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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Building Villages to Raise Our Children: Collaboration

Written for program administrators and staff, this guide offers practical advice for establishing and managing community outreach in a family support program.

Harvard Family Research Project (1993) Research Report

Building Villages to Raise Our Children: Community Outreach

Written for program administrators and staff, this guide offers practical advice for establishing and linking programs to service systems in a family support program.

Harvard Family Research Project (1993) Research Report

Building Villages to Raise Our Children: Evaluation

Written for program administrators and staff, this guide offers practical advice for evaluating family support programs.

Harvard Family Research Project (1993) Research Report

Building Villages to Raise Our Children: Funding and Resources

Written for program administrators and staff, this guide offers practical advice for funding and additional resources to support a family program.

Harvard Family Research Project (1993) Research Report

Building Villages to Raise Our Children: Programs to Service Systems

Written for program administrators and staff, this guide offers practical advice for establishing and managing collaboration in a family support program.

Harvard Family Research Project (1993) Research Report

Building Villages to Raise Our Children: Six Volume Set

This set of six volumes offers practical advice for establishing and managing a family support program.

Harvard Family Research Project (1993) Research Report

Building Villages to Raise Our Children: Staffing

Written for program administrators and staff, this guide offers practical advice for providing professional development to staff supporting family programs.

Harvard Family Research Project (1993) Research Report

Family Engagement as a Shared Responsibility in a Digital Learning Environment

HFRP director Heather B. Weiss examines how families and others involved with children and youth can ensure that children obtain the access, supports, and opportunities that they need to get the full benefits of digital media for learning.

Heather B. Weiss (April 24, 2014) Research Report

Family Engagement in Anywhere, Anytime Learning

Explore the world of anywhere, anytime learning with us! Read how researchers and practitioners are helping to close the opportunity gap by creating innovative spaces, developing strategic collaborations to ensure children’s success, and engaging families and children as partners in meaningful learning experiences, both in and out of school.

M. Elena Lopez, Margaret Caspe (June 9, 2014) Research Report

What is Complementary Learning?

This short publication will give you a quick overview and some concrete examples of complementary learning.  It includes information about what complementary learning looks like, some examples of complementary learning systems in practice today, and a description about what is different about complementary learning from traditional programs and services.  Finally, we'll introduce you to Marcus, a fictional teenager whose story illustrates how complementary learning can positively affect the lives of students from birth through adolescence.

Harvard Family Research Project (July 2008) Research Report

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project