along with new ideas in family engagement in science, technology , engineering, and math (STEM).

(June 7, 2016) Research Report

Expert Commentary to “Daddy Says This New Math Is Crazy”: Three Tips for Teachers

Based on her work with the Nana y Yo y las Matemáticas project, Marlene Kliman writes about three strategies teachers can use to engage families in their children’s math education, especially when today’s math curriculum diverges from traditional practices.

Marlene Kliman (May 31, 2016) Research Report

Reading Interactive Math Storybooks

Researchers from Teachers College, Columbia University, explore how a relatively new type of book– interactive math storybooks – can help parents appreciate and foster their child’s mathematical thinking.

Herbert Ginsburg, Colleen Uscianowski, Victoria Almeda, Cassie Freeman (May 24, 2016) Research Report

Math Is Everywhere, When We Know What to Look For

Learning mathematics starts in infancy and happens anywhere, anytime. In this commentary, Taniesha Woods explores what young children need to know about math, what environments rich in mathematics learning look like, and how families can support children’s math development.

Taniesha A. Woods (May 24, 2016) Research Report

Q & A with Laura Overdeck of Bedtime Math: Helping Families and Children Cuddle Up to Math

In this Q & A with Laura Overdeck, learn how Bedtime Math is giving families and children comfort in talking about numbers in their daily lives, and helping families and afterschool programs get children excited about math in the world around them.

Margaret Caspe (May 24, 2016) Research Report

The Aprender en Familia (Family Learning) Program in Chile

What are the three most important ingredients for improving student outcomes through family engagement? For the Aprender en Familia (Family Learning) Program in Chile, school and family partnerships, parent education, and relationship building prove to be an effective combination.

Harvard Family Research Project () Research Report

Innovative Stories of Family Engagement From Around the World

Find inspiration for your family engagement efforts from around the world.

Harvard Family Research Project (April 2016) Research Report

Text, Play, and Tech: Partnerships Promoting Early Learning Opportunities

As we celebrate the Week of the Young Child, learn how families can support creative play with young children in a variety of ways and settings.

Harvard Family Research Project (April 2016) Research Report

Design Thinking: Catalyzing Family Engagement to Support Student Learning

Design Thinking cultivates fertile ground for promoting deep understanding and action-oriented partnerships between families and educators to support student learning. Discover five steps that enable families and educators to create meaningful strategies for family engagement.

Allison Rowland (April 2016) Research Report

Family Involvement News: March 2016

Are you looking to break free of traditional strategies for promoting family-school-community partnerships? Discover how video games, human-centered design thinking, and digital media resources are making this happen!

Harvard Family Research Project (March 22, 2016) Research Report

Mobile Technology and Family Engagement: Texting Intervention Increases Head Start Parents’ Engagement in Parent‒Child Activities

Text messaging parent‒child activity tips to families with young children is an effective way to support family engagement, especially among fathers. In this Research Digest, learn about a successful Head Start text-messaging program designed to complement ongoing family engagement services.

Lisa B. Hurwitz, Alexis R. Lauricella, Ann Hanson, Anthony Raden, and Ellen Wartella (March 2016) Research Report

The Effects of Peer Influence on Parents’ Reading Behavior at Home With Their Children

Parents care about what other parents are doing. Read how an intervention as simple as sharing with parents how often other families read with their children can motivate and increase family engagement.

Orla Colgate and Paul Ginns (March 2016) Research Report

Staying on the Path Toward College Interactive Case: Meet Miguel Robles, a Family Friend

Meet Miguel, a friend of the Domínguez family, who mentors Paulo and tutors him in math. Miguel was also a part of the Más Allá program for college-bound students when he was in middle school and high school. Now he attends college.

() Research Report

Staying on the Path Toward College Interactive Case: Supporting Data

In this next section, we explore data for Bay Vista Middle School and the Más Allá program. Looking at these data will help provide a glimpse into the larger setting in which Paulo’s story is situated.

() Research Report

Staying on the Path Toward College Interactive Case: Piecing It All Together

In the final section of the Staying on the Path Toward College Interactive Case, we piece it all together. We think about the principles guiding smooth transitions to middle school that lead to high school and college success, assumptions people in the case make, and how difficult issues might be resolved.

() Research Report

Making a Decision About College Interactive Case: Meet Marisela, High School Senior

Marisela is at the center of the Making a Decision About College Interactive Case. A senior in high school who dreams of becoming a doctor, Marisela is conflicted about whether to go away to college or stay close to home for her education.

() Research Report

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project