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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Do Educational Programs Increase Parents' Practices at Home?: Factors Influencing Latino Parent Involvement

Latino parents become more involved in their children's education when they understand the school system and know how to help their children.

Janet Chrispeels , Margarita González (November 2004) Research Report

Self, Family, Community, and Schooling

This course, with its fieldwork component, takes gradual and small steps in grappling with the constituent parts of culture. Taking the notion of self as a center of relationship, we adopt a bottom-up approach in tracing how culture dialectically implicates individual mind and selfhood. Forming several research teams, each group will undertake an empirical studies in designated field sites. Each team, using methodological tools available in visual anthropology and video ethnography (with support from the teaching and technical staff), will be required to relate their research findings to one or more theoretical themes covered in this course.

Lee-Beng Chua () Syllabus

Bridging Multiple Worlds: Building Pathways From Childhood to College

Students' pathways through school can be seen as moving through an academic pipeline to adulthood. The Bridging Multiple Worlds model focuses on how diverse youth, beginning in their middle childhood years, navigate across their worlds of families, peers, schools, and communities as they move along their pathways to college, careers, and family roles in adulthood.

Catherine R. Cooper , Gabriela Chavira, Dawn Mikolyski, Dolores Mena, Elizabeth Dom (January 2004) Research Report

British Bangladeshi and Pakistani Families and Education Involvement: Barriers and Possibilities

This study explores the experiences of British Bangladeshi and Pakistani parents in their interactions with schools and their involvement in children’s education.

Gill Crozier , Jane Davies (May 2005) Research Report

Making a Decision About College: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Marisela Castillo, a high school senior, looks forward to going to a good college to prepare her for medical studies, but she knows that she will have to leave her family in order for that to happen. Should Marisela forgo her dreams for the sake of a family who depends on her household contributions? Should she leave her family to pursue those dreams? An interactive version is also available.

Lad Dell (2003) Teaching Case

African-American and Chinese-American Parent Involvement: The Importance of Race, Class, and Culture

African-American and Chinese-American parents use alternative forms of social capital to support their children's education.

John Diamond , Ling Wang, Kimberly Gomez (May 2006) Research Report

Helping Every Student Succeed: Schools and Communities Working Together

This four-session discussion guide by the Everyday Democracy (formerly the Study Circles Resource Center)is intended for communities trying to close the achievement gap in their schools.

Everyday Democracy (formerly the Study Circles Resource Center) (2005) Tool for Practice

Libraries Engaging Families: Reflections From the Public Library Association’s President

Public Library Association (PLA) president Felton Thomas Jr. writes about the importance of public libraries in engaging families, and how PLA and Harvard Family Research Project have begun a journey together to support libraries in this work.

Felton Thomas, Jr. (August 9, 2016) Research Report

Promoting Involvement of Recent Immigrant Families in Their Children's Education

The purpose of this article is to present a conceptual framework and promote promising practices for involving Hispanic, immigrant parents/caregivers of students in their children's education. Toward this end, the article presents a model for how teachers and immigrant parents/families can be trained and encouraged to work as partners to improve student performance.

Shari Golan , Dana Petersen (March 2002) Research Report

“As Long as I Got Breath, I'll Fight”: Participatory Action Research for Educational Justice

A participatory action project in the South Bronx explores how young people, their parents, and community members have mobilized for educational resources, opportunities, and the fulfillment of their dreams.

Monique Guishard , Michelle Fine, Christine Doyle, Jeunesse Jackson, Rosemarie Roberts, Sati Singleton, Travis Staten, Ashley Webb (May 2003) Research Report

Parents as Agents of Change

In this Leading the Field profile, Sandra Gutierrez, national director of the Latino family-focused Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program, shares her vision of how families are fundamental to transforming the lives of our children and our communities. [Este artículo también está disponible en español como Padres de Familia como Agentes de Cambio.]

Sandra Gutierrez (September 17, 2013) Research Report

Padres de Familia como Agentes de Cambio

En este Perfil de Liderando el Ramo, Sandra Gutiérrez, la directora nacional del programa Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors, programa que está enfocado en la familia latina, comparte su visión de cómo las familias son fundamentales para transformar las vidas de nuestros hijos y de nuestras comunidades. [This article is also available in English as Parents as Agents of Change.]

Sandra Gutiérrez (September 17, 2013) Research Report

What Words Don't Say

Martin, an African-American student struggles with peer problems at his elementary school. He experiences racism and classism. How can Martin's mother and his teacher dialogue about sensitive issues?

Ann Barger Hannum (2001) Teaching Case

A Human-Centered Approach to Family Engagement

A human-centered design approach – an approach that is based on observation, empathy, optimism, collaboration, and experimentation – opens new possibilities for educators to motivate and sustain family engagement.

Harvard Family Research Project () Research Report

Diverse Communities

This issue of the FINE Forum provides some promising approaches to preparing teachers to partner with diverse families and communities.

Harvard Family Research Project (Summer/Fall 2001) Research Report

Quilting Stories of Innovation in Family Engagement

A collection of innovative family engagement practices with a link for you to share with us your family engagement story!

Harvard Family Research Project (January 2016) Research Report

Academic Achievement

This issue of FINE Forum explores new forms of and strategies in family involvement, all of which share a common goal: expanding and deepening family and community roles to help students meet high standards.

Harvard Family Research Project (Winter 2001/2002) Research Report

Early Childhood Education

As we celebrate the Week of the Young Child, the FINE Forum presents some innovative ideas and practices in family involvement in early childhood education.

Harvard Family Research Project (Spring 2002) Research Report

University–Community Partnerships

This FINE Forum features the Jane Addams School for Democracy, a university-community partnership in which Hmong and Latino immigrants, professors, high school teachers, parents, and students all work together on public issues.

Harvard Family Research Project (Fall 2002) Research Report

Social Capital

This issue of the FINE Forum features some examples families, schools, and communities coming together to enrich children's learning and social development opportunities.

Harvard Family Research Project (Spring 2004) Research Report

Family Involvement News: May 2009

We at Harvard Family Research Project are committed to keeping you up-to-date on what's new in family involvement.  View our list of links to current reports, articles, events, and opportunities in the family involvement field.

Harvard Family Research Project (May 2009) Research Report

Family Involvement News: August 2009

We at Harvard Family Research Project are committed to keeping you up-to-date on what's new in family involvement.  View our list of links to current reports, articles, events, and opportunities in the family involvement field.

Harvard Family Research Project (August 2009) Research Report

Teaching Cases on Family Engagement: Early Learning (Ages 0–8)

HFRP's teaching cases involve real world situations and consider the perspectives of various stakeholders, including early childhood program and elementary school staff, parents, children, and community members. This handout provides a detailed list of our teaching cases on family involvement, focusing on the earlier years of a child's learning and development.

Harvard Family Research Project (January 2012) Research Report

Family Engagement and Children with Disabilities: A Resource Guide for Educators and Parents

This resource guide highlights research reports, journal articles, examples of best practices, and tools that provide information on facilitating a comfortable and effective family–school partnership in the interest of successful outcomes for children with disabilities.

Harvard Family Research Project , Jamie Ferrel (September 2012) Bibliography

Research Spotlight: Families and Digital Media in Young Children's Learning

These resources look at issues related to digital media and learning in early childhood and focus on such topics as children’s media use in the 21st century, family perspectives on children’s media use, and research-based guidance for practitioners and parents.

Harvard Family Research Project (February 19, 2014) Research Report

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project