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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Through the Family Involvement Network of Educators (FINE) we provide the early childhood community with innovative practices, emerging research and its implications for practice, and insights from practitioners’ field experiences.  Recent early childhood education features published in our FINE Newsletter include:

  • Parents As Agents of Change
    Sandra Gutierrez, national director of the Latino family-focused Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors program, shares her vision of how families are fundamental to improving the lives of children and communities.
  • Helping Parents Become Interventionists Through the Use of Child Assessment Data
    Project EAGLE leaders talk about sharing data with families and illustrate how program staff and parents work as partners to review child assessment data and co-create goals for children.
  • The Countdown to Kindergarten: A Collaborative Approach
    Sonia Gómez-Banrey, Director of Countdown to Kindergarten(CDtoK) for Boston Public Schools (BPS), and Katherine Hughes, Senior Project Manager for Early Childhood and Family Learning at Boston Children’s Museum, highlight key components of their institutional collaboration to help families better prepare their children for kindergarten.
  • Family Engagement in Transitions: Transition to Kindergarten
    As a principal partner of the National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement HFRP shares its research about Head Start programs with the broader early childhood field. This brief discusses the importance of families and communities to ensure children's successful transition to kindergarten.

We provide a variety of online platforms where researchers and practitioners  can connect with each other, share their strategies, and seed innovative solutions to common barriers to effective family engagement. We host interactive online events, including online chats such as Sharing Data with Families During the Early Childhood Years.

To become part of a growing network of people committed to family involvement in early childhood education, join FINE today for free.

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project