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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Investigating Quality: The Study of Promising After-School Programs

Deborah Lowe Vandell and Elizabeth R. Reisner discuss whether and how participation in high quality after school programs matters for youth outcomes.

Deborah Lowe Vandell , Elizabeth R. Reisner (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building Quality in Out-of-School Time in the United Kingdom

Ian Fordham, Pam Boyd, and Tony Apicella of ContinYou, a leading youth development organization in the United Kingdom, describe their efforts to improve quality in OST programming nationwide.

Ian Fordham , Pam Boyd, Tony Apicella (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Bringing Yourself to Work: Assessing the Impact of Social-Emotional Learning for After School Staff

Michelle Seligson describes a professional development initiative for after school practitioners.

Michelle Seligson, M.Ed. (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Promoting Quality Out-of-School Time Programs Through Professional Development

Suzanne Bouffard from HFRP discusses how staff development initiatives and evaluations contribute to quality youth programming.

Suzanne Bouffard (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Assessing the How of Outcomes in Out-of-School Time: Learning From MARS

John Zuman and Beth Miller present an overview of the Massachusetts Afterschool Research Study, a statewide investigation into how after school programs constitute quality contexts for youth.

John Zuman, Ph.D. , Beth M. Miller, Ph.D. (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Youth Civic Engagement: Emerging Theory and Practice

Margaret Post from HFRP examines the emerging practice of youth civic engagement and describes current efforts to promote quality in this area.

Margaret Post (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

New & Noteworthy

An annotated list of organizations and initiatives related to the issue's theme of Evaluating Out-of-School Time Program Quality.

Suzanne Bouffard (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Out-of-School Time Opportunities for Immigrant Youth

Erin Harris from HFRP discusses the importance of out-of-school time programs for immigrant youth.

Erin Harris (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

New & Noteworthy: Expanded Web Only Version

This web only version of the New & Noteworthy section features an expanded annotated list of organizations and initiatives related to the issue's theme of Evaluating Out-of-School Time Program Quality.

Suzanne Bouffard (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Designing Quality Assessment Tools in Early Childhood Education and Youth Development

Ted Jurkiewicz and Charles Hohmann from the High/Scope Educational Research Foundation describe the design of High/Scope's new Youth Program Quality Assessment tool.

Ted Jurkiewicz , Charles Hohmann (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Learning From Organizations That Learn

Four experts in the out-of-school time field discuss their experiences using evaluation for program improvement.

Priscilla M. D. Little (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

A Recipe for Quality Out-of-School Time Programs

Priscilla Little from HFRP asks eight after school experts to identity the single ingredient essential to ensuring high quality OST programs.

Priscilla M. D. Little (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Extracting Evaluation Lessons From Four Recent Out-of-School Time Program Evaluations

Thomas J. Kane from the University of California, Los Angeles, distills lessons for future research from his review of four recent after school program evaluations.

Thomas J. Kane (Spring 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Performance Measures in Out-of-School Time Evaluation

This Snapshot outlines the academic, youth development, and prevention performance measures currently being used by out-of-school time programs to assess their progress, and the corresponding data sources for these measures.

Priscilla M. D. Little , Erin Harris, Suzanne Bouffard (March 2004) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

People, Power, and Change

Fulfilling the democratic promise of equity, inclusion, and accountability requires the participation of an “organized” citizenry with the power to articulate and assert its interests effectively. Organizing is one way to confront these challenges by revitalizing old democratic institutions and creating new ones. In this course, students learn how to engage with social, economic, and political problems from an organizer's perspective ... and how to act to solve them.

Marshall Ganz (Spring 2004) Syllabus

Free. Available online only.

National AfterSchool Association Research and Evaluation Leadership Day Track

This is a summary of the information presented in this year's research and evaluation leadership day track. It provides an overview of the panel sessions, including summaries of speakers' remarks, presentation slides, contact information for each panelist, and a list of the key resources cited during the day.

Forum for Youth Investment Harvard Family Research Project (February 26, 2004) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Making Family and Community Connections

This workshop is part of the Concept to Classroom series of multimedia workshops for teacher professional development. In this workshop, Heather Weiss and Joyce Epstein provide expert insights on creating partnerships among schools, parents, and members of the local community.

Heather Weiss , Joyce Epstein (2004) Tool for Practice

Transforming School Culture Through the Arts

J. Curtis Jones from the Partnership for Whole School Change in Boston describes a performing arts intervention that integrates program concepts into its evaluation.

J. Curtis Jones (Winter 2003/2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

New & Noteworthy

A list of organizations and initiatives related to the issue's theme of Reflecting on the Past and Future of Evaluation.

Tezeta Tulloch (Winter 2003/2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Reflecting on the Past and Future of Evaluation

This tenth-year-anniversary-issue of The Evaluation Exchange features reflections on some of the trends (both good and bad) that have occurred in the evaluation field over the past decade. Authors consider the “best of the worst”evaluator practices, changes in university-based evaluation training, and the development of evaluation as a discipline. In recognition of the need to look ahead, other articles introduce themes we will address in greater depth in the future, such as international evaluation, technology, evaluation of the arts, and diversity.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

Free. 20 Pages.

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the issue on Reflecting on the Past and Future of Evaluation by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D. (Winter 2003/2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going: Experts Reflect and Look Ahead

Six experts share their thoughts on how the evaluation field has changed in the past decade and consider what may be in store for the future.

Harvard Family Research Project (Winter 2003/2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Michael Scriven on the Differences Between Evaluation and Social Science Research

Michael Scriven, author of Evaluation Thesaurus, talks about how evaluation has evolved into a discipline distinct from social science research.

Julia Coffman (Winter 2003/2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

Looking the Enemy in the Eye: Gazing Into the Mirror of Evaluation Practice

David Chavis outlines the "best of the worst" evaluator practices that impede building good relationships with evaluation consumers.

David Chavis (Winter 2003/2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

A Decade of International Trends in Evaluation

Craig Russon of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation describes efforts to connect evaluation organizations around the world to form an international community.

Craig Russon (Winter 2003/2004) Evaluation Exchange Article

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project