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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Here are this month's FINE member announcements. Please feel free to forward this information to friends and other education colleagues.

New on the FINE Website

Suggested Reading

  • A New Wave of Evidence: The Impact of School, Family, and Community Connections on Student Achievement

    What does research say about the effects of different models of school, family, and community connections on student achievement? Anne Henderson and Karen Mapp explore this question in a review and synthesis of over 50 research studies since 1995. The report also discusses how schools can collaborate with families from diverse backgrounds. You can order the report from the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL).

  • Evaluating Evaluations: The Case of Parent Involvement Programs

    This article in Review of Educational Research (Vol. 72, No. 4, pp. 549–576) questions the soundness of empirical evidence to support claims about the relationship between parent involvement and changes in student, parent, and teacher behaviors.

  • Using School-Community Partnerships to Bolster Student Learning

    How can school-community partnerships help moderate noncognitive barriers to student achievement? A new policy brief from WestEd responds to this question by identifying lessons gained from school-community partnerships and providing practical suggestions for policymakers.

  • Making Connections to Improve Education: A Snapshot of School-Based Education Investments in Seven Making Connections Sites

    This report provides a snapshot of some of the Casey Foundation's education investments in communities: Baltimore, Denver, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Oakland, Providence, and San Diego. The efforts of each site are assessed in terms of how they impact, influence, and leverage meaningful education reform and offer results for children and families in those communities.

  • Strong Images and Practical Ideas: A Guide to Parent Engagement in School Reform

    This guide reviews seven programs that advance parent engagement in school reform. The programs span the gamut from encouraging participation in school events to training parents to be on governance councils and organizing parents to undertake advocacy efforts for policy changes.

  • From Governance to Accountability: Building Relationships That Make Schools Work

    How does the current system of school governance reform affect school-community-parent partnerships? In this report, authors Kavitha Mediratta and Norman Fruchter of NYU's Institute for Education and Social Policy argue that governance reform won't lead to large-scale improvement unless top-down structure is combined with bottom-up relationships with parents and communitites. They advocate a community accountability system to foster these relationships.

Policy Page

  • No Child Left Behind: What's in It for Parents?

    How can federal law boost parent involvement? This report from Parent Leadership Associates helps parents identify key leverage points of the No Child Left Behind Act and explains annual school accountability reports, school and district involvement policies, and school-parent compacts.

New Toolkit

  • Improving Student Achievement: Focus on Writing

    How can parents help improve their children's writing? This toolkit from the Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leadership provides parents with practical tips, questions to ask their children about writing, and steps to writing a story.

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FINE - The Family Involvement Network of Educators

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project