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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Understanding and Measuring Attendance in Out-of-School Time Programs

This brief reviews developmental research and out-of-school time program evaluations to examine three research-based indicators of attendance—intensity, duration, and breadth—offering different models for how attendance in out-of-school time programs can influence youth outcomes.

Heather B. Weiss (August 2004) Research Report

Plus Time New Hampshire 3-Day Training Institute

Participation in out-of-school time programs is a key ingredient to achieving positive outcomes for young people. Priscilla Little presented two workshops, which provided overviews of key participation challenges: collecting meaningful attendance data and attracting and sustaining youth participation in OST programs.

Priscilla M. D. Little (July 27, 2004) Conferences and Presentations

Moving Beyond the Barriers: Attracting and Sustaining Youth Participation in Out-of-School Time Programs

This brief culls information from several implementation and impact evaluations of out-of-school time programs to develop a set of promising strategies to attract and sustain youth participation in the programs.

Sherri Lauver , Priscilla M.D. Little, Heather B. Weiss (July 2004) Research Report

Evaluating Out-of-School Time Program Quality

This issue of The Evaluation Exchange is the fourth devoted to exploring issues in the out-of-school time (OST) field. Its focus is assessing and improving the quality of out-of-school time and youth development programs. Articles cover innovative methodologies and new technology systems for assessing quality, strategies for recruitment and retention, and understanding and measuring participation.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project