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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the second issue on Out-of-School Time by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Theory & Practice

Supporting Effective After School Programs: The Contribution of Developmental Research

Jacquelynne Eccles, Professor at the University of Michigan, shares her thoughts about the contribution of developmental research to the after school conversation and the need for an infrastructure to support this.

Evaluations to Watch

CORAL: A Multi-Site Initiative to Improve Academic Achievement and Build Community Capacity

Kathleen Hebbeler of SRI International describes the evaluation of CORAL, which seeks to help communities view academic achievement as the shared responsibility of multiple sectors of the community.

Evaluations to Watch

National Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers

Mark Dynarski and Mary Moore of Mathematica Policy Research, reveal the challenges of evaluating a national program implemented in multiple locations with inherently different key elements.

Questions & Answers

A Conversation With Jane Quinn

Assistant Executive Director for Community Schools Partnerships at the Children’s Aid Society in New York, Jane Quinn spoke with us about how the after school field has evolved and what she thinks the future holds.

Promising Practices

Pizza, Transportation, and Transformation: Youth Involvement in Evaluation and Research

Jennifer Smith from HFRP writes about involving youth in evaluation and research.

Promising Practices

All for Our Future

Luis Carlos Greer and Tamara Martinez, youth living in Arizona, describe how they got involved by working with a local community organization to make a change in their community.


Logic Models in Real Life: After School at the YWCA of Asheville

Cindy McMahon of the YWCA of Ashville, North Carolina, shares how YWCA as a whole, and her after school program as a part of it, used a logic model to show they make a difference for women and families.


Logic Model Basics

JuNelle Harris of HFRP outlines the basics of designing logic models.

Ask the Expert

Why evaluate after school programs?

Olatokunbo (Toks) Fashola, Associate Research Scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed at Risk (CRESPAR), reveals the steps new programs can take to initiate evaluation.

Special Feature

Electronic Resources

A list of useful resources on the Internet.

New & Noteworthy

The New & Noteworthy section features an annotated list of papers, organizations, initiatives, and other resources related to this issue's theme of Out-of School Time.

Beyond Basic Training

Harvard Family Research Project provides information on initiatives in Texas, California, and Massachusetts.

This issue of The Evaluation Exchange was published by Harvard Family Research Project. The managing editor for the issue was Leslie Goodyear, M.S., Ph.D. All rights reserved. This periodical may not be reproduced whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. To request reprint permission or multiple hard copies of the issue email

Harvard Family Research Project gratefully acknowledges the support of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the F.B. Heron Foundation, the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. The contents of this publication are solely the responsibility of Harvard Family Research Project and do not necessarily reflect the view of our funders.

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project