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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the issue on Complementary Learning by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Theory & Practice

Beyond the Classroom: Complementary Learning to Improve Achievement Outcomes

Harvard Family Research Project introduces complementary learning as a concept for improving learning outcomes without relying solely on school-based reform.

Book Review

Supplementary Education: The Hidden Curriculum of High Academic Achievement

Priscilla Little of HFRP reviews Supplementary Education, a new compilation of essays and papers edited by Edmund Gordon, Beatrice Bridglall, and Aundra Saa Meroe.

Promising Practices

Project HOPE: Working Across Multiple Contexts to Support At-Risk Students

In this article, Barbara Jentleson and Helen Westmoreland, from Duke University, highlight the mechanism of connecting complementary-learning contexts through staffing patterns and practices.

Promising Practices

Learning Is Everyone's Business: Learning Supports in Iowa

On behalf of their partners in the Iowa Collaboration for Youth Development, Linda Miller and Carol Behrer describe a statewide interagency collaboration to coordinate educational policies, practices, and programs.

Promising Practices

Technology Goes Home: Connecting Families, Communities, and Schools

Kelly Faughnan from HFRP describes a program that connects families and schools in the Boston area through the mechanism of technology.

Promising Practices

Engaging Families in Out-of-School Time Programs

A group of researchers illlustrate how the practice of family engagement can link the out-of-school time, school, and home contexts.

Promising Practices

Studying Contextual Predictors of Participation in Out-of-School Time Activities

Describing a new study by HFRP, Holly Kreider illustrates how research and data can illuminate and facilitate links between complementary learning contexts.

Promising Practices

Increasing the Bottom Line by Supporting Families

Lynn Mitchell, from Corporate Voices for Working Families, describes how businesses can promote policies and practices that support working families, using partnerships between private and public sectors.

Questions & Answers

A Conversation With Richard Rothstein

Richard Rothstein argues that narrowing the achievement gap requires substantial changes in social policy in addition to extensive school reform.

Ask the Expert

Investing in Connections

Foundation executives discuss their efforts to connect the many contexts in which children live and learn in order to increase the impact of their investments in these areas.

Ask the Expert

Evaluating Partnerships: Seven Success Factors

Dr. Hector Garza of the National Council for Community and Education Partnerships describes what he looks for when evaluating educational partnerships.

Evaluations to Watch

Seattle School District's Community Alignment Initiative

Sara Tenney-Espinosa, of the Seattle School District, describes the evaluation goals and early findings from a collaboration between the district and local after school providers.

Evaluations to Watch

360 Degrees of Literacy: A Look at a Community Partnership in Dallas

Dennie Palmer Wolf and Jennifer Bransom offer lessons from the evaluation of a Dallas-based effort to promote


SPARKing Innovation

Tony Berkley of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation describes the application of a theory of change to a complex initiative to facilitate team learning, strategic management, and program improvement.

New & Noteworthy

The New & Noteworthy section features an annotated list of papers, organizations, and initiatives related to the issue

This issue of The Evaluation Exchange was published by Harvard Family Research Project, edited by Julia Coffman, consultant, and Suzanne Bouffard, research analyst. It was produced by Stacey Miller, publications/communications manager, and Tezeta Tulloch, publications editor. All rights reserved. This periodical may not be reproduced whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. To request reprint permission, email

Harvard Family Research Project gratefully acknowledges the support of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Marguerite Casey Foundation, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, the C. S. Mott Foundation, and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The contents of this publication are solely the responsibility of Harvard Family Research Project and do not necessarily reflect the view of our funders.

Free. 25 Pages.

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project