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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Evaluating BEST Fit: A Program to Promote Child and Family Health After School

Jim Sass and Craig Blumenthal from LA's BEST describe how the BEST Fit initiative links with multiple organizations to support child and family health.

Jim Sass , Craig Blumenthal (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Community Service by and for Youth: Supporting OST Programs in Seattle

City Year staff member Erika Rasmussen describes how City Year Seattle/King County works with the local school district and with community organizations to offer high-quality OST programming.

Erika Rasmussen (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building and Evaluating Out-of-School Time Connections

This double issue of The Evaluation Exchange focuses on creating and evaluating connections between out-of-school time (OST) programs and the other settings in which children and youth live, learn, and play.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

The Peace Drum Project: Intergenerational Connections Through the Arts

Susan Porter, Project Director at Cooperative Artists Institute, describes how the Peace Drum Project makes connections with community members through the arts.

Susan Porter (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Linking School and After School: Strategies for Success

Julie Bott reviews the strategies she and her colleagues use to link the Gardner Extended Services School's after school program with the school day.

Julie Bott (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building Complementary Learning: School and 4-H Linkages

Tena St. Pierre and Claudia Mincemoyer from the Pennsylvania State University's Cooperative Extension Service1 describe lessons learned from implementation and evaluation of a complementary learning pilot program.

Tena St. Pierre , Claudia Mincemoyer (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

A Conversation With Audrey Hutchinson

Audrey Hutchinson of National League of Cities Institute for Youth, Education, and Families discusses the evaluation of linked after school services by cities.

Audrey Hutchinson (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Using a Data Management Tool to Better Serve Middle School Youth Across a Variety of Settings

Elizabeth Devaney and Hillary Salmons from the Providence After School Alliance describe how a citywide data collection system helps track and improve after school services and strengthen linkages with community organizations, schools, and families.

Elizabeth Devaney , Hillary Salmons (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Using Quality Assessment Tools to Evaluate OST Linkages

Helen Westmoreland from HFRP discusses how OST programs are using quality assessment tools to evaluate and promote linkages with families, schools, and communities.

Helen Westmoreland (Fall 2006) Evaluation Exchange Article

Learning from Small-Scale Experimental Evaluations of After School Programs

This Snapshot reviews small-scale experimental evaluations of after school programs, highlighting these studies' evaluation strategies and results.

Christopher Wimer (May 2006) Research Report

After School for Cindy: Family, School, and Community Roles in Out-of-School Time Teaching Case

Second grade teacher Nikki believes that participation in a formal after school program would help her student Cindy academically at school. However, Cindy's single working mother Marla prefers to keep Cindy with her in the afternoons after her numerous struggles with securing quality affordable care in the community. What are the roles of family, school, and community in promoting children's learning and development in out-of-school time?

Ellen Mayer (2005) Teaching Case

Project HOPE: Working Across Multiple Contexts to Support At-Risk Students

In this article, Barbara Jentleson and Helen Westmoreland, from Duke University, highlight the mechanism of connecting complementary-learning contexts through staffing patterns and practices.

Barbara Jentleson , Helen Westmoreland (Spring 2005) Evaluation Exchange Article

Engaging Families in Out-of-School Time Programs

A group of researchers illlustrate how the practice of family engagement can link the out-of-school time, school, and home contexts.

Zenub Kakli , Holly Kreider, Tania Buck, Caroline Ross (Spring 2005) Evaluation Exchange Article

Increasing the Bottom Line by Supporting Families

Lynn Mitchell, from Corporate Voices for Working Families, describes how businesses can promote policies and practices that support working families, using partnerships between private and public sectors.

Lynn Mitchell (Spring 2005) Evaluation Exchange Article

Seattle School District's Community Alignment Initiative

Sara Tenney-Espinosa, of the Seattle School District, describes the evaluation goals and early findings from a collaboration between the district and local after school providers.

Sara Tenney-Espinosa (Spring 2005) Evaluation Exchange Article

Beyond the Classroom: Complementary Learning to Improve Achievement Outcomes

Harvard Family Research Project introduces complementary learning as a concept for improving learning outcomes without relying solely on school-based reform.

Heather Weiss , Julia Coffman, Margaret Post, Suzanne Bouffard, Priscilla Little (Spring 2005) Evaluation Exchange Article

Beyond School Hours VIII Annual Conference

Priscilla Little presented the workshop Learning What Works: An Evaluation Overview, providing an overview of what we know about after school evaluation. It examines how programs are collecting meaningful data for accountability and program improvement and what they are finding.

Priscilla M. D. Little (February 16, 2005) Conferences and Presentations

Building Quality in Out-of-School Time in the United Kingdom

Ian Fordham, Pam Boyd, and Tony Apicella of ContinYou, a leading youth development organization in the United Kingdom, describe their efforts to improve quality in OST programming nationwide.

Ian Fordham , Pam Boyd, Tony Apicella (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Family, School, & Society: The Social Context of Development and Learning

In this course we will consider the social and cultural contexts which shape developmental and educational processes. The primary focus will be on understanding the nature of contemporary social problems including racism, sexism, ethnic prejudice, social class oppression, and ability discrimination as they affect children, families, and schooling. Emphasis will be given to the special role of education in linking community resources for an integrated approach to addressing problems in children's lives.

Joanne Kersh (Spring 2003) Syllabus

Out-of-School Time Issue #2

The Spring 2001 issue is the second in a series of two dedicated to the field of out-of-school time and after school that was started in the Volume VI, Number 1 issue. This issue features a conversation with Jane Quinn about the out-of-school time field, descriptions of national and local evaluations that are under way, a discussion of developmental research and evaluating after school programs, a description of practices that involve youth in evaluation and research, and some practical advice about using logic models in evaluating after school programs.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

CORAL: A Multi-Site Initiative to Improve Academic Achievement and Build Community Capacity

Kathleen Hebbeler of SRI International describes the evaluation of CORAL, which seeks to help communities view academic achievement as the shared responsibility of multiple sectors of the community.

Kathleen Hebbeler (Spring 2001) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating the National Replication of a Prevention Program for Youth and Their Families: Middle School Families and Schools Together

Laura Pinsoneault and James Sass from Alliance for Children and Families on their organization's replication and evaluation of the middle school adaptation of the Families and Schools Together (FAST) program.

Laura Pinsoneault , James S. Sass (1999) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building Villages to Raise Our Children: Collaboration

Written for program administrators and staff, this guide offers practical advice for establishing and managing community outreach in a family support program.

Harvard Family Research Project (1993) Research Report

Building Villages to Raise Our Children: Community Outreach

Written for program administrators and staff, this guide offers practical advice for establishing and linking programs to service systems in a family support program.

Harvard Family Research Project (1993) Research Report

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project