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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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What About the Parents?

Katie Salen Tekinbaş outlines strategies and activities that New York City public school Quest to Learn has implemented to ensure that families are engaged in the digital learning life of students.

Katie Salen Tekinbaş (April 24, 2014) Research Report

Foundations and Multicultural Aspects of Parenting

This course focuses on developing competency in a variety of areas surrounding parenting education including the following: understanding of parental issues and concerns within diverse family systems, understanding the dimensions of parenting from birth to adolescence, family literacy, and knowledge of multicultural perspectives in parenting.

Leo Sandy (Summer 2002) Syllabus

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Friction at Madison Family Literacy Program

Noreen, an early childhood teacher, arranges free speech therapy for young Junie. She volunteers to take Junie to the therapist, but when Junie's mother fails to pick up her daughter Noreen lashes out with an angry phone message, threatening to call the Department of Social Services. How can the two make the situation better and what could have prevented it?

Maricel Santos (2001) Teaching Case

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Helping Families Pave the Path to College: Supporting the Developmental Processes That Facilitate College Readiness

Mandy Savitz-Romer is director of the Prevention Science and Practice Program and a faculty member at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and Suzanne Bouffard is a research project manager and writer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. In this article, Bouffard and Savitz-Romer discuss findings from their recent book, Ready, Willing, and Able: A Developmental Approach to College Access and Success.

Mandy Savitz-Romer , Suzanne Bouffard (September 20, 2012) Research Report

A Day in the Life: Family Engagement in Citizen Schools

Emily Schneider-Krzys, the Deputy Program Director of Citizen Schools in Texas, explains how the Citizen Schools program’s focus on creating networks, building intentional relationships, and establishing consistent communication helps to engage families and support student learning.

Emily Schneider-Krzys (August 2009) Research Report

Helping Parents Become Interventionists Through the Use of Child Assessment Data

Heather Schrotberger, Andrea Clements, and Elizabeth Nichols of Project EAGLE talk about sharing data with families and illustrate how program staff and parents work as partners to review child assessment data and co-create goals for children.

Heather Schrotberger , Andrea Clements, Elizabeth Nichols (April 18, 2013) Research Report

Book Review: The Power of Family–School Partnering

Beth Schueler reviews the new book, The Power of Family–School Partnering: A Practical Guide for School Mental Health Professionals and Educators (FSP), a user-friendly handbook for developing and implementing a sustainable and effective Family–School Partnering strategy.

Beth Schueler (March 2011) Research Report

A New Tool for Understanding Family–School Relationships: The Harvard Graduate School of Education PreK-12 Parent Survey

This tool, developed through a partnership between the Harvard Graduate School of Education and Survey Monkey, provides educators with free access to a set of survey questions, or scales, to help them collect and analyze data about their family engagement work. These scales also provide educators with an efficient way to assess the progress of their work and identify areas for improvement.

Beth Schueler (February 7, 2013) Research Report

Kindergarten Home Visit Project

The need for home–-school collaboration begins even before a child’s the first day of school. Researcher Amy Schulting shares data from a recent evaluation study to describe how one home visiting project eases children's transition to kindergarten.

Amy Schulting (January 2009) Research Report

Early Childhood Reform in Seven Communities: Front-Line Practice, Agency Management, and Public Policy

This report examines local examples of successful implementation of reforms. It provides useful information to early childhood practitioners who work directly with children and families, managers who direct early childhood agencies and programs, and policymakers who make decisions about program designs and funding strategies.

Tom Schultz , M. Elena Lopez, Mona Hochberg (1996) Research Report

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Supporting Parents of Learning Disabled Children: Creating a New Norm

The purpose of this module is to explore an understanding of how parents of learning disabled (LD) children make sense of their parenting experiences and the ways in which they might be better supported within school communities. Students will also become familiar with the principles of dialogue, a form of communication that values the multiple truths that parents and educators bring to discussions about a child's learning.

Katherine Scott (Fall 2002) Syllabus

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Lessons From Museums and Libraries: Five Ways to Address Families’ Digital Learning Needs

Culture expert Marsha L. Semmel notes that museums and libraries are increasing their offerings for families in support of such vital 21st-century learning skills as problem solving, digital media literacy, and creativity. Learn how these institutions play important roles in addressing our children’s digital learning needs.


Marsha L. Semmel (April 24, 2014) Research Report

Resolving Issues at Johnson Elementary School

The director of a Parent Resource Center is concerned to hear that a number of parents are boycotting the program because they think the parent coordinator used her school connections to place her son in a gifted science class. How can the director and principal ease the tension?

Sylvia Sensiper (2000) Teaching Case

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Setting Standards at Porter Road School

A fourth grade teacher weighs the advantages and disadvantages of a mandated state educational test on her students. She must weigh the conflicting perspectives of parents, students, community members, and her teaching colleagues to define her own stance in regard to the test and to present her thoughts to the school principal.

Sylvia Sensiper , Margaret Caspe (2002) Teaching Case

Free. Available online only.

Generating Family-School Partnerships Through Social Marketing

The outgrowth of a meeting of six national organizations promoting family-school partnerships, this article discusses methods to enhance family involvement through social marketing. By arguing that schools should view parents as “customers,” teachers and administrators can reach out to parents in effective and successful ways.

Sylvia Sensiper (1999) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Suspension at Aurora Middle School

Khoi, a well behaved student who recently emigrated from a Vietnamese refugee camp, is suspended from Aurora Middle School because he stood near a fight. His mother Mai feels helpless because she speaks limited English, and only knows that her son was unjustly suspended. What is the school's role in supporting culturally diverse families?

Sylvia Sensiper (1999) Teaching Case

Free. Available online only.

Community Education as a Home for Family Support and Education Programs

Public policy makers and program developers who are considering family support programs need to find appropriate administrative and service-delivery organizations at local and state levels. This study provides examples of family support programs.

Patricia Seppanen , Jeanne Heifetz, Eunice Johnson, Lily Wiatrowski, Heather Weiss (1988) Research Report

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Sharing Assessment Data With Preschool Families in Preparation for Kindergarten

What are the benefits and challenges of sharing assessment data with preschool families? How can you do so effectively? A preschool teacher writes about her experiences, and provides valuable tips on how to share data with families in preparation for kindergarten.

Nell Shapiro (September 17, 2014) Research Report

Supporting Latino Families: Lessons From Exemplary Programs Vol. 1

This report investigates 11 family support programs that have addressed the needs of vulnerable Latino families. The report clearly demonstrates the need to incorporate culture and family values into the very design of a program. Volume One provides detailed analysis of the various strategies and distills lessons for practitioners; Volume Two provides an in-depth profile of each program.

Angela Shartrand (1996) Research Report

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Supporting Latino Families: Lessons From Exemplary Programs Vol. 2

This report investigates 11 family support programs that have addressed the needs of vulnerable Latino families. The report clearly demonstrates the need to incorporate culture and family values into the very design of a program. Volume One provides detailed analysis of the various strategies and distills lessons for practitioners; Volume Two provides an in-depth profile of each program.

Angela Shartrand (1996) Research Report

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New Skills for New Schools: Preparing Teachers in Family Involvement

This report reviews teacher certification requirements for all 50 states and the District of Columbia and examines 60 teacher education programs that mention family involvement. The report also identifies nine teacher education programs that focus on family involvement as an important concept, engage students in hands-on activities, and promote a broad concept of family involvement that recognizes the value of home-school collaboration.

Angela Shartrand , Heather Weiss, Holly Kreider, and M. Elena Lopez (1997) Research Report

Free. 76 Pages.

Making the Case for Family–School–Community Partnerships: Linking Partnerships with Student Achievement

Steve Sheldon, Research Scientist with the Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships at Johns Hopkins University and Director of Research with the National Network of Partnership Schools, addresses the need for a stronger evidence base to support the role of school–family–community partnerships in education reform.

Steve Sheldon (May 2011) Research Report

Conjoint Behavioral Consultation: A Model to Facilitate Meaningful Partnerships for Families and Schools

Researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln studied the effectiveness of a behavioral intervention model where parents, educators, and service providers work collaboratively to address children's developmental needs in a Head Start program.

Susan M. Sheridan , Brandy L. Clarke, Diane C. Marti, Jennifer D. Burt, Ashley M. Rohlk (April 2005) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

The Welfare-to-Work Transition and Parent Involvement in Education: A Southern Case Study

This exploratory case study examines whether the transition from welfare to work influences parental involvement in elementary school education.

Catherine D. Shiffman (February 2005) Research Report

Free. Available online only.

Social Contexts of Education

This class has an experimental design. It has been planned in collaboration with the leaders from the Boston Public Schools (BPS) in general and Brighton High School faculty and Garfield Elementary School faculty in particular. In this class we will endeavor not only to understand specific social contexts of education, but also to play a proactive role in improving communication between two schools and the communities they serve.

Dennis Shirley (Fall 2003) Syllabus

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© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project