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The Harvard Family Research Project separated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education to become the Global Family Research Project as of January 1, 2017. It is no longer affiliated with Harvard University.

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Q & A With S. Craig Watkins: Family Engagement in Connected Learning

In this Q & A, S. Craig Watkins discusses the family’s role in the connected learning model, and how students can link what they learn in schools, afterschool programs, and their communities using digital technology.

Harvard Family Research Project (May 27, 2015) Research Report

Explore More: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Resources

Children can develop 21st-century skills, even outside of the classroom. This resource guide offers hands-on, maker-inspired activities, along with advice from museums, libraries, and afterschool programs, for educators and families to use when exploring STEM topics with children.

Harvard Family Research Project (June 3, 2015) Research Report

Building Villages to Raise Our Children: Six Volume Set

This set of six volumes offers practical advice for establishing and managing a family support program.

Harvard Family Research Project (1993) Research Report

Building Villages to Raise Our Children: Collaboration

Written for program administrators and staff, this guide offers practical advice for establishing and managing community outreach in a family support program.

Harvard Family Research Project (1993) Research Report

Building Villages to Raise Our Children: Community Outreach

Written for program administrators and staff, this guide offers practical advice for establishing and linking programs to service systems in a family support program.

Harvard Family Research Project (1993) Research Report

Building Villages to Raise Our Children: Programs to Service Systems

Written for program administrators and staff, this guide offers practical advice for establishing and managing collaboration in a family support program.

Harvard Family Research Project (1993) Research Report

A Human-Centered Approach to Family Engagement

A human-centered design approach – an approach that is based on observation, empathy, optimism, collaboration, and experimentation – opens new possibilities for educators to motivate and sustain family engagement.

Harvard Family Research Project () Research Report

Innovative States: Emerging Family Support and Education Programs

This volume examines partnerships between state governments and grass-roots programs that work to lower school dropout rates, reduce teen pregnancy, increase adult literacy, and reduce long-term welfare dependency. Programs in Arkansas, Iowa, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington are covered.

Harvard Family Research Project (1992) Research Report

Data Sharing Resources for Afterschool and Expanded Learning Programs and Systems

This resource highlights tools, publications, and reports that provide examples of promising practices for and guidance on data sharing for afterschool and expanded learning programs and systems.

Harvard Family Research Project (March 2013) Research Report

Preparing Educators to Engage Families: Case Studies Using an Ecological Systems Framework, Third Edition

Incorporating the use of HFRP research-based teaching cases and theoretical perspectives, this revised book looks at family engagement issues from the early years through pre-adolescence.

Heather B. Weiss, M. Elena Lopez, Holly Kreider, Celina Chatman-Nelson (October 31, 2013) Research Report

Reading Interactive Math Storybooks

Researchers from Teachers College, Columbia University, explore how a relatively new type of book– interactive math storybooks – can help parents appreciate and foster their child’s mathematical thinking.

Herbert Ginsburg, Colleen Uscianowski, Victoria Almeda, Cassie Freeman (May 24, 2016) Research Report

Seamless and Connected—Education in the Digital Age

Through connected learning, says Mizuko Ito, schools, museums, and libraries are employing innovative strategies, leveraging digital media to make learning more relevant and engaging to youth, and linking the crucial spheres in a learner’s life—peers, interests, and academic pursuits.

Mizuko Ito (April 24, 2014) Research Report

Finding the Right Hook: Strategies for Attracting and Sustaining Participation in After-School Programs

This article offers promising recruitment and retention strategies to school administrators seeking to boost participation rates in their school-based after school programs.

Sherri Lauver , Priscilla M. D. Little (May 2005) Research Report

Supporting Student Outcomes Through Expanded Learning Opportunities

This paper looks at the role of after school and summer learning programs in supporting student success. The paper explores how to bridge the divide between out-of-school time programs and schools by offering research-derived principles for effective expanded learning partnerships. It was commissioned by Learning Point Associates and the Collaborative for Building After-School Systems (CBASS) as part of a report on school reform and expanded learning.

Priscilla M. Little (February 11, 2009) Research Report

Expanded Learning Opportunities — Pathways to Student Success

This paper highlights research on the promise of expanded learning approaches — including after-school, summer, extended day, and community networks—for education reform.

Priscilla M. Little (October 2009) Research Report

Intermediary Organizations as Capacity Builders in Family Educational Involvement

Article in Urban Education, 40(1), 78–105.
In this article the authors argue that intermediary organizations play a crucial role in capacity building for family involvement, by providing alternatives to school-centered approaches to family involvement and engaging families with intensive support that schools seldom offer.

M. Elena Lopez , Holly Kreider, Julia Coffman (2005) Research Report

Pipe Cleaners and Popsicle Sticks: Making Ideas Visible

A modified human-centered design process inspires creativity, makes ideas visible, and keeps families’ experiences at the forefront in the transition to school.

Lorette McWilliams (December 2015) Research Report

Something Borrowed, Something New: Libraries as Learning Hubs

We share several resources on libraries - modern, evolving community spaces of education and support for families and children.

Lorette McWilliams (September 2015) Research Report

Eight Themes in Comprehensive Community Development: An Annotated Bibliography

This review of current literature on community development is a resource for people hoping to gain insight into the common ground and potential for collaboration that exist between family support and community development initiatives. A brief introduction to the bibliography explains what the eight themes are, why they are important, and what special challenges are raised for community development practitioners.

Louisa Lund (1998) Research Report

Leave Them Wanting More!: Engaging Youth in Afterschool

Afterschool programs are a powerful influence in the lives of young people, but their benefits can only be realized if youth are engaged. This commentary explores the different dimensions of youth engagement in afterschool programs and offers promising practices for those seeking to promote and foster youth engagement.

M. Elena Lopez (May 20, 2015) Research Report

Family Engagement in Anywhere, Anytime Learning

Explore the world of anywhere, anytime learning with us! Read how researchers and practitioners are helping to close the opportunity gap by creating innovative spaces, developing strategic collaborations to ensure children’s success, and engaging families and children as partners in meaningful learning experiences, both in and out of school.

M. Elena Lopez, Margaret Caspe (June 9, 2014) Research Report

Public Libraries: A Vital Space for Family Engagement

Harvard Family Research Project and the Public Library Association call for libraries to join together with schools and community organizations to establish a system of family engagement that extends throughout a child’s life, supports children and families, and prepares children for success.

M. Elena Lopez, Margaret Caspe, Lorette McWilliams (August 9, 2016) Research Report

Complementary Learning in Action: Alignment Nashville

This profile from the Complementary Learning in Action series illustrates how Alignment Nashville brings together diverse community members and organizations to leverage existing resources in support of Nashville's youth and the Metro Nashville Public Schools.

Helen Malone , Suzanne Bouffard (November 2007) Research Report

Q & A with Laura Overdeck of Bedtime Math: Helping Families and Children Cuddle Up to Math

In this Q & A with Laura Overdeck, learn how Bedtime Math is giving families and children comfort in talking about numbers in their daily lives, and helping families and afterschool programs get children excited about math in the world around them.

Margaret Caspe (May 24, 2016) Research Report

Four Important Things Research Tells Us About the Transition to School

The transition to school is a process—not just a one-time event—and begins during children’s preschool years and continues into and on through the early elementary grades. Find out four important things research tells us about the transition.

Margaret Caspe, M. Elena Lopez, and Chalatwan Chattrabhuti (March 19, 2015) Research Report

© 2016 Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College
Published by Harvard Family Research Project