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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.
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Lisa G. Klein (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article
Economist Art Rolnick discusses his approach to early childhood investment, which he describes as “economic investment in human capital.”
Lisa G. Klein (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article
Lisa Klein, guest editor for this issue, reflects on the progress made inthe early childhood field over the past 40 years and on the work that still has to be done.
Lisa G. Klein, Ph.D. (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article
This article describes a Knight Foundation early literacy initiative in Philadelphia and its ongoing evaluation.
Julie K. Kohler, Ph.D. , Julie E. Tarr, Ed.D., Elizabeth Jaeger, Ph.D., Randi Strosberg Berry, Ph.D. (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article
Spanish Translation Available. Good communication between parents and teachers has many benefits. This Early Childhood Digest shares information on how to establish good parent-teacher communication.
Holly Kreider , Ellen Mayer, Peggy Vaughan (May 1999) Research Report
Jeanne Brooks-Gunn reflects on the breakthrough findings and new directions for research, evaluation, and practice in family-focused interventions.
Holly Kreider (Winter 2004/2005) Evaluation Exchange Article
This digest provides suggestions on how families and teachers can work together in schools to provide enriching experiences for children.
Holly Kreider (March 1998) Research Report
This research brief presents preliminary evidence that family involvement in young children's education may contribute to a smooth transition to elementary school for children, and also helps parents remain involved in their children's learning in school.
Holly Kreider , Family Involvement Network of Educators (FINE) (April 2002) Research Report
Audrey Laszewski, project director of the Early Years Home Visitation Outcomes Project of Wisconsin, describes how a stakeholder collaboration resulted in a common outcome measurement process.
Audrey Laszewski (Winter 2004/2005) Evaluation Exchange Article
When organizations invest in developing the competencies of its professionals to engage families everyone benefits. To help accomplish this we share five of our favorite resources on professional development in family engagement along with tips on why they work.
Laura Alves (December 11, 2014) Research Report
Spanish Translation Available. This Early Childhood Digest provides tips on how families can support their children in childcare, preschool, Head Start, and kindergarten.
Eliot Levine (April 1999) Research Report
Family resource centers are places where you can get information on raising and educating your child. This issue of the Early Childhood Digest describes family resource centers and how they can help you get your child ready for school.
Priscilla M. D. Little (October 1998) Research Report
What is family involvement and how can families choose early childhood programs that encourage it? This issue of Early Childhood Digest looks at these questions, and provides information on how to choose an early childhood program that encourages family involvement.
Priscilla M. D. Little (May 1998) Research Report
Elena Lopez explores the benefits of creating strong partnerships between early childhood programs and families.
M. Elena Lopez (January 2010) Research Report
This study provides a deeper understanding of how cultural practices combine with other factors to shape parenting behaviors among families in the United States in the first year of children's lives. Several findings provide information about ways in which practitioners and Latino families can more effectively engage with young Latino children to influence their cognitive, social, language, and literacy development—and therefore facilitate their school readiness.
Michael L. Lopez , Sandra Barrueco, Erika Feinauer, Jonathan C. Miles (June 2007) Research Report
Anna Lovejoy, from the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, describes how the organization keeps governors informed about emerging issues in early childhood.
Anna Lovejoy (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article
Explore the world of anywhere, anytime learning with us! Read how researchers and practitioners are helping to close the opportunity gap by creating innovative spaces, developing strategic collaborations to ensure children’s success, and engaging families and children as partners in meaningful learning experiences, both in and out of school.
M. Elena Lopez, Margaret Caspe (June 9, 2014) Research Report
Harvard Family Research Project and the Public Library Association call for libraries to join together with schools and community organizations to establish a system of family engagement that extends throughout a child’s life, supports children and families, and prepares children for success.
M. Elena Lopez, Margaret Caspe, Lorette McWilliams (August 9, 2016) Research Report
In this Q & A with Laura Overdeck, learn how Bedtime Math is giving families and children comfort in talking about numbers in their daily lives, and helping families and afterschool programs get children excited about math in the world around them.
Margaret Caspe (May 24, 2016) Research Report
The transition to school is a process—not just a one-time event—and begins during children’s preschool years and continues into and on through the early elementary grades. Find out four important things research tells us about the transition.
Margaret Caspe, M. Elena Lopez, and Chalatwan Chattrabhuti (March 19, 2015) Research Report
Jana Martella, from the Council of Chief State School Officers, describes a data-driven approach to developing and integrating policy into the nation's school systems.
Jana Martella (Summer 2004) Evaluation Exchange Article
This study shows positive social and academic outcomes for low-income, minority kindergarten children whose parents promote learning in the home and contact schools regularly.
Christine McWayne , Marissa Owsianik (October 2004) Research Report
In 2010, Silicon Valley Community Foundation started a bold and innovative initiative designed to ensure success by third grade for all children in San Mateo County, California. It focuses on ready children, ready families, ready schools, and ready communities
Michelle Sioson Hyman (March 19, 2015) Research Report
Brenda Miller and Ginger Peacock Preston from the Jacksonville Children’s Commission describe how the city of Jacksonville, Florida, is integrating family involvement into a system of care for children and families.
Brenda Miller , Ginger Peacock Preston (Spring 2008) Evaluation Exchange Article
Over the past three decades, an enormous body of research literature has been amassed on early childhood education, parent education, and family support programs. This review summarizes these three areas of research and reports on relevant research in progress.
Anne Mitchell , Heather Weiss, Tom Schultz (1992) Research Report
© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project