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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Videotaped Interactions in the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project

Rebecca Ryan, Christy Brady-Smith, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn describe the use of videotapes in the national evaluation of Early Head Start.

Rebecca Ryan , Christy Brady-Smith, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (Fall 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Rethinking the Evaluation of Family Strengthening Strategies: Beyond Traditional Program Evaluation Models

Charles Bruner of the Child and Family Policy Center outlines three factors of good family strengthening programs that evaluators are not adequately measuring in their evaluations.

Charles Bruner, Ph.D. (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Identifying School Readiness Indicators to Stimulate Policy Action

Elizabeth Burke Bryant and Catherine Walsh, of Rhode Island Kids Count, give an account of the School Readiness Indicators Initiative.

Elizabeth Burke Bryant , Catherine B. Walsh (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Early Childhood Programs and Evaluation

This issue of The Evaluation Exchange charts the course of early childhood programming and evaluation over nearly half a century. Contributing authors offer a range of views on how best to communicate the importance of investing in a child’s early years and how to improve early childhood programs and policies. Several articles consider the explosion of science—from longitudinal studies of child outcomes to a large-scale demonstration program—that has helped forward our understanding of how young children learn and grow. Finally, a number of articles suggest that better information is needed to close the persistent gap in achievement between children from low-income families and those from middle-income homes.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

Early Head Start: Further Lessons

Catherine Ayoub and Barbara Pan, from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, describe their work collecting and analyzing longitudinal data to supplement national findings from the Early Head Start study.

Catherine C. Ayoub, Ed.D. , Barbara Alexander Pan, Ph.D. (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

The Build Initiative: An Evaluation of State-Level System-Building Efforts

Barbara Gebhard of Build describes the initiative's interactive evaluation approach.

Barbara Gebhard (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Early to Read: A Local Emergent Literacy Initiative

This article describes a Knight Foundation early literacy initiative in Philadelphia and its ongoing evaluation.

Julie K. Kohler, Ph.D. , Julie E. Tarr, Ed.D., Elizabeth Jaeger, Ph.D., Randi Strosberg Berry, Ph.D. (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the issue on Early Childhood Programs and Evaluation by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D. (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating Early Childhood Services: What's Really Behind the Curtain

Jack Shonkoff, dean of the Heller School at Brandeis University, describes the highly politicized environment of program evaluation and its attendant challenges.

Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D. (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

North Carolina's Smart Start Initiative: A Decade of Evaluation Lessons

Donna Bryant and Karen Ponder describe the past 10 years of evaluating North Carolina's nationally recognized early childhood initiative.

Donna Bryant , Karen Ponder (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Closing the Achievement Gap: Head Start and Beyond

Ed Zigler, Ron Haskins, and G. Reid Lyon discuss the past and future of Head Start, the country's first federally funded early childhood program.

Lisa G. Klein (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

The Road From Research to Outcomes

Jana Martella, from the Council of Chief State School Officers, describes a data-driven approach to developing and integrating policy into the nation's school systems.

Jana Martella (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

The Home Visit Forum: Understanding and Improving the Role of Home Visitation

Heather Weiss, HFRP director, describes a consortium of national organizations working to improve home visitation models.

Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D. (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Private Foundations and the Move Toward Universal Preschool

Guest Editor Lisa Klein reveals how private foundations are spending their money in the emerging arena of universal preschool.

Lisa G. Klein (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Infant-Toddler Intervention on the Road to School Readiness: Lessons From Early Head Start

Helen Raikes, John Love, and Rachel Chazan-Cohen from the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation team discuss the importance of intervention in the early years.

Helen H. Raikes, Ph.D. , Rachel Chazan-Cohen, Ph.D., John M. Love, Ph.D. (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Designing Quality Assessment Tools in Early Childhood Education and Youth Development

Ted Jurkiewicz and Charles Hohmann from the High/Scope Educational Research Foundation describe the design of High/Scope's new Youth Program Quality Assessment tool.

Ted Jurkiewicz , Charles Hohmann (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Alternative Designs for Community-Based Research: Pittsburgh’s Early Childhood Initiative

Stephen Bagnato, Robert Grom, and Leon Haynes describe an evaluation design that provides scientific rigor in a community setting.

Stephen Bagnato, Ed.D. , Robert Grom, Leon Haynes (Fall 2003) Evaluation Exchange Article

Community Collaboration 90806: A Partnership to Increase School Readiness in Long Beach

Marielle Bohan-Baker describes the instructive and collaborative approach to planning and evaluation of six community partners in Long Beach, California.

Marielle Bohan-Baker (Fall 2003) Evaluation Exchange Article

Multi-Level Evaluation Design: California’s Proposition 10

Pablo Stansbery, Senior Research Associate at Harder+Company Community Research, describes the process of developing an evaluation design that addresses the unique challenges created by California’s Children and Families Act.

Pablo Stansbery (Spring 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

Early Head Start Research-Program Partnerships

An in-depth look at the challenges presented by the evaluation of the Early Head Start program - an evaluation which required the cooperation of multiple layers of research and program partners.

Helen Raikes, Ph.D. , John M. Love, Rachel Chazan-Cohen, Martha Staker (Spring 2002) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating Education Reform: Early Childhood Education

Over the past three decades, an enormous body of research literature has been amassed on early childhood education, parent education, and family support programs. This review summarizes these three areas of research and reports on relevant research in progress.

Anne Mitchell , Heather Weiss, Tom Schultz (1992) Research Report

Innovative Models to Guide Family Support and Education Policy in the 1990s: An Analysis of Four Pioneering State Programs

This research study evaluates and analyzes state initiatives in Missouri, Minnesota, Connecticut, and Maryland to support parents and early childhood. Lessons learned and evaluation methodologies are presented.

Harvard Family Research Project (March 1990) Research Report

The Challenges of Evaluating State Family Support and Education Initiatives: An Evaluation Framework

This paper provided an evaluation framework to analyze four state initiatives that provide multi-generational family support and education programs. The paper documented preliminary findings and was presented at The Public Policy and Family Support amd Education Programs Colloquium in Annapolis, MD, April 26-28, 1989.

Heather Weiss , Robert Halpern (April 1989) Research Report

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project