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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Conjoint Behavioral Consultation: A Model to Facilitate Meaningful Partnerships for Families and Schools

Researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln studied the effectiveness of a behavioral intervention model where parents, educators, and service providers work collaboratively to address children's developmental needs in a Head Start program.

Susan M. Sheridan , Brandy L. Clarke, Diane C. Marti, Jennifer D. Burt, Ashley M. Rohlk (April 2005) Research Report

Evaluating Family Involvement Programs

This issue of The Evaluation Exchange brings together the current knowledge base of programs in family support and family involvement, providing a continuous perspective on family processes with regard to children's learning and development, from a child's early years through adolescence. Articles address the challenges of evaluating family programs, such as the need for conceptual clarity, methodological rigor, accountability, and contextual responsiveness. Rounding out the issue are examples of ongoing evaluations of parent leadership and organizing to ensure that schools serve all children at high standards.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

Helping Every Student Succeed: Schools and Communities Working Together

This four-session discussion guide by the Everyday Democracy (formerly the Study Circles Resource Center)is intended for communities trying to close the achievement gap in their schools.

Everyday Democracy (formerly the Study Circles Resource Center) (2005) Tool for Practice

Engaging Parents in an Urban Public High School: A Case Study of Boston Arts Academy

An urban public school successfully engages parents by offering a variety of school-based activities, a welcoming environment, and frequent communication between staff and parents.

Monique Ouimette , Jay Feldman, Rosann Tung (December 2004) Research Report

Preparing Teachers to Engage Parents

This research report reviews parent involvement modules created for preservice teachers focusing on parent-teacher communication and collaborating with community. The online, problem-based modules were designed by the North Texas Partnership for Parent Engagement.

Mary M. Harris , Arminta Jacobson, Rebecca Hemmer (November 2004) Research Report

Family and School Partnerships for Academic Success

Emphasis is on continuous family-school teamwork efforts. Attention is given to family background and social context. The course will cover effective family involvement programs/models and current research underscoring the dynamic interaction between families and schools on the academic success of pre-K through grade 8 students.

Randi B. Wolfe (Summer 2004) Syllabus

Parents Write Their Worlds: A Parent Involvement Program Bridging Urban Schools and Families

A participatory research project examines a school-based writing workshop in which parents write stories for a literary magazine that is circulated in the school and community.

Janise Hurtig (May 2004) Research Report

Social Capital

This issue of the FINE Forum features some examples families, schools, and communities coming together to enrich children's learning and social development opportunities.

Harvard Family Research Project (Spring 2004) Research Report

People, Power, and Change

Fulfilling the democratic promise of equity, inclusion, and accountability requires the participation of an “organized” citizenry with the power to articulate and assert its interests effectively. Organizing is one way to confront these challenges by revitalizing old democratic institutions and creating new ones. In this course, students learn how to engage with social, economic, and political problems from an organizer's perspective ... and how to act to solve them.

Marshall Ganz (Spring 2004) Syllabus

Making Family and Community Connections

This workshop is part of the Concept to Classroom series of multimedia workshops for teacher professional development. In this workshop, Heather Weiss and Joyce Epstein provide expert insights on creating partnerships among schools, parents, and members of the local community.

Heather Weiss , Joyce Epstein (2004) Tool for Practice

Parents and Teachers Together: Creating Schools Our Children Deserve

This course provides an opportunity for students to reflect on and answer some of the following question: Why do parents and teachers both feel frustrated and powerless to meet the needs of today's students? In this class we will consider the power inequities inherent in schools today. In this class we will consider the power inequities inherent in schools today. We will focus not only on present problems in schools, but on reviewing innovative initiatives and models around the country that give a louder voice to teachers and parents on behalf of children.

Dana McDermott (Winter 2004) Syllabus

Taking a Closer Look: A Guide to Online Resources on Family Involvement

This comprehensive resource guide compiles a wealth of information about family involvement from over 100 national organizations. It contains Web links to recent (published in and after 2000) research, information, and tools.

Heather Weiss , Kelly Faughnan, Margaret Caspe, Cassandra Wolos, M. Elena Lopez, Holly Kreider (2004) Research Report

Transforming Schools Through Community Organizing: A Research Review

This paper reviews the literature on community organizing. It examines how community organizing differs from traditional parent involvement activities, outlines the characteristic strategies used to engage parents in organizing efforts, and describes the outcomes of these efforts.

M. Elena Lopez (December 2003) Research Report

Faith-Based Organizing for School Improvement in the Texas Borderlands: A Case Study of the Alliance School Initiative

At two public schools in the Texas borderlands, a faith-based organization and a school–community partnership come together to improve parental engagement.

Timothy Quezada (October 2003) Research Report

Education Organizing

This course will focus on the role of community organizing in fostering school change. We will examine the large range of ways community groups and schools are promoting the active engagement of participants to improve education. Within that context, we will examine efforts to foster collaborations among and between a wide array of stakeholders in education, including community organizations, school personnel, school system administration, unions, the business community, faith institutions, civil rights organizations, and youth. We will also examine the role of political organizing in addressing structural inequalities in education in America, and consider that ways that education organizing strengthens broader community building efforts.

Mark Warren (Fall 2003) Syllabus

Family Literacy: A Review of Programs and Critical Perspectives

This paper reviews the literature on family literacy and describes critical perspectives. It also explores guiding principles and examples of their application in three different programs.

Margaret Caspe (June 2003) Research Report

Enhancing Parental Involvement Through Goal-Based Interventions

Research suggesting links between parenting goals and cognitive ability informs a goal-based parenting intervention program for low-income families.

Robert F. Bettler , Barbara Burns (May 2003) Research Report

“As Long as I Got Breath, I'll Fight”: Participatory Action Research for Educational Justice

A participatory action project in the South Bronx explores how young people, their parents, and community members have mobilized for educational resources, opportunities, and the fulfillment of their dreams.

Monique Guishard , Michelle Fine, Christine Doyle, Jeunesse Jackson, Rosemarie Roberts, Sati Singleton, Travis Staten, Ashley Webb (May 2003) Research Report

Family Involvement in Mathematics

This issue of the FINE Forum focuses on promising practices to engage families and communities in supporting students' mathematical proficiency.

Harvard Family Research Project (Spring 2003) Research Report

Parents, Families, and Communities in Schools

This course examines effective methods for including parents, families, and communities in schools. Emphasizes a systems perspective that includes consultation and collaboration in addressing academic, career, and personal/social success for all students. Family dynamics and influences on school success will be addressed. Application of school counseling consultation, collaboration, and family support for all students will result in a school-based project integrated into a school's comprehensive counseling program. Essential professional practices addressed in this course.

Rolla E. Lewis (Spring 2003) Syllabus

University–Community Partnerships

This FINE Forum features the Jane Addams School for Democracy, a university-community partnership in which Hmong and Latino immigrants, professors, high school teachers, parents, and students all work together on public issues.

Harvard Family Research Project (Fall 2002) Research Report

School-Based Services: Traditional and Emerging Models to Address Barriers to Learning

This course will survey various models of community-based services that support students in schools. It will also cover implementation and evaluation of services.

Margot A. Welch (Fall 2002) Syllabus

Early Childhood Education

As we celebrate the Week of the Young Child, the FINE Forum presents some innovative ideas and practices in family involvement in early childhood education.

Harvard Family Research Project (Spring 2002) Research Report

Family Support

The Spring 2002 issue looks at family support evaluations and their role in moving the field forward. This issue features a conversation with Michael Quinn Patton about historical and emerging trends in evaluation practice, descriptions of national and local evaluations that are underway, a discussion of using “effect size” to measure program effectiveness, advice on how to bring family research to legislators' attention, a look at how data can help parents assess schools, and much more.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

Getting Parents “Ready” for Kindergarten: The Role of Early Childhood Education

This research brief presents preliminary evidence that family involvement in young children's education may contribute to a smooth transition to elementary school for children, and also helps parents remain involved in their children's learning in school.

Holly Kreider , Family Involvement Network of Educators (FINE) (April 2002) Research Report

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project