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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Parenting Programs and Poverty: What's Our Evidence?

Anne Brady and Julia Coffman of Harvard Family Research Project summarize the long-term evidence about two-generational interventions aimed at improving child development, parenting, and family economics.

Anne Brady , Julia Coffman (1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluating Community-Based Initiatives

M. Elena Lopez and Cami Anderson of Harvard Family Research Project conduct a focus group of Executive Directors of five complex CBIs to learn about the evaluation and self-assessment efforts.

M. Elena Lopez (1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Interview With Dr. Gary Orfield

Dr. Gary Orfield, Professor of Education and Social Policy at Harvard University, shares his research on poverty to situate CBIs in the context of the larger social and economic factors that may affect their success.

Cami Anderson (1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Evaluation Strategies of Selected Community-Based Initiatives

Harvard Family Research Project provides a chart of 20 major ongoing evaluations of CBIs.

Harvard Family Research Project (1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Promising Methodologies for Evaluating CBIs

Cami Anderson and Sybilla Dorros from Harvard Family Research Project describe four new approaches and innovations of established methods for evaluating CBIs with examples.

Cami Anderson , Sybilla Dorros (1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

New & Noteworthy

This section features an annotated list of papers, organizations, initiatives, and other resources related to the community-based initiatives.

Sybilla Dorros , Cami Anderson (1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Electronic Mailbox

A list of useful resources on the Internet.

Alicia Morales , Cami Anderson (1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Community-Based Initiatives

This issue provides a broad overview of the status of evaluations of community-based initiatives (CBI) and begins an ongoing dialogue among practitioners, evaluators, and funders about how to address the challenges involved in evaluating them.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

Schools in Communities

In this course, we deepen the preparation of teachers in training, focusing on schools as organizations in specific political communities wherein people exercise more or less democratic voices in public policies that govern their economic, housing, and education opportunities. Teachers make and influence policies in their classrooms, at their campuses, and in the institutions and/or districts in which they work.

Kathleen Staudt () Syllabus

Evaluating Old Grove's Family Support Center

Harvard Family Research Project presents synopses of three alternative approaches to evaluating a hypothetical Robinswood Family Resource Center.

Harvard Family Research Project (Fall 1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Empowerment Evaluation in Practice: First Nations Development Institute

Harvard Family Research Project presents an example of an organization using empowerment evaluation.

Harvard Family Research Project (Fall 1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

The Impact of Family Preservation Services on Family Functioning

William Meezan and Jacquelyn McCroskey, professors at the University of Southern California School of Social Work, outline their recent work on a family preservation program evaluation.

William Meezan, DSW , Jacquelyn McCroskey, DSW (Fall 1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Family Resource Centers

This issue of The Evaluation Exchange, Harvard Family Research Project's quarterly evaluation periodical, explores alternative ways of evaluating family resource centers.

Evaluation Exchange Issue

From the Director's Desk

An introduction to the issue on Family Resource Centers by HFRP's Founder & Director, Heather B. Weiss, Ed.D.

Heather Weiss, Ed.D. (Fall 1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Early Childhood Reform in Seven Communities: Front-Line Practice, Agency Management, and Public Policy

This report examines local examples of successful implementation of reforms. It provides useful information to early childhood practitioners who work directly with children and families, managers who direct early childhood agencies and programs, and policymakers who make decisions about program designs and funding strategies.

Tom Schultz , M. Elena Lopez, Mona Hochberg (1996) Research Report

Parents and Their Developing Children

This is a course about parent involvement and the relationship between homes, schools, and communities. Content is organized around how the home, family, and school influences the growth, development, and education of younger children. Students will learn how schools relate to parents and will acquire knowledge and skills to implement excellent parent involvement programs.

Jerold P. Bauch () Syllabus

Self, Family, Community, and Schooling

This course, with its fieldwork component, takes gradual and small steps in grappling with the constituent parts of culture. Taking the notion of self as a center of relationship, we adopt a bottom-up approach in tracing how culture dialectically implicates individual mind and selfhood. Forming several research teams, each group will undertake an empirical studies in designated field sites. Each team, using methodological tools available in visual anthropology and video ethnography (with support from the teaching and technical staff), will be required to relate their research findings to one or more theoretical themes covered in this course.

Lee-Beng Chua () Syllabus

Results-Based Accountability Systems in Practice: Oregon and Minnesota

Harvard Family Research Project presents brief descriptions of Minnesota and Oregon's results-based accountability systems.

Harvard Family Research Project (Winter 1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Professional Development Opportunities & Resources

The Research and Training Center for Children's Mental Health (RTC), in partnership with the Judge Baker Technical Assistance Center, will be offering technical assistance on outcomes, system accountability, and the self-evaluation method.

Harvard Family Research Project (Winter 1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Indicators of Child and Family Well-Being

Kristen Moore and Brett Brown of Child Trends outline the field of child indicators in the 1990s.

Kristin A. Moore, Ph.D. , Brett V. Brown, Ph.D. (Winter 1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Challenges to Data Capacity for Outcome-Based Accountability

Nancy Dunton of the New York State Department of Social Services discusses the challenges to data capacity for outcome-based accountability.

Nancy Dunton (Winter 1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

Building Theories of Change in Family Support Programs

Jean Layzer, Project Director of Abt Associates, examines theories of change in family support programs.

Jean I. Layzer (Winter 1996) Evaluation Exchange Article

The Roofless Women's Action Research Mobilization (RWARM)

Elaine Replogle from Harvard Family Research Project describes RWARM's participatory action research approach.

Elaine Replogle (Fall 1995) Evaluation Exchange Article

Head Start as a Family Support Program: Renewing a Community Ethic

This report discusses the efforts of six Head Start programs to address the challenges and goals raised in the 1993 report, Creating a 21st Century Head Start. It assesses their progress in several key areas: expanding enrollment, strengthening parent involvement, addressing issues such as homelessness and substance abuse, improving staff training, bridging research and practice, and collaborating with schools and social service agencies, and addressing issues such as homelessness and substance abuse.

Elaine M. Replogle (1995) Research Report

Community-Based Family Support in Public Housing

This book examines the history of public housing, women's key leadership roles in those communities, and the experiences of eight family support programs located in public housing developments. In-depth case studies provide lessons on how entities as diverse as public housing authorities, community-based agencies, and research institutions work to empower these often-neglected communities.

Mary Lassen (1995) Research Report

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project