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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Family Involvement News: February 2013

We are committed to keeping you up to date on what's new in family engagement. View our list of links to current reports, articles, resources, and events in the field.

Harvard Family Research Project (February 7, 2013) Research Report

Bibliography of Family Involvement Research Published in 2013

Harvard Family Research Project (November 2014) Bibliography

Federal Funding in Out-of School Time With Accountability Requirements and Evaluations

These Web documents were produced by HFRP as part of its initial efforts to “map” the out-of-school time field, and detail federal funding streams for out-of-school time programs and related programming alongside their accountability requirements and evaluations. A summary section offers a narrative description of each funding stream. Funding streams are classified as major or minor depending on the amount of money they make available for out-of-school time efforts.

Harvard Family Research Project (2000) Research Report

Family Involvement in Mathematics

This issue of the FINE Forum focuses on promising practices to engage families and communities in supporting students' mathematical proficiency.

Harvard Family Research Project (Spring 2003) Research Report

Family Involvement News: November 2009

We at Harvard Family Research Project are committed to keeping you up-to-date on what's new in family involvement.  View our list of links to upcoming and current reports, articles, events, and funding opportunities in the family involvement field.

Harvard Family Research Project (November 2009) Research Report

Bibliography on Family Involvement and Student Achievement

Harvard Family Research Project (2006) Bibliography

Text, Play, and Tech: Partnerships Promoting Early Learning Opportunities

As we celebrate the Week of the Young Child, learn how families can support creative play with young children in a variety of ways and settings.

Harvard Family Research Project (April 2016) Research Report

Raising Our Future: Families, Schools, and Communities Joining Together

This book provides one of the most thorough and complete analyses of innovative family support and education programs to date. Seventy-three profiles taken from around the country vividly illustrate the key elements of a successful program, while detailed charts, tables, and cross-referencing indexes give quick and easy access to information.

Harvard Family Research Project (1995) Research Report

Bibliography of Family Involvement Research Published in 2012

Harvard Family Research Project (November 2014) Bibliography

Renewing Teacher–Parent Relations

This issue of the FINE Forum points to the possibilities of enriching parent-teacher and broader school-community relationships. We hope that you take away ideas for your own practice.

Harvard Family Research Project (Fall 2003) Research Report

Family Involvement News: December 2011

We at Harvard Family Research Project are committed to keeping you up to date on what's new in family involvement. This list of links to current reports, articles, events, and opportunities will help you stay on top of research and resources from HFRP and other field leaders.

Harvard Family Research Project (December 5, 2011) Research Report

Innovative Stories of Family Engagement From Around the World

Find inspiration for your family engagement efforts from around the world.

Harvard Family Research Project (April 2016) Research Report

Challenges and Opportunities in Moving Family Involvement Research Into Practice (Presentation)

This presentation by HFRP staff was part of a conference entitled “Family–School Relations During Adolescence: Linking Interdisciplinary Research and Practice.” The conference was held July 20–21 and was hosted by the Sanford Institute of Public Policy at Duke University, sponsored by the American Psychological Association. The goal of the conference was to establish better links among research, practice, and policy related to family educational involvement during adolescence, particularly for families from ethnically and socioeconomically diverse backgrounds.

Harvard Family Research Project (July 20, 2006) Conferences and Presentations

Social Capital

This issue of the FINE Forum features some examples families, schools, and communities coming together to enrich children's learning and social development opportunities.

Harvard Family Research Project (Spring 2004) Research Report

Teaching Cases on Family Engagement: Early Learning (Ages 0–8)

HFRP's teaching cases involve real world situations and consider the perspectives of various stakeholders, including early childhood program and elementary school staff, parents, children, and community members. This handout provides a detailed list of our teaching cases on family involvement, focusing on the earlier years of a child's learning and development.

Harvard Family Research Project (January 2012) Research Report

Family Involvement News: December 2013

We are committed to keeping you up to date on what’s new in family engagement. View our list of links to current reports, articles, resources, and events in the field.

Harvard Family Research Project (December 5, 2013) Research Report

Family Involvement News: April 2013

We are committed to keeping you up to date on what's new in family engagement. View our list of links to current reports, articles, resources, and events in the field.

Harvard Family Research Project (April 18, 2013) Research Report

Making the Case for Parental Involvement and Engagement: Part I: Parental, Family, School, and Community Partnerships Make a Difference (Workshop)

Engaging families in education holds tremendous potential for boosting children's achievement, but also ranks among educators' greatest challenges. Staff at Harvard Family Research Project paired up with staff at the Institute for Responsive Education at Cambridge College to make the case for family involvement to educators. Research and evaluation findings on the benefits, challenges, and effective strategies in family involvement were reviewed and illustrated with descriptions of established program models and exemplary practices from local schools.

Harvard Family Research Project (May 11, 2005) Conferences and Presentations

Building Villages to Raise Our Children: Six Volume Set

This set of six volumes offers practical advice for establishing and managing a family support program.

Harvard Family Research Project (1993) Research Report

Family Involvement News: March 2011

We at Harvard Family Research Project are committed to keeping you up to date on what's new in family involvement. This list of links to current reports, articles, events, and opportunities will help you stay on top of research and resources from HFRP and other field leaders.

Harvard Family Research Project (March 2011) Research Report

Family Engagement in Early Childhood: A Resource Guide for Early Learning Challenge Grant Recipients

To support Race to the Top—Early Learning Challenge grant recipients’, HFRP produced this selective list of resources about engaging and supporting families with young children. This list of journal articles, practical guides, webinars, and presentations may also be helpful for any other states, districts, and local programs interested in expanding their family engagement work.

Harvard Family Research Project (January 2012) Bibliography

Building Villages to Raise Our Children: Collaboration

Written for program administrators and staff, this guide offers practical advice for establishing and managing community outreach in a family support program.

Harvard Family Research Project (1993) Research Report

Promoting Educational Equity Through Family Engagement: The King Legacy

To honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s vision of freedom and justice, we highlight key messages from our contributors about transforming family engagement to promote educational equity.

Harvard Family Research Project (January 14, 2015) Research Report

Explore: Resources to Strengthen Program Evaluation

Interested in developing a logic model, learning more about improvement science, or advancing your program evaluation? This guide offers valuable resources practitioners can utilize to strengthen their evaluative work and develop more productive relationships with evaluators.

Harvard Family Research Project (November 19, 2015) Research Report

Tips for Administrators, Teachers, and Families: How to Share Data Effectively

This new set of tip sheets helps administrators, teachers, and families identify the best ways to share student data in meaningful ways, on a regular basis, to strengthen family–school partnerships and promote student learning. The tips can be used to guide the formal conversations that take place during parent–teacher conferences, but they are especially designed to help promote less formal, ongoing conversations about student progress among teachers, families, and students throughout the year.

Harvard Family Research Project (April 18, 2013) Research Report

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project