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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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The Federal Role in Out-of-School Learning: After-School, Summer Learning, and Family Involvement as Critical Learning Supports (Voices in Urban Education, Summer 2009)

Our article in Voices for Urban Education makes a research-based case for the federal provision of out-of-school complementary learning supports.

Heather B. Weiss , Priscilla M.D. Little, Suzanne M. Bouffard, Sarah N. Deschenes, Helen Janc Malone (Summer 2009) Research Report

The Transition to Afterschool: One City’s Approach to Connecting Young Children and Their Families to Learning and Enrichment Opportunities—Part Two

How can you create a resource to help families of young children successfully transition to afterschool? What questions should be addressed? This video looks at one city’s approach to helping connect families and their young children to afterschool enrichment opportunities.

Christine Patton (September 17, 2014) Research Report

Thinking Big: A New Framework for Family Involvement Policy, Practice, and Research

Suzanne Bouffard and Heather Weiss reframe family involvement as part of a broader complementary learning approach to promoting children’s success in education and in life.

Suzanne Bouffard, Ph.D. , Heather Weiss, Ed.D. (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article

Understanding and Evaluating Family Engagement in Out-of-School Time (Workshop)

Engaging with families is one of the many strategies that out-of-school time (OST) programs use to create quality, adult-supervised experiences for youth during nonschool hours. This workshop introduced participants to the latest research and evaluation findings on family involvement in OST programs, and shared strategies for engaging with families, using two case studies to illustrate these practices in context.

Harvard Family Research Project (October 26, 2004) Conferences and Presentations

Understanding Family Strengthening to Promote Youth Development

Dr. Geri Lynn Peak, a consultant and formerly the Managing Director of the Center for Applied Research and Technical Assistance, describes the evolution, practice, and potential assessment of a family strengthening approach to promote positive youth development.

Geri Lynn Peak (Spring 2003) Evaluation Exchange Article

“This Is Their House, Too”: An Afterschool Space Designed for and by Teenagers

Engagement in afterschool programming is one way to keep middle and high school youth engaged in their education. Learn about how the Everett Boys & Girls Club located just outside of Boston, uses intentional informality to keep students coming back and wanting more.

Deepa Vasudevan & Jessica Fei (May 20, 2015) Research Report

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project