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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.
July 28, 2008
After School Programs in the 21st Century: Their Potential and What it Takes to Achieve It
Lucy N. Friedman, President of The After-School Corporation (TASC), published a commentary in the New York Nonprofit Press on expanded learning time. The article cites Harvard Family Research Project's research brief, "After School Programs in the 21st Century: Their Potential and What it Takes to Achieve It."
Excerpt from the article:
"And after reviewing a decade’s worth of after-school research, The Harvard Family Research Project recently concluded that high-quality, well-implemented programs benefit children in documented ways, including their academic achievement. The common thread among successful programs was 'not just that the programs intentionally tried to improve academic performance and therefore offered academic support,' the researchers wrote, 'but that they combined it with other enrichment activities to achieve positive academic outcomes.'"
Continue to the full article on the New York Nonprofit Press' website.